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    Aimee1961 reacted to bikrchk in How many people kept Weight Loss Surgery a secret ?   
    I told my team at work, my family and close friends, stopping short of a Facebook announcement, lol. Here's the deal, I have a THICK SKIN. I don't much care what others think if they're not on my side in this battle for my health. I'm sure I have a few haters, but I've seen VERY LITTLE in the way of negativity around my decision to have surgery. I have GREAT FRIENDS. And maybe acquaintances are "afraid" of me. LOL. Anyway, how will we ever move past the stigma if we don't educate people? Being open has afforded me the privilege of being an example for others who are struggling and mentoring some of them through their decision to have the procedure and take control of their health. Having people know, keeps me on track because I'm an example to those who need it and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a hater see me fail! THAT is simply not happening! Being fabulous is the BEST revenge!
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    Aimee1961 reacted to shorty54 in How many people kept Weight Loss Surgery a secret ?   
    kndoster, Just like probably you and everyone else on here, many times have dieted and lost and have had the usual conversations about it, including what exercising I was doing like going to the gym almost everyday and walking. So now I just say that I made up my mind that I wasn't giving up this time and sticking to it. When people make comments and my husband is there he speaks right up and says, "she's working hard at it and I help her by walking with her as much as I can" . We also says that its not as much dieting as it is cutting way down on my portions and not snacking, cutting carbs, cutting out soda, ect. . So when I'm around people and we're eating and I only eat a little, it all fits. Every once in a while my husband will say "I can't believe we're getting away with this " lol. Maybe someone suspects, I don't know, but unless they are really rude they're not going to bring it up. All I know is if I had told people I would also feel self concious thinking they were judging me in a negative way behind my back. As hard as I have worked in the past to lose, only to see it creep back on, I feel like I deserve to feel empowered by a sense of accomplishment.
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    Aimee1961 reacted to Healthy_life2 in Need support!   
    We have no control over peoples reactions. You always hope they can put their own feelings aside and be supportive. Some just can't. In this process I have learned a few things. I would rather build people up than tear them down. I have had to distance people that cant be supportive and positive in my life.
    My hope is his mind will ease after all the positive things that will happen in you're life with the bariatric process.
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    Aimee1961 reacted to wannaBthinsoon in Need support!   
    Welcome! You mention your Dad is against it, and will be mad and distant with you. Are you an adult. I don't mean to insult you but, if you are an adult, it's your decision, not Dad's. Does he not want you to be healthy?
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    Aimee1961 reacted to Elizabeth21 in Please help me with this 6 mo agonizing wait!   
    Well... I had a different approach.
    I focused on my mental preparedness to ensure myself of my decision. I thought of all the various foods and eating situations that I enjoyed and made sure that I experienced every one before surgery so that I could say "good bye" to them. I focused on the actual pleasure, and noted that I could live without it forever in exchange for feeling better and fitting better in the world. I think this really has helped me with avoiding any cheating or temptations because I gave myself time and opportunities to make peace with it all.
    My other main focus was on arranging work and personal obligations so that I could ensure that I had four weeks to recover from surgery and establish good habits from the beginning. This was especially helpful for me since I ended up with a complication and needed some extra healing time.
    I did spend time learning about what I would need post surgery and having necessary materials. But I knew I would have nothing but time to focus on the new habits post surgery and was mentally prepared to follow through on that.
    Good luck!
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    Aimee1961 reacted to vixen1978 in Please help me with this 6 mo agonizing wait!   
    I know right! I live in Florida, so I am really looking forward to that first post-op summer. I joked that this summer I am going to proudly frolick in the Water and let my friends take all of the fat pictures they want of me. It will be the last time I will have to make it through another uncomfortable summer.

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