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About JSchool10

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  1. Thank you. After seeing some photos and hearing some scary stories I was super nervous but I kept my trust and faith in my surgeon and the Lords hands. When I got home and unwrapped my arms for the first time (photos above) I couldn’t believe I didn’t even have bruising. I’m blessed. I hope you both get to see your dream of plastics soon ❤️
  2. Before pictures and a few after pictures.
  3. On 08/14/18 I underwent my bilateral arm lift and my tummy tuck with muscle repair. I’m three weeks post op, and feeling well. It hasn’t been all easy, but for the most part this was a fairly easy recovery. I’m slowly seeing the swelling going down and the results. I’m very excited for my future. A few things that I struggled with was allowing people to do things for me. While I was in the hospital for two days, the fact I couldn’t walk by myself, feed myself, or wipe myself was a really hard pill to swallow since I’m fairly independent. Once I got home, I had my niece here for the first week to at least help with my puppies, and a home health agency checked in on me a few times to make sure I was alright. My husband would change my dressings once a day after he got home from work. I didn’t eat much the first week and slept ALOT! I was not allowed to sleep in my bed, so I chose the recliner. I used about 6-8 pillows, and I’m down to about 3-4 now. I have not been signed off to drive yet, or stand upright completely. I have a follow up on 09/05/18 so hopefully I get good news. If anyone is looking for support/has questions let me know. I used YouTube to binge watch videos to have myself prepared but there surprising isn’t a lot of stuff out there. My highest weight was 299. I was 181 on surgery day 2.5 years after RNY. They removed 4lbs from my stomach, and 1lb from each arm. Right now with the swelling I’m 178. I plan to return to the gym as soon as they allow me to. My goal now is to tone my muscles for my next surgery whenever that takes place :) I’m lucky enough my insurance covered everything but the muscle repair which I paid for out of pocket ($950). I plan on submitting to my insurance for my thighs in the future along with a breast augmentation which I will probably end up paying for myself (which I’m okay with). I really hope everyone on this journey has a successful outcome with an easy and fast recovery! ❤️
  4. Hey yal! I had my pre-op appointment today for my plastics! Only 14 days to go! I am getting both arms done, plus a panniculectomy with tummy tuck. I know everyone is different, which makes results different for everyone as well but I still would like to see before and after photos. It keeps me encouraged to take this next step in my journey. Thank you all so much!
  5. JSchool10

    Before and After Pics

    120 lb different in two years. Going in for plastics on 08/14.
  6. JSchool10

    Arm Lift and Tummy Tuck

    Thanks everyone for your input. I’m down to 33 days left until surgery! It seems so unreal sometimes! I’m going to take all your advice and do what I think will work for me. Luckily my niece is gonna stay with me for my first week at home since my husband has to return to work. I’m so ready to see my body after everything I have worked so hard for! I’ll keep everyone posted next month. In the meantime keep the advice coming! I appreciate it all❤️
  7. May 26th is my surgery date! Very Anxious..wish it was here already. How has your journey been so far pre-op?

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