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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by QuilterGal

  1. QuilterGal

    Preop "the last supper"

    I didn't have a food funeral. I still can eat a lot of my favorite foods. I just eat A LOT less.
  2. QuilterGal

    Weight loss bucket list

    DH and I are going to go snorkeling this November in Florida. Yesterday I had my ears repierced. I could have done that before losing weight, but my body image was pretty low.
  3. QuilterGal

    Still being judged after death

    A woman who worked at my organization died suddenly last week at the age of 67. She was morbidly obese. She was in the health care field and people used to comment about how ironic it was that she was a health care researcher but was so overweight. I thought that was pretty catty. Today I was telling another coworker about the woman's death and she said, "Well, I'm sure she had a lot of health problems, you know..." and just trailed off. I knew she wanted to say "because she was morbidly obese" but she stopped because I have just had RNY. No one really knows why this woman died. Everyone is assuming it was because of her weight. I know that obesity can cause significant health issues. That's one of the reasons why I had my surgery. But it just struck me as strange that, even in death, this woman, who held a PhD, is still being judged.
  4. QuilterGal

    What Are Your Hobbies?

    I am working on my doctorate. That takes up enough time.
  5. QuilterGal

    Weight loss bucket list

  6. QuilterGal

    Alcoholic drinks after surgery

    The older I get, the longer it takes me to recover from drinking any amount of alcohol. I always feel like crap the next day. I'm inferring that RNY will just make all of that worse. Not sure it's worth it.
  7. QuilterGal

    Does it hurt?

    The most pain I experienced was when they put in the IV and my back immediately after surgery from being on the medical surgical table. I really didn't feel a lot of pain from the actual surgery. After I came home, I stopped my pain meds three days later. It's really been smooth sailing. I thought it would be much worse.
  8. QuilterGal

    Boobs Shrinking?

    I was on the last rung of my bras. Now I'm on the first rung and they are getting loose. Everything is getting smaller, and I love it. My boobs have been getting in the way for so many years. It's nice to see them shrinking.
  9. QuilterGal

    409 to 148!

    Many, many congratulations. You are an inspiration.
  10. I tend to build up gas during the overnight. One of my cats loves to sleep in between hubby and me. Invariably he will make is way toward the lower half of my body and curl up right behind my butt in the crick of my legs when I am on my side. Do I hold in the toots? No way. My toots have been so righteous that the cat has jumped. And yet, he comes back for more almost every night. Mama 1, Cat 0.
  11. QuilterGal

    So....how much weight have you lost?!

    I am surprised when someone asked me how much weight I've lost.
  12. QuilterGal

    Still being judged after death

    I disagree. It is catty to repeatedly make comments about someone's weight, no matter what they do. That she was a health policy expert doesn't mean that she didn't have the same struggles as so many other people in regard to weight.
  13. QuilterGal

    Sometimes its the unexpected things that get you

    @@Stevehud, you are going to have a great flight! Husband and I are going on vacation at the end of October. I am very much looking forward to having a similar experience.
  14. QuilterGal

    I have a gift for many of you...

    Please, someone come to my husband's family Xmas and set him straight. My father-in-law's first language is redneck. Not only can he not spell, he spends the entire evening telling dirty and racist jokes to women relatives he hasn't seen in a year, from ages 13 to 70.
  15. QuilterGal

    Feeling amazing! !

    Many, many congrats! I am only about seven weeks out, but when I talk about my surgeon and team that took care of me in the hospital, I get very emotional. They have changed my life. I sent them all thank you cards.
  16. I told my boss, HR, my suite mate and two other people at work prior to surgery. All were extremely supportive and many hugged me when I returned. Now that I've lost 60#, my WL is really starting to show. If people ask, I tell them. Everyone so far has been amazingly supportive. Now in-laws, that's another story. But they've been pills to me and hubby for a long time (jealous of us) so I wouldn't expect a lot of support from them.
  17. QuilterGal

    No Appetite

    I don't get hungry the way I used to, and I don't have much of an appetite. Some things that I used to eat don't set well with me anymore. Of course, they usually are processed snacks. I do really well with fresh fruit and veggies, tho.
  18. QuilterGal

    Oh the "Advice"

    I had RNY July 27. Since then, my weight loss has become pretty noticeable. I'm close to 60# lost, pre and post-op. However, this success has not stopped people from provided unsolicited "advice" about what I'm eating. As in, "You shouldn't be eating that" or "Are you sure you should eat that?" The two biggest offenders are my parents. I finally had to tell them to stop telling me what to eat, that I know what I am doing. I'm 47 years old, for Pete's sake! Another rant -- I did not tell a lot of people about my WLS, but I did let my folks know. My mother promised to not tell anyone about it, but I'm find out that she is telling all of her friends and now family members. This is MY decision, not hers, on who to tell about this. It just totally pisses me off. I went through this process, not her. I did the work, not her. This is MY story, not hers, especially because she always spins it with, "oh, she needed the surgery. She was really heavy." Rant over.
  19. QuilterGal

    Oh the "Advice"

    Like I said, everyone thinks they are being "helpful." But honestly, I do not need my food monitored. Or how slowly I eat. My father asked me if there was anything wrong this past weekend because it took me an hour to eat 4 oz of a hamburger patty. In this instance, husband piped up and said that there was nothing wrong, that I was just eating the way I need to post surgery. I am just getting tired with the repeated questioning.
  20. QuilterGal

    Post-op Cravings

    I am five weeks post-op and I have been craving anything fresh, especially fruits and veggies. Even with protein, I want fresh protein like organic chicken or something healthy like quinoa with raw nuts and veg or fruit. My taste buds really seem to have turned on anything processed. Anyone experience this?
  21. QuilterGal

    Oh the "Advice"

    I had a friend who had WLS three weeks before me. He had the sleeve. We had him over for a BBQ two weeks ago and as I was putting veggies on my plate, he was staring at me. STARING at me. I finally looked up at him and he said, "I can't believe how much food you are going to eat." Now, I can eat fresh veg and fruit much easier than protein. Much easier. But I was just stunned that he was judging me, a fellow WLS patient! I almost snapped back at him and said, "I'm not the one drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers six weeks out since my surgery. Butt out."
  22. QuilterGal

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Jeans I haven't been able to wear for three years are now loose!
  23. QuilterGal

    Dumping vs frothing

    I've slimed twice since I had my surgery five weeks ago. Once because I ate too big of a bite of salmon and today because I think I ate too fast. In both instances, I had that horrible chest pain. With the salmon, I vomited it in 10 minutes and was fine. Today I was eating watermelon and I thought I had chewed it enough. I might have had an air bubble in my pouch. I started sliming but after a few minutes I burped and everything went away. I guess it went through my pouch. The papaya enzymes are awesome and taste great. Kinda minty.
  24. This was what I was thinking. The esophagus stays intact after RNY.
  25. QuilterGal

    One month surgiversary

    The vast majority of people have no complications with RNY. You're going to do fine.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
