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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Aimee1961

  1. Aimee1961

    Need support!

    I feel that I could have written this post! I feel for you in the way your dad responded to your exciting news. I am just beginning my 6 months & I am on top of the world. My suppotive husband has agreed that this is a move I should make. He has even started changing his way of eating to match what I am to be doing this month. My sister is really excited for me as well. The one person I will not tell because of the hateful, screaming fit she will have is my momma. I have waited years for my doctors to see how bad I needed to do this in hopes of helping my medical conditions. I understand wanting your dads approval-every girl wants daddy's ok. It sucks when we are really looking forward to something new & exciting that we are just over the moon and they don't approve. Schedule your surgery get your 6 months going & breaking some old habits-Good Luck!!!

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