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Joseph Sanchez

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Posts posted by Joseph Sanchez

  1. I've seen lot of 5 month+ success stories, so I want to share my 60 day success story for those of you who are recent sleevers like me.

    I'm down 76 lbs (currently 284 from 360). Before the operation, I was borderline diabetic and borderline high blood pressure. In fact, a couple of times my doctor told me I should start getting on blood pressure meds. To top it off, I had severe heel spurs and my knees hurt all of the time. I felt like eating was a chore, because I was always hunger and always stuffing my face. Well in early November, my wife got pregnant with our first child and I decided it was time for a change. So I opted for the sleeve.

    I love my new stomach. I really don't crave anything unless I'm thirsty. I haven't had a soda since the operation and no breads. I can enjoy the foods I like, but in small portions (except for anything with bread).

    I have so much more energy than I have had in years. My knees don't hurt as much (They still do from time to time, but it is minimal compared to what I went through before. Not to mention, I haven't met my goal yet.) I have zero issues with my heel spurs. My blood pressure is now 116/70 and my blood sugar is in the 70's. I am biking again and I am never depressed anymore. To top it off, its so much more easier to lose the weight and like I said I'm never hungry.

    This is where I'm at now.

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