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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 010308

  1. 010308

    Embarrassed by Weight Loss???

    Maybe it really was all in your neck?!?!?! Just kidding... you gave me a chuckle so I had to comment. What I really really hate... at over 300 lbs is when people I haven't seen for a while say, "Oh my gosh you're getting so skinny!" Skinny?? I can only imagine what the guy walking by is thinking when he hears that said to me. :smile2:
  2. 010308

    I wish I wouldn't Have!

    Hmmm.... I was banded in January this year. It has been a slow process for me. The surgeon that banded me is an excellent surgeon, but my surgery was done just about a year after he first started doing lap band. I have felt since the beginning that they weren't agressive enough with their fills. I got frustrated with dealing with them and gave up on getting fills for a while. In my frustration I started researching other fill options and found 1 doctor in my area willing to do a fill on someone he didn't do surgery on. I scheduled with him and at my first (and only) appointment I found out that he was the first physician to place a lap band in the US. He has been doing WLS since before I was born and was extremely knowledgeable in the area of weight loss. He believes strongly in aftercare. The band without aftercare is pretty much worthless. His eating philosophy is "If it can run you can eat it + eggs and cheese." Basically all Protein no carbs. To help with the cravings for carbohydrates he prescribes phentermine. This is not a weight loss drug, it is simply to reduce the cravings for carbs so you can stick to a high protein diet. I came away from my meeting with him feeling inspired and frustrated. I tried the all protein no carbs diet for a while, and I'm not completely convinced that it is a healthy option. But I will say that my fasting blood sugar dropped by about 60 in a 3 day period-so it can't be all bad. The phentermine definitely helps. He prescribed it for daily, but I have taken it only on days where I anticipate food cravings, or where they've already started. The reason that I was frustrated is because he was not able to access my port because he did not have fluorscopy in his office. But my visit with him inspired me to read the Southbeach diet which is actually what my surgeon's office had recommended. Southbeach is high protein low carbs. It is a great read because it explains that we are addicted to carbs, and there is a reaction within our system that causes us to go back for more and more. After all that, I ended up going back to my surgeon's office for a fill and I have lost more since that fill then any other fill I've had, partially because the fill gave me a little more restriction and partly because of the insight I gained (and the phentermine I got) from the other doctor. Now after I originally read your post and none of the f/u posts what I really wanted to talk about was the emotional reasons for eating. At my highest weight I was 378 lbs... That is what I weighed when I started WW in 1997ish-a heck of a lot for my 5'5 frame. I was in the most horrible relationship (I'm not implying that you're in a bad relationship), and I felt as unhappy as I could possibly be. Over the course of the next year or two I got down to 294 lbs on WW... but what a struggle every day was to make the right choices. It was about that point that I just gave up and started gaining it all back. Around 1999 I decided I was going to try counseling because obviously diet alone was not working. I spent at least a year in counseling discussing things like being abandoned by my father when I was 4 years old. My mother emotionally leaving me when she met her 2nd husband when I was 11, having a step father who couldn't stand me and let me know on a daily basis by only talking to me if he had something negative to say. Food became my comfort at the age of 4, at 6 years my mothers last entry in my baby book says, "My child is eating constantly and I don't know what to do about it." Every chance I got to be alone in my house growing up, I was eating.... and that was often. Food was my companion. I can't say that my time in counseling completely cured me of overeating (obviously or I wouldn't have gotten a band this year), but I can say that I have never weighed as much as 378 lbs again, and my weight actually did stabalize for a period of years which had never happened before in my life. It was because my weight had stabalized and I wasn't on a constant upward motion that I decided it was time to get banded... I thought that was an indication that I was eating more simply because my stomach holds more then the average person before I feel full. I still think that is true. But I recently started counseling again to get at more of those core issues. What I have figured out for myself is that being "morbidly obese" does not stem from 1 issue. Therefore, it does not have 1 solution. Success at weight loss has to come from several directions. Obvioulsy heredity plays a role, but personally I think part of that is just learning poor eating habits from your parents and you don't know anything different, and making changes to something you've done your entire life is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT! Part of it is an actual addiction to carbs. Part of it is emotional eating. Let me just say that as far as counseling goes... if you do decide to go that direction you have to find the right counselor. If you go to one and you don't feel comfortable with them then find someone else. Keep getting fills and don't say the band is a failure until it is completely full with 10cc's and you weigh 511 lbs again!! And remember what they say in those "Anonymous" programs when you're reading all these posts, "Take what you need and leave the rest behind." And also... congratulations on your continued weight loss and best wishes on your journey!
  3. Beware---some of this post could be considered TMI! Okay... so yesterday I noticed my stomach aching in the area where I'm sure the band is. Aching with a sharp pain every now and again. Last night it hurt as I was going to sleep, but woke up this morning and it felt better at first but as the day progressed it started to ache again. I was banded in January and had very little restriction until my 4th fill which was last month. I can still eat pretty much anything as long as I am careful with things like bread. So I'm going back in my memory trying to figure out if I should be concerned about this or if it is just muscle ache from being more active then usual. So Sunday... I had a pretty good size Breakfast, which I felt full after eating, but not painfully full and no issue's with backing up. (So here's the tmi) About 2-3 hours after breakfast my husband and I had sex and I was on top for the first time in years :w00t:. Then Sunday night we had pretty vigorous sex again :cool2::embaressed_smile:. Then yesterday early evening we took our son to the park and I decided that I'd race my pre-schooler. It was my first attempt at running in-well-possibly ever. So now my left side is really achy. My stomach around my band, my lower back and my thigh are all achy today. It does not hurt to swallow/eat, but it hurts my stomach and into my left lower back to take a deep breath. I am not having any issues with reflux, pb or vomiting. I was thinking I'd try to stick to mostly liquids for the next day or so (which is nearly impossible for me to do), and then if I am still hurting by Thursday morning I will call my doctor and see what they have to say. So should I be worried?
  4. My son was sick last week, and my husband is sick now. I guess that means I'm probably next.... and when I've gotten the flu in the past I've really gotten sick, uncontrollable vomit sick. I have restriction to the point of having to be very careful with bread, but I can still eat pretty much anything. I've heard warnings about vomitting with the band (as if you can always have so much control)... anybody experienced it? :thumbup:
  5. In search of an in person support group... preferrably in Skagit County. Willing to go to Whatcom county or Everett area. Anybody know of one?
  6. 010308

    Any one in NW WA

    Quick question here... this original post is about bandsters in NW WA... now I see a reference to St. Joes. Which St. Joes are we talking about? I live in Mount Vernon and I don't know of any support groups anywhere near here.
  7. I was banded a couple of weeks ago and I have been shocked by how many people, intelligent people who I consider my friends, have said to me something to the affect of, "You're going to be so pretty after you lose all that weight." Like, you are ass ugly now with all that fat hanging off you, but once that's gone you will look good. Anybody else come across this compliment? Do you feel the same as me, or do you take it as a true compliment? I try to take it as a compliment as I know it is intended, but I cannot help but feel like it is such an insult.
  8. 010308

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    By the way, as far as I know there is no fraud in asking your parents to cancel you off their policy just so you can get coverage through your own employer. The law simply states that you can get coverage outside of your open enrollment period when there is a qualifying event. Being cancelled from your other coverage is a qualifying event regardless of the reason why you were cancelled.
  9. Okay... I've had 1 fill which was done Feb 18th. For the first 2 weeks after the fill I experienced no restriction and actually gained weight. Last Saturday I ate a large Breakfast and was not hungry and had no urge to eat for about 7 hours after I'd finished breakfast. This past Monday I got on the scale for the first time in several days and discovered that I was down several pounds. Later that day I noticed that I had a sore throat and the feeling of everything I ate/drank going down slowly. Nothing is getting stuck and nothing really is coming back up... just feels like it's going down slow. I did have one experience in the last couple days where a bite of something got stuck in my throat and wouldn't go down or come back up. I can't pin point that the timing matches exactly with the start of my sore throat, but I would say that now when I swallow it hurts at the top of my throat when it first starts going down, but then once it's passed that first spot in my throat it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm scheduled for my second fill this coming Monday and now I don't know what to think. I was going to go in there and demand they give me an adequate fill to compensate for having no restriction since the first fill, but I sure as heck don't want to get overfilled and have to go back for an unfill. Anybody have any idea what is going on?
  10. 010308

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    I think it's unlikely that you will have a waiting period specifically requiring you to wait for WLS, but the reason that I mentioned it in the post yesterday is because my plan, through my employer which is a large group that makes its own benefits, does have a waiting period that is specifically for WLS and they won't waive it for prior coverage. To be on the safe side you should call Customer Service at UHC and verify that there are no waiting periods that are specific to any one kind of treatment. Or your employer should be able to provide you with a benefit booklet (which is different then a benefit summary sheet and provides all contract information). Get it and look in the table of contents for surgery, weight loss (bariatric or obesity) surgery and waiting periods and read what they have to say. Just make sure you cover all your bases. Just so you know, the reason I always suggest people check with their own insurance carrier is because there are so many different benefits from so many different insurance carriers in so many different states that vary all the way from WLS being covered at 100% to not being covered at all and it doesn't matter if you're dying from your co-morbidities. Good luck... I hope to hear from you that you've been successful in getting your surgery!!!
  11. My lap band surgeons office could not get me an appt for my first fill until more then 6 weeks after my surgery. At my first fill the automatically put 3 cc's in my 14 cc band. I was told at the time of my first appt to go ahead and schedule my next fill for 4 week later which I did. I went home and to my disappointment discovered that I still had almost NO restriction. I tried to move my appointment up, but they told me manufacturer recommends 4 weeks between fills. I am wondering if that is true or if they are just trying to get me past the 90 global period so I have to start paying for the fills. Anybody allowed to get the 2nd fill less then 4 weeks after the first? For those with a 14cc band, how many fills before you really had some restriction?
  12. 010308


    Anybody else experience random pains in the area where you figure the port is, and in the area where you figure the band is? Nothing horrible, just enough to get your attention? What's up with that?
  13. Just wondering if you went for it? Did you write? Did they respond? If you haven't yet written I'd say go for it.
  14. 010308

    What does this mean to you? (BCBS)

    P.S. You are one lucky guy to have benefits like those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. 010308

    Self Pay - Is this true?

    You've got to ask your own insurance carrier this question. Or check your benefit booklet under the exclusion section. I have heard of some that will cover complications. But I know the company that I work for excludes any complications related to any non-covered service. WLS and cosmetic surgery are the two things that come to mind.... if you have any complication specifically related to these non-covered services then you are on your own to pay for them... and I agree, that is very scary!
  16. 010308

    What does this mean to you? (BCBS)

    This is actually not the case. The way I understand it Blue Cross Blue Shield is a governing entity... but the plans themselves are independent licensees. If you look at your id card you will probably find that it says this.
  17. 010308

    When excluded doesn't mean excluded...

    I don't want to be the one to burst anybodys bubble, but it's true that there are still many plans out there that still completely exclude WLS and any obesity treatment. I suggest digging out the benefit booklet, dusting it off and opening it up to the exclusions section. If it says that all obesity treatment is excluded then it is likely they will not budge.
  18. 010308

    Blue Shield of California

    Quick note... Blue Cross Blue Shield has independent licensees which means that coverage will vary by plan. Also, Blue Cross and Blue Shield are two separate entities in the state of California. It's important to realize that plans may also vary depending on whether you are with a large group or a smaller community group. It's important that you know what the benefits of your own plan are, and the requirements of your carrier and plan.
  19. 010308

    Comical amount Dr. charged my insurance

    Holy cow!!! I was pissed because my doctors office charged $3500 more then they told me they would (bringing the charges up to just over $19000). I guess I'll stop complaining!
  20. So here are the things I've heard. Don't know for sure what's true and what's not: The carbonation will cause the pouch to expand. Once you have good restriction if you drink carbonation it will deaden the nerves at the top of your stomach that make you feel full. If these are true, then neither of them can benefit weight loss. One suggestion that I heard somewhere and I cannot imagine that it would be tolerable because I think the thing that most of us love about our soda is the carbonation.... but, someone suggested pouring it in the magic bullet (blender) and giving it a whirl until all the fizz is gone and then drink it.
  21. 010308

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    An additional note... I am assuming that the reason that you are considering saying your coverage through your parents plan is cancelled is to have the benefit of two plans. But logically if you are trying to keep them from finding out about each other there is no way for you to get the benefit of having both. Most insurance carriers handle coordination of benefits (COB) the same way. That means that it is likely that your UHC plan would be considered the primary coverage over your parents policy. What you probably don't realize is that insurance companies are often required by COB laws to work together to make sure you are getting the benefit of having both plans. So what I see happening is that you would go to your doctors office (for a visit unrelated to WLS) and you would present your UHC and Altius ID cards. Your doctors office submits the claim to UHC and after they process it the doctors office submits the claim and the explanation of benefits to Altius to give you the benefit of your secondary coverage. Altius gets the claim and they don't have any record of you having coverage with UHC so they contact UHC to determine which plan should be primary... that is how UHC finds out you still have other coverage and weren't eligible to come on coverage outside of the open enrollment period. So.... after all the yapping I've done I will say that laws vary by state and the information that I've given is based on the knowledge I have from working in Washington state. Your insurance carriers rules regarding COB may be different then what I am familiar with.
  22. 010308

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    It's probably not wise to take advice from people who know nothing about the medical insurance business on something this important!!! So here is my input with 10 years of working for a medical insurance company in Customer Service and Claims: If lapband is what you want, make sure UHC covers lapband. Some carriers may only cover bypass. Find out what the waiting period is for WLS surgery. That means how long are they going to make you be on coverage before you are eligible to have WLS? I believe the plan that I have required that I be on coverage for 12 months prior to the surgery even being considered even if the member is found to meet criteria for coverage otherwise. Find out what the preauth requirements are for getting WLS, I don't know of any insurance company that doesn't have some kind of requirements. If there is a waiting period then you can work on meeting criteria while you wait. If after looking into the above information you feel that it is worth going for it then in my opinion you must cancel off your parents policy.... here's why I believe that: UHC will almost certainly find out about your other insurance plan. That is because of something called Coordination of Benefits and Creditable Coverage/Prior Carrier Credit. When you get on coverage with UHC they will almost certainly ask you on your enrollment forms if you have other coverage or if you've had it within the last 60 days, there are two reasons they do this that I know of. One is so the two insurers can coordinate coverage for services that you have. The other is so that if your new plan has a medical waiting period (which may be different then the one for WLS) that you get credit for the coverage that you had previously which means they waive the waiting period. The thing is that the only reason for you to have two insurance carriers is to have the benefit of two carriers, so what is the point of staying on the old one if you're going to try to hide it from the new one? Depending on how these two carriers handle coordination of benefits it could very easily come out that you have another plan... as simple as one doctor submitting a claim form stating that you have a plan other then UHC. If that happens you could most certainly face being retro cancelled off the UHC plan because you didn't meet criteria for getting coverage outside of the open enrollment period. If they retro cancel your coverage then you will be responsible for all those bills. To me, this is playing with fire and you will almost certainly get burned.
  23. I had my first fill yesterday around 2:30... I hadn't eaten since 9:30 in the morning. I was starving and I could tell my blood sugar was low. I wouldn't recommend this to anybody because I had the shakes on the nearly 90 mile drive home and was dying to eat something as soon as I walked through the door of my house (and couldn't). My doctor's office did not say anything about pre-fill limits, only that I need to stick to liquids for 2 days following the fill. If I had it to do again I would probably have a little something a 2-3 hours before having it done. After all that, I just realized you've already had your fill done as I type this. How'd yours go? Did you ask them about eating before the fill?
  24. 010308

    Informing others

    I told only a few people about my surgery.... but one of the people that I felt I had to tell told several people where I work. I'm sure she thought that I was being open about it and that it wasn't a secret. But I wanted to get through the first few months of the surgery before I went telling everybody. I felt that if I was asked I would be honest about how I was losing because I work with several overweight people and I didn't want anybody to feel like they were failures. This first 6 weeks or so after surgery have been difficult because I'm sure people are watching me to see if I lose weight, and it is only the people that I told that I have explained the process of the healing period and the fills and such so those that I actually told are the only ones that have the explanation of why they aren't seeing me lose weight right now. That bothers me a little. I know the person that told everybody did it out of excitement for me, and that she meant no harm, but I kind of resent the fact that I wasn't the one that got to share this huge decision with people. As for the lady who has an opinion about weight loss surgery being covered by medical insurance... insurance carriers wouldn't be covering it at all if they weren't a) Being mandated to cover it by the state where they reside... and/or Hadn't found that they were saving money by covering it and therefore resolving the co-morbidities associated with obesity. There are many things that are mandated by the state to be covered by medical insurance. Some examples are: 1) In the state where I reside it has been mandated that insurance carriers will cover chemical dependency treatment to the current limit of about $13,000 every 24 months. That means that if a person gets a dui and is court ordered to get treatment that's covered by insurance. 2) It is mandated in the state where I reside that all category of providers must be covered, massage therapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths...etc. 3) There is a federal mandate called the Erin Act that requires insurance carriers to cover newborns for the first 21 days after birth if the mother has maternity coverage on the plan, even if the mother ends up not enrolling the child on the coverage. 4) I don't know if it's a federal or state mandate that requires insurance carriers in the state that I reside to cover birth control for women. 5) Although I don't believe it's a mandate, many insurance carriers cover smoking cessation because they know if they can get their member to stop smoking it will decrease the medical costs in the long run. When I first got into the medical insurance industry 10 years ago the rising cost of healthcare was just starting to be a topic for discussion. People had rich benefits and no realization of how their medical services were being paid. The thing that shocks me is that every year as the cost of healthcare increases and it becomes more and more of a topic for conversation I see more and more mandates requiring medical insurers to cover more and more care. Some of the requirements make sense to me, others don't. But I think anything that contributes to improved health and lower costs in the long run should certainly be considered for coverage.

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