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Everything posted by requiem

  1. I haven't talked to surgeon yet - I'm early in prep process, meeting with NUT, doing medical appointments, etc. One of the first conversations I want to have with the surgeon is my prior surgery. I had a hysterectomy several years ago. It started out laparoscopic, but ended up having to be abdominal. Did anyone have a laparoscopic RnY after previous abdominal surgery? Any issue with previous scarring, etc? And anyone know if it ever happens that they start a laparoscopic RnY but have to switch to open abdominal for some reason during the surgery? I know these are questions for the surgeon once I get to that point, but I'm just curious if any of you have any thoughts.
  2. Thanks everyone. I talked to someone last night that has had several surgeries so she was told they wouldn't be able to do laparoscopy. Hopefully my one surgery won't get in the way. As much as I'd like to take 6 weeks off of work , I reeeeeeaaaaalllllyy don't want to go through that healing process again.
  3. requiem

    Hello All!

    My stats are very similar to yours. I expect my surgery to be scheduled in September. Good luck during your prep period over the next few months.
  4. requiem

    Sleep apnea and getting surgery

    Does Your machine have a ramp up feature? If so, try it, it starts with just a little air and slowly increases. It was really helpful in the beginning adjustment. And now? Nobody better touch my machine! Good luck!
  5. I will have mine at OSU, but I'm still in early stages. I'm hoping for September or October.
  6. Thanks for the encouragement, Kendra!
  7. requiem

    Insurance crisis ????

    Oh, that's good. I thought you meant you just kept track on your own. Good luck with the insurance.
  8. requiem

    Insurance crisis ????

    How is your plan benefit stated/worded? My plan says it has to be a physician supervised weightloss program. I have to go to the doctor each month to have those efforts recorded. I'm in the midst of that process right now. The documentation has to come from the doctor's office. Is that what your insurance is saying to you?
  9. I'll be right behind you, Sam - I am in the early stages of getting through the program leading to surgery. I went to the required info session, started the 6mo. physician supervised weightloss required by insurance, and had my psych eval last week. I left that appointment feeling great - he said he would recommend me as a good candidate and went over some really great info. I got the call yesterday to schedule my first med eval/dietician appointments, and thanks to a cancelation while we were on the phone, I have those appointments tomorrow! I really, really wanted to get in the surgery by August, but I don't think that will happen - likely September. That's a tough work time for me, but we'll see. Your comment about food funerals, I get it. The psych said something in our appointment that stuck with me. He mentioned that idea and said if you need to do it, go do it. But then come back and see me when it's over, and then we'll get started. Basically, he was saying that the mindshift and mindfulness have to start right now if I'm going to go down this path, otherwise I'm not ready. So I left that appointment saying "I'm ready," and I keep trying to reminding myself that I mean it every time I'm tempted. I am a binger as well as overeater, so I know the hard emotional/diet work is just beginning. That said, I gave up pop a couple of weeks ago. That is a tough one. I can't promise I won't down a can during one of those last days before surgery .

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