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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    crmcguir76 reacted to roundisashape in What is one guilty pleasure you cannot give up   
    No guilt! But I'll never not love my occasional Peanut Butter and jelly sandwich. And I probably eat way too much frozen yogurt, but it's got Protein in it, lol. Sometimes that's what gets me over the edge to goal at night.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Kindle in What is one guilty pleasure you cannot give up   
    Same here.... I eat whatever I want, in moderation and guilt free. (Mmmmmmm cheesecake)
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    crmcguir76 reacted to gowalking in What is one guilty pleasure you cannot give up   
    Here's the best part of this...I have no guilty pleasures. I eat anything I want. I just do it sparingly and in doing that, without the guilt. For me, the guilt was always the amount I ate...or that I was the fat woman with Ring Dings, chips, and soda in her shopping cart. Life is so much better this way with a cart full of lean Protein, veggies, good carbs...and a few treats like thin pretzels, SF jello/pudding, and unsalted nuts.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Babbs in Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?   
    That would be asking for justification for your bad choices.
    We are only human. We make mistakes and bad choices. But at least own up to it.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to bewell in I usted To love eating   
    Four months out and I still miss the planning, thinking, eating, warm fuzzy I TEMPORARILY got from my food addiction. It wasn't just putting it in my mouth. It was a love/hate affair. A deadly affair.
    It does get better. Now I spend more time feeling how my body moves better, faster, takes up less room. Easier to go up steps, get up from a chair. walk into a room and NOT feel like I take up the ENTIRE room. The best lately is in public close quarters.....I used to feel like I just didn't fit. That I couldn't walk between two tables in a restaurant (and I couldn't}, now I can move around so much better. It feels wonderful.

    I can almost feel my hip bones. When I felt them at first I wondered "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT"! Some cancer or something. No..... just my hip bones. It's been a long time since I felt them.
    Bottom-line....I feel my body more and now I think about that instead of what I'm going to eat and hate myself for eating it.
    Hang in there! It is a loss.....suggest you feel the loss, recognize the changes, have a farewell party for how you used to eat, but find other things to occupy your thoughts and time. It's worth it.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to New Hope in A beginner's guide to fills   
    Kathy, don't eat 2 hours prior to your fill. But it's o.k. to drink up until then. You'll do fine!
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    crmcguir76 got a reaction from MissLiss in working out and not losing weight   
    I had a stall as well and I realized I wasn't eating enough, I started eating every two hours (but not a lot at each sitting) and BAM! 3 lbs in one week after a 2 week stall.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Babbs in working out and not losing weight   
    Also, I subscribe to the "eat full fat or nothing at all" thought...
    Full fat cheese, yogurt, mayo, real butter, oils, etc....that will help get your calories up, also. And they taste better than the low fat fake stuff they try to push....
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Essence46 in working out and not losing weight   
    I agree with the other commenters. This has been my struggle so I definitely understand. You aren't eating enough calories so your body is holding on to everything for dear life. LOL! Plus you are only 10 weeks out which is still early. I would suggest eating something every two hours. Yogurt. fruit. Protein bars. Nuts. Jerky. Boiled eggs. Veggies. I know it is hard while still trying to get in your Water though. Good luck.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to ab123. in Drinking and eating at same time- Do you wait 30 minutes?   
    Then it's not Gumbo!
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    crmcguir76 reacted to RaginCajun in Drinking and eating at same time- Do you wait 30 minutes?   
    Hi LynneAnne (and Geaux Tigers!) ...
    It is universal that every doc and all literature says to wait 30 mins before drinking after eating.
    There is a great YouTube video where the guy does a visual demonstration. Basically, he fills a small funnel (about the size of sleeve) with apple sauce. You can see it go drip-drip-drip SLOWLY, because of the dense mushiness of the apple sauce. That is a visualization of how food sits in stomach while it is in the early stages of digestion (important for nutrient absorption).
    He then adds about a table spoon of Water on top of the apple sauce, and you see the drip rate quicken noticeably. Then, to fully illustrate what happens when you drink substantial liquid while or immediately after eating - he adds a good bit of Water on top of the apple sauce and you immediately see it FLUSH thru the funnel. That is to illustrate that if you drink while or immediately after eating, you really cause food to flush quickly from the stomach into the intestinal tract - which is a bad thing. A very good visual reference to understand why all the chatter about waiting 30 minutes after eating, before drinking. Note: One of the posters here and I have seen elsewhere for longer term post-op folks will/can drink while eating.
    On the matter of drinking before eating, you will see a lot of variation. You will see guidance to stop drinking 30 mins before eating, or stop 15 minutes before eating. I have seen some Docs say it doesn't matter how close to eating when you stop drinking (which makes sense to me, btw).
    Now, because you and I are both from Louisiana, its interesting to consider the case of eating gumbo (or Soup in the general case).
    My question is simple >>> if you eat something like gumbo which has solids in it AND has a high liquid concentration, then how is that any different from drinking????? In general case, same would apply for Soups (regular Soups, no strained or cream soups).
    Perhaps someone can answer that questions, because I am 2 weeks post op and REALLY WANT ME SOME GUMBO
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Smye in Real Food, Real Weightloss, Still Delicious   
    Bari-Bread: Prep time - 10 minutes, Cook time - 20-30 minutes
    Let's start with the basics. I'm sure many of us wish we could still have some sort of bread, even if only as a vehicle for meat, eggs, or cheese on our sandwiches. Despite their apparent simplicity, this riff on Paleo Oopsie Rolls have a great flavor reminiscent of potato bread and easily modifiable to meet most any palatte.
    1/8 tsp cream of tartar
    1/8 tsp salt
    3 egg whites
    3 Tbsp lowfat cream cheese or neufchatel, room temparature
    2 Tbsp Water
    Preheat oven to 300F
    Beat egg whites & cream of tartar until stiff peaks form
    Blend Water, salt & cream cheese
    Fold cream cheese mixture into egg whites gently
    Spoon in 6 equal sized 'patties' on nonstick surface (parchment paper with NS spray or silpat)
    Bake at 300F for 20-30 minutes depending upon elevation. Remove when browned but at about the texture of the tip of your nose.
    Remove from baking sheet and allow to cool to room temperature
    Store in refrigerator in an open ziploc
    Nutrition per 'roll'
    Calories: 25
    Total fat: 1 g
    Total Carbs: 1 g
    Total Protein: 3 g
    Cholesterol: 4 mg
    Sodium: 99 mg
    Potassium: 50 mg
    Add dill or dehydrated onion for sandwich rolls
    Add caraway for a rye-like flavor
    Add sesame seeds on top for burgers
    Add basil & oregano to use as a pizza crust
    Add taragon for a chicken salad sandwich
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Smye in Real Food, Real Weightloss, Still Delicious   
    Hello BariBrothers, BariSisters, BariFamilies, and general lovers of healthy, good food. My name is Smye and I live on a small farm in the Pacific Northwest.
    During both pre and post op appointments with my nutritionist, I was horrified by the suggested things I could eat once I was back to 'regular foods.' The suggestions I was given were flavorless, full of preservatives & junk, and/or otherwise reminiscent of the american 'instafoods' that are, in my opinion, a huge part of the original problems. That said, I wanted to share some of the real, whole foods I've been enjoying lately without hurting my sleeve or deviating from the dietary guidelines provided to me by my NUT. I'm down 86 lb since I started this journey on Jan 22, 2015, and loving every meal as much as, or more than, pre-op.

    I've spent the last 7 years accommodating good food to meet my partner's corn, dairy, and gluten allergies without losing any of the flavor or texture with 80% of all ingredients sourced from my own small farm, so it wasn't too big of a jump to make these recipes low carb, high Protein and delicious.

    Over the next few weeks I'll be posting recipes like:

    Bariatric BibimBop
    Pastrami Sandwich
    Madras curry with fried tofu
    chicken tenders with sauce
    Sushi - Philadelphia rolls in particular
    Personal Pizzas
    Smoked cherry-glazed chicken
    Barbeque-smoked chicken
    Ham and cheese omlette
    Pickled duck eggs
    Ham, egg & cheese sandwiches
    Guacamole Cheeseburgers
    And many more

    There's no need for food to be tasteless, uninteresting, or questionable in it's contents. If there's something you'd like to see that's not here, please PM me and I'll do my best - I also make sure to try everything myself and feed it to my executive chef neighbor before I post it to ensure it's excellent!
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    crmcguir76 reacted to michelecaples in What ya eating tonight?   
    Made what I call a pizza swap. Its a egg beaters omlet with mushroom, italian cheese, and a dab of pizza sauce. So good
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    crmcguir76 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Fried Food   
    I had a Popeye's spicy chicken tender when I was about 4weeks out. Didn't cause any problems, but I did realize that it doesn't taste near as good as I remember.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to traceyc in Fried Food   
    When was your surgery? Fried food is the same as any other solid food. Won't hurt you if you chew it up really really well and is allowed in your food stage. You are told to avoid fried food because it is high calorie, high fat, high carb and usually not much to it nutritionally speaking. I have nibbled on a few fried things since surgery. My sleeve was fine with it, but my calorie counter was not. lol
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Joni in I Think I've Began To Mourn Food :(   
    Absolutely, I totally understand what you're going through. I went out with hubby and suddenly really, really wanted a sandwich. 2 pieces of bread, meat, mayo, cheese, lettuce, Tomato. I'm still on full liquids so that is totally out of question. I almost cried. Just remember, the weight is going to start falling off, making us feel better about it; and WE WILL be able to eat more in the future. I send you a sister in misery hug!
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Tiffykins in When you are back to eating normal food...   
    I'm almost 11 months out, and this is what I ate yesterday. It was a crazy carb day, and I grazed quite a bit. A lot of my carbs come from the fruit juice and fruit Loops, potatoes with dinner and yogurt/fruit I ate for Breakfast. I do not eat like this every day. I actually keep my carbs around 80grams per day now. But, yesterday, I wanted fruit, and Cereal for some odd reason.

    Breakfast - 1-6oz Chobani strawberry Yogurt, 3 large fresh strawberries

    Snack - 3oz of teriyaki beef Jerky, 3 saltine crackers, 1- 2% extra sharp cheddar wedge

    lunch - 1/2 peanut butter/honey sandwich on whole wheat bread (no crust), 10-12 tortilla chips with sour cream/salsa dip

    Snack - 6 iced circus animal crackers

    Dinner - 2oz of steak, 1/4 cup of steamed green Beans, 1/4 cup of pan seared new potatoes

    Snack - 1 cup of fruit loops Cereal with 1/2 cup 1% milk

    Calories - 1387
    Carbs - 226
    Protein - 84
    Fat - 36

    I got in about 50 ounces of Water, 8oz of the the grape juice, and 8oz of coffee.

    I eat out 2-4 times per week.
    Thai places - chicken Satay skewers with dipping sauce and I can at 2 skewers.
    Chili's - my son and I share a half rack of ribs, I can eat 2 of the ribs, and a few bites of the various side dishes, we also share the Cajun chicken Pasta entree (yummy chicken alfredo with penne Pasta and grilled cajun flavored chicken breast)I also order the 1/2 order of nachos from the appetizer menu, I can eat about 3 of them with salsa and sour cream, I order and split the Quesadilla Explosion salad with the kiddo.

    Mexican food - my son and I order beef and chicken fajitas for 1, I can eat 1 fajita with 2-3 strips of meat, loads of sauteed onions, sour cream, salsa and a little bit of rice. I do eat some chips and salsa before my meal. I may have a few bites of the refried Beans, but I like to save room for the actual fajita.

    Taco Bell - Steak quesadilla with extra sauce. I can eat 2 of the 4 wedges, but I pull off the top of the tortilla. I wait about 3 hours and eat the other 2 wedges later. Or, I order a bean burrito with extra red sauce and sour cream, and peel off the extra tortilla that doesn't have any filling.

    TGI Friday's - I order the appetizer course of Pot stickers/chinese dumplings, and I can eat 3 of them, the inside mainly, and the outside shell of 1.5 of them with dipping sauce.

    Logan's steak house - my son and I split an 8oz ribeye and a few bites of the side dishes typically rice or loaded mashed potatoes with a green veggie. I typically eat a few chips with their spinach/artichoke dip before our meal.

    Mongolian BarBque - I eat the thick egg noodles, with cabbage, snap peas, pineapple, bean sprouts, and chicken or beef. Covered in Mongolian and Teriyaki sauce, and minced garlic. Typically, the meat gets over cooked on the grill, so I stick to the noodles and veggies/fruit.

    Chinese buffet - Spring roll (1 with the outer shell peeled off), peanut chicken, beef broccoli, General Tso chicken, fried rice, low mein noodles, and pot stickers again.

    IHOP- sirloin steak tips with broccoli
    Wendy's - baked potato with cheese/broccoli, small chili with crackers

    Panera Bread - The asian fruit side salad (it has apples), broccoli/cheddar Soup, 1/2 tuna salad sandwich with chips.

    Obviously, I eat a very small portion of all of these, but it gives you an idea of what I order and eat. Yes, I bring lots of leftovers home, but I make the meals last for at least 2 other meals/lunches, or even Snacks.

    I rarely order off the kid's or senior menu. I know people find it hard to believe but I literally eat anything and everything I want just in small quantities.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to miller1109 in Help! Starting to graze at four week out.   
    sugar free Popsicles and no added sugar fudgesickles 40 calories no nutritional value but it satisfies the little sweet tooth and/or a need to eat something, sugar free Jello sugar free pudding are also great options. You can have a snack, jus thas to be a wise choice. I am 8 months out and met goal at 6 months. I am slowly adding some healthy Snacks. It doesn't make me feel deprived. So far so good. Good luck on your journey. You will find what works for you, everyone is different.
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    crmcguir76 reacted to Goldy6575 in Help! Starting to graze at four week out.   
    I have been doing same thing... Getting the 9 pm munchies. But then I realize it has been 3 hrs since I ate, so I eat. Usually cheese stick. And I really try to think about it & ask myself is your stomach hungry or is your brain?

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