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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by QuilterGal

  1. A month ago today, I was having my RNY. Now, a month later, I am down almost 15# since surgery, for a total of 55# pre and post-op. I am really starting to feel the impact of my weight loss, and it is fantastic. I have had no complications. The process has been smooth sailing, although I'm still learning how my new tummy reacts to certain foods. This was a great decision.
  2. My hunger levels have totally changed. I am nowhere near as hungry as I used to get. By noon, I'd be ready to eat my monitor. Now, I feel a slight hunger and I eat because the clock says it's time to eat. My stomach gurgles when I eat. It tells me when food and liquids are moving. When I hear the gurgle, I know I can take another bite. My doctor said hunger is different after RNY because the hormone that signals the brain that you are hungry is created in the bottom half of the stomach. When they do the surgery, they "disconnect" that hormone from reaching the brain.
  3. QuilterGal

    What are you all doing for workouts?

    Dreadmill: 30-45 a day.
  4. QuilterGal

    Shortness of breath after Gastric Bypass?

    Could be a few things. Lingering fatigue. Humidity. General weakness after surgery combined with lower food (energy) intake. Not on vitamins yet. When I went back on my vitamins, especially my B-12 and Iron, my energy levels went up significantly.
  5. QuilterGal

    Very scared.. Right decision?

    I went through these emotions before my surgery. I knew they were rational emotions and that many people have them. I just had to put them on a shelf and push them to the side so they didn't overwhelm me. I intentionally stopped thinking about all of the "what ifs" and told myself "onward, we're doing this!" The day before surgery and the morning of surgery I was extremely calm. It helped that I had a wonderful surgical team and felt very secure in their hands. I've had no problems since my surgery July 27.
  6. QuilterGal

    WOW my emotions are CRAZY

    My doctor told me that people really underestimate the emotional and psychological impact of RNY. I had panic attacks and was a bit blue the first week. That was attributed to the anesthesia and major pain meds still leaving my body. I felt like my normal self emotionally two weeks after surgery. Hang in there.
  7. QuilterGal

    Back pain after RYB surgery

    I had back pain immediately after surgery due to lying on the metal surgical table, but it went away within two or three hours. Dilauded helped a lot. I have heard that gas will cause back and shoulder pain, and that walking is key.
  8. I didn't tell a lot of people about my surgery, but virtually all those who did know have reached out to me to see how I was doing. My coworker and neighbor sent flowers. But again, I told people with whom I am very close. Every situation is different.
  9. QuilterGal

    day 2 post op emotions

    Brandon, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I went through a weeping period about a week after surgery. It was accompanied by panic attacks during the night. My PCP told me that all of this was largely due to the anesthesia and heavy drugs from surgery. Now two weeks out and in stage 3, I feel much better. Hang in there. It will get better.
  10. QuilterGal

    Post-op Panic Attacks

    I spoke to the bariatric nurse and she said most people underestimate the emotional changes that accompany surgery. She said what I was feeling was normal. I decided to start getting out more to see friends and get outside in the sunlight. That helped a lot. I think part of this was that I was stuck at home alone. I haven't had a panic attack in a week. I think I'm through it.
  11. Of all the post-op medical issues I could have, panic attacks were not on my list. I had surgery a week ago yesterday, and I've woken up in the middle of the night twice feeling panicky. I'm not sure what to make of this. I don't feel stressed out, although I probably am. I have had an excellent recovery, not on any meds, and having no problems with the stage 2 diet. Maybe it's the shift in hormones? I'm not back on my birth control yet, which I used to deal with hormonal issues. Maybe that, combined with stress, eating changes, and losing weight quickly might cause it?
  12. QuilterGal

    Food Serving Size

    My program started me out on 1/2 a cup of stage two liquids (broth, soups, jello, protein drinks, etc) and work up to 3/4 of a cup. Three meals a day. I'm still in stage two so I'm not sure what comes after that.
  13. QuilterGal


    Patience, grasshopper. This is normal.
  14. QuilterGal


    I had a lot of trouble using straws after surgery. I stopped using them and the trouble stopped.
  15. QuilterGal

    I know better, but I...

    Tough love here. So you are not following the plan post-op and you are having troubles. This isn't surprising. Why are you doing it? I have no idea. But unless you want to fail at this and potentially end up back in the hospital because of dehydration, you'll get back on track using your new tool correctly.
  16. QuilterGal

    Ignorant bi#@h

    You can't fix stupid.
  17. QuilterGal

    The Gurgles

    I'm glad I can still burp after this surgery. I love a good, righteous burp. Feels so good!
  18. I had RNY Wednesday and I'm feeling great. However, anytime I drink anything, I get these loud gurgles in my new stomach and eventually I burp. It is so loud. Will this diminish or go away as my new stomach heals?
  19. QuilterGal

    The Gurgles

    I was drinking with a straw. Stopped that and now the gurgles/burping reduced significantly.
  20. QuilterGal

    RNY done!

    I'm on the other side! Very good recovery. Going home today. No problems w water or clear liquids. Rockin and rolling!
  21. QuilterGal

    Ignorant bi#@h

    I would talk to your boss and let her know that you find this woman's comments not only hurtful and unprofessional, but they could be construed as sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. We've had HR training and you never, EVER, talk about someone's weight, body, looks, etc. Let your boss know that this woman's nastiness is creating an unprofessional atmosphere, and that you would like it to stop. Your boss knows you had surgery, and your boss heard her comment about the "easy way out."
  22. QuilterGal

    Tomorrow is the Day!

    Me too! 7:30 a.m. EST.
  23. My surgery is at 7:30 a.m. Monday. I'm excited and very nervous. Here's to the losers bench!
  24. Just got a call that my insurance approved my surgery. Message said, "Congratulations! You are all set to go on July 27!" Ahhhhhhh.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
