I am 1 year and two months since I've had my gastric sleeve surgery. I am only 21 and needed to change my lifestyle while I was still young. So far, I've lost 151 pounds. My starting weight was 305. I definitely do not regret getting the surgery. Since surgery, my entire life has changed in a positive way. Even though I have accomplished a lot so far...I have this feeling I am still not good enough. I look at myself in the mirror and I don't see myself being the beautiful girl people tell me I am. The only other person I've told about this is my boyfriend. He says he loves my body and all of me exactly the way I am. But I absolutely hate my body. I don't have trouble with a lot of loose skin, but I have stretch marks. It's embarrassing to have these as a 21 year old young girl. It's very depressing and disappointing to me because I've worked so hard to lose the weight, yet my self esteem hasn't changed. I still feel shameful of my body. I wasn't expecting to still feel the same way emotionally after losing the weight. Is anyone else feeling this way?