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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mlmanney

  1. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    @@rny_9_14_15 congrats on having your date! welcome to the group!
  2. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    I can honestly say the 6 month thing is not a bad idea. of course having done every diet known to man and failing miserably.....it was the last thing I wanted to do. I do think it is easier to lose the amount of weight I needed to at a slower pace. I do envy that it all went so quick for you but I did take the 6 months to read some books and research what I was getting myself into. IDK what a cider donut tastes like but dang.....I feel your pain...hahahaha. I love sweets!
  3. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    Hi good luck to you! I am at the same stage as you are. I did all my NUT meetings too I scheduled a 7th since I need to take one more class before they will schedule me to see the surgeon. I figured I needed the accountabliity to stay on track. I know I will lose more with the pre op diet (mine it 2 weeks). Hope it all works out for you on vacation. I definatly am obsessing about all the details!
  4. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    wow that is quick....basically it is however long it takes you to lose the weight....that is amazing that they have you all scheduled for all your appointments. I have had to see the nutritionist monthly for 6 months. I think all the prerequisites are not necessarily set by the insurance company in my case(IDK how it is for others) so much as it is what the DR wants for all his patients to do beforehand. all my insurance company wanted to know was the BMI and the comorbities. wow....we may be having surgery around the same timeframe. I hope I am not any later than that since I was originally supposed to be in August. I have to applaud you for hitting your goal of half way...that is no small feat. I struggled with keeping off the required 10 lbs for me....I have days that I am away from my normal that I have splurged or not made good choices. I honestly think that I have been also having moments that I think I may not be able to eat this or that again....LOL...sad that I am mourning food.....I have issues....LOl. Hey we are all human but at least you make good choices....when I behave....nothing that is not allowed will pass these lips but dang......I guess this is why I need this tool! I can't even imagine how hard it is to deal with they thyroid and weight loss! 25 lbs lost....did they have to lower your meds? I feel like everywhere I go I look first where the bathrooms are....LOl..
  5. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week There was a test?! Hope you find out your dates a soon!Yes a test! It's was 320 questions at that! wow! that is intense! All I had to do was go talk to the psychologist and she generated a report for the surgeon!
  6. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week There was a test?! Hope you find out your dates a soon!
  7. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    congrats of the 25.5!! that is awesome! you still have over a month to get the rest off so you'll do great....keep your eye on the goal and think that this hard work will make your recovery easier! how long is your program? Mine is 6 mo. I basically had that time to lose as much as I could but was only required to lose 9-10 lbs. I have never been able to lose weight and keep it off.....I keep telling myself all I have to do is lose and keep it off until the 6 mo is up. At least after that I will have some assistance! I know what you mean about how frustrating it is to deal with the different people....I know they have seen it all but to me it is all new and a personal so I wish they would have a little bit of sensitivity. I think my filter is broken too....LOL Do you have a date yet for your surgery? I do not....It is making me crazy. I just want to get the ball rollin'.....hopefully I will know more the first week of Sept.
  8. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    @ Good plan. Lucky for you you are not too far away to come down another time after you are more healed and in your groove! I am actually a military brat and grew up overseas and didn't move to Sacramento until I was in High school. My Hubby was the same way. Both of our families moved there when we were in HS and so we claim that as home since everyone lives there. I like living down here more than I thought I would. We have been here for 2 years now after retiring from the military. I remember when I was younger having such a dislike for SoCal except for a vacation here or there. Luckly it isn't too bad where I live traffic wise, that is probably the thing I dislike the most about being down here. We spend more time going south to San Diego than going into LA. Love it down there but my hubby works in Corona and unlike alot of people how live around here we don't want to deal with a long commute. @@geronimo Awesome, congrats on the surgery date!! Can't wait to hear how well you do through your journey! Good luck on the pre-op diet! It's not easy at first, but you'll get used to it..I PROMISE! @@Tomlam Hi there! Congrats on your surgery date! The pre-op diet is rough the first few days, I struggled with a headache and fatigue for a few days, but I am at exactly one week tomorrow and am feeling a lot better. Tonight my meal consisted of a little bit of zucchini, 1/2 cup of Soup, a Protein shake and a lot of Water. It was pretty filling! I wish you the best these next two weeks and can't wait to hear about your journey after surgery! @@mlmanney Disney is literally 50/50 right now. There are other factors (like costs, because the surgery expenses right now are ridiculous..) but mainly I want to feel good enough to go and not over do it. Luckily I have until the day before to cancel the hotel without fees, so I can wait until the last minute if need be. I am not originally from Sacramento, but I spent most of my life from about 2nd grade on here in Sac. I was originally born in Fremont, CA..in the east bay area. From 2011-2010 I lived in Nashville, TN and fell in love with it. I am hoping to go back there and stay there soon! How are you enjoying SoCal? I am having my surgery at Camp Pendelton. Their bariatrics program is fairly new. I am a bit nervous about that but I have to keep reminding myself that just because it is a new program doesn't mean the Dr doesn't have the experience.
  9. mlmanney

    Any August Sleevers?

    ok...tried to edit my post and IDK what it means now....LOL.....will repost what I wanted to say..... @@Dawn306 good luck tomorrow! Safe travels and hoping for a quick recovery for you!
  10. mlmanney

    Any August Sleevers?

    @[member="Dawn306" Good luck to you tomorrow! Safe travels and hope you have a quick recovery!
  11. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    I am currently in Sacramento! I'll be in SoCal (hopefully) mid October. I had a Disneyland trip planned before getting my surgery date, when I thought it would be a lot longer to get in, and I'm hoping I"ll have recovered enough to go. Both the dietician and surgeon have told me it should be good, with all of the walking, but I don't know how my abdomen will feel so I'm up in the air right now. I started this process in February as well! My insurance required 6 months of weigh-ins along with numerous other adventures that are FINALLY OVER! I can't believe I have 3 weeks left!! Oh wow! What r the chances! You should still go to Disney! As long as you have a fridge in the hotel to bring your own food/shakes. Rest when you need to. You might feel better than you think but I know what you mean. We had planned a trip to Utah labor day weekend. My original dates for surgery was to be in August. I was worried. Now it'll be after that. I can't lie I'm relieved except that I might be on prep diet. Are you from up there? My family and hubby's all live up there.
  12. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    How'd your appointment go? Hope it all went well! Don't be nervous! you got this!
  13. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    @ I'm sure it will be a super lucky day for you! I've needed a tool like this for the past 20 years so what is another month I guess.....It is hard not to get antsy though! How dare the coordinator take a day off......LOL.. I have found I get super sensitive to things that aren't even my problem. I am in the Inland Empire(southern california)....where are you? I am from Sacramento but my hubby's job brought us to Southern CA. All my family lives up there. Where are you? I have 2 grown kids, both in college. I started this journey in Feb/15, so ready!!! when did you start? @@britt_lewis2011 wow....exciting...hopefully you will be starting your pre-op diet soon! congrats on jumping through all the hoops! @losin_the_band It is so frustrating when we are on edge and anxious and people keep losing reports and such. I had to get 2 of my reports faxed twice because they didn't know where they were. I was so frustrated and to have to keep calling places to ask they to send the reports again was annoying. I keep trying to keep my eye on the prize and try to keep my emotions in check.
  14. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    @ -Awesome....you are getting your surgery on my birthday! I know what you mean by having a range of emotions. I just want the date! I don't have one yet but hopefully will find our the first week in September. I just feel like it has been such a long 6 months and when I got an additional month added on because of scheduling of a class that is only given once a month, I was so livid. I think it was just because my emotions are all over the place. This whole process has felt like being in limbo and I just want to get the show on the road. LOL....as dumb as it sounds I just want to be on pre-op diet and be that much closer.....
  15. mlmanney

    Looking for preop friends :)

    Hi All...I'm preop. Should have surgery next month but no date set yet. Feel free to friend me! Hi All...I'm preop. Should have surgery next month but no date set yet. Feel free to friend me!
  16. mlmanney

    Any August Sleevers?

    Hi Catherine, I felt the same way a couple of days ago when I read that same post! I was already kind of panicking, and that just made it so much worse! But, I think that person didn't think it through, and that is her biggest issue. She goes on and on about how to lose weight "properly" with diet and exercise. Right, like we all didn't try that a dozen times already? I also have the education that she talks about (mine is a Masters of Science in Kinesiology), but I have been around long enough to know that the same ol' same ol' just doesn't work for everyone. I had gotten into that field because I wanted to research more about weight loss and why it doesn't work for everyone, but the peer pressure was overwhelming. You can't be in that industry and go against the grain. You have to learn what they teach, and then spew it back at every client you have. This is what this person is doing. Sure, she did the whole fitness and diet thing and it worked for her. Yay for her. However, because she is sleeved, she has the advantage of not gaining it all back. She is what? 21? A baby! I thought I had the world by the tail when I was that age too. I was always able to diet and exercise to get back to my healthy weight - at that age. In my 20's, easy peasy! In my 30's, well, a little more work, but I went to WW and became a lifetime member! Woo hoo! And then I had an injury that didn't allow me to exercise, that I was on pain killers for for months. Over the next two years I had two surgeries, and gradually, gradually, I gained it all back, plus more. But wait! There's more! Long story short, I lost that weight again using a low carb diet, gained it again, lost most of it on WW again, then gained it all again, and have been trying, unsuccessfully to lose weight for the last two years. I just go up and down. I'm in my 50's now. That is why I have decided to get the sleeve. So that my weight loss will be permanent this time. I know many of you can identify with my yo-yo dieting throughout my life. But this is what the poster of "why getting the sleeve was the worst thing I have ever done" is not able to identify with. She hasn't spent 50 or 60 years fighting with her weight. She made a quick decision and then after is regretting it. But her regret is only there because she is not aware that all the exercise and dieting in the world doesn't work after a while. She is lucky. She won't have to live her life constantly beating herself up because she gained weight again. She just doesn't have enough experience to know that. But we know that. And we know that we are on the right track to making our next weight loss journey a truly lasting successful one. Right?! Oh, and BTW, same goes for the mister know-it-all who did only his pre-op diet and then backed out of the surgery and started exercising and eating right...yada yada yada...you know the one. Dawn I am right there with you, and am so glad you shared your story because I am a few years younger than you but definitely similar in story and I had a wonderful kinesiology at that would be furious with me but you know what, I cannot allow my body to go through anymore yo yo it is finally impacted my body to the point that it's harming and reducing my lifespan and I'm only 44 and intend to live a lot longer and not house bound but climbing mountains. Exactly your point of injury, as it is part of life getting injured, the next time, hopefully never again but the next time it does then I won't gain all the weight back and more on top of depression setting in from feeling like a failure. Thanks again, I am sleeving on Tuesday and have 4lbs to lose left for surgery weight! Wish me luck and I send you thoughts of success and weight loss! Good luck to you @Pejala ! Tuesday will be here before you know it! I can only imagine how excited/nervous you are! hope all goes smoothly for you and you have a quick recovery!
  17. mlmanney

    Pre op

    Good luck to you!
  18. My husband is also a retiree and I am in the camp Pendelton bariatric program. My PCP(civillian facility) sent a refferal to a civillian dr, and tricare sent me to the nearest MTF. My Dr office didn't know how to handle this but I scheduled and went to the info session. They got me set up after meeting with the surgeon with refferals to the Nutritionist and a check list to be completed for the first phase of the process. I was to have my surgery in August (this month) but have been delayed to September. So one more month. I was upset about this delay but I have to just roll with it and keep working to lose more weight and stay on track for next month! @@annamarie89 where are you in the process?
  19. mlmanney

    Any August Sleevers?

    congratulations on losing your 10%!!!! That is such a good thing. And as disappointing on the extra wait is, how do you feel 10% lighter? Thank you! I do feel proud of myself for accomplishing that goal. I have less aches and pains so I know this tool is right for me. one more month before I too will be doing my pre-op diet.......just want to be there already!
  20. mlmanney

    Any August Sleevers?

    well...had a very disappointing day...Even after doing all I was supposed to do losing my 10% and doing the classes I was told to take, I am no longer a "august sleever"! There was a class my program just added and it isn't offered until September so not only do I have to wait to take it it pushes me back until at least the middle of September. I know it is only another month but I cant help being disappointed that I have to wait another month. These last couple of months has gone so slow and I can't help being angry and annoyed at the delay
  21. mlmanney

    Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve

    I agree with you. I too have simular pains. It is ok to not tell everyone. I don't plan to either. It looks like I need my gallbladder out too so if so I will just be telling people that. I am super ready for this and am just waiting for my surgery date to be set. It feels like it has been a long 6 months! Good luck to you!
  22. mlmanney

    From RNY to DS = CT to CA

    That's crazy! You're going to be ok! I refuse to believe that the staff wouldn't make sure you are ok. I wish you had someone who could go with you! My thoughts on that NY surgeon is it's a good thing you aren't getting your surgery from him. If that is how he is to your face how will he be when you are not?! I'm glad you found someone you trust enough to fly across the country for! When is your surgery?
  23. mlmanney

    Someone slap me please!

    Don't be so hard on yourself. slip ups happen, you are pre op right?! As long as you lose the weight you need to prior to surgery and follow the pre op diet (mine is 14 days) you'll be ok.
  24. mlmanney

    From RNY to DS = CT to CA

    Just curious, were you not able to find someone closer to home to do your surgery? I hope you connect with someone here that is in the area you are having your surgery so that you can get some support. I would say to talk to the nursing staff that works with the Dr. and express your concerns and make sure they understand the stress/anxiety it is causing.
  25. mlmanney

    Any August Sleevers?

    I am august also but no date set yet. Hopefully I will be able to get some idea next week of when it will be. the unknown causes more anxiety that if I just had a date......trying to stick to the diet plan and stay on track.....summer vacations are killin' me! eye on the prize!

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