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About Cavegirl

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/30/1973
  1. Happy 40th Birthday Cavegirl!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday Cavegirl!

  3. Cavegirl

    Revitol Stretch Mark Cream

    Trixie, Sounds like the revitol cream is pretty good I might get some and try it, I got bad stretch marks with my first daughter and once I lose the weight I would like them to not be so noticeable Thanks for the info.
  4. I was wondering if anyone here had ever tried the revitol before. I have seen on their website they are the best. BUT all websites say they are the best. Any first hand people out there can point me in the right direction. Thanks
  5. mia, Yes I tried the gas x strips, but they did not help me really at all. It was getting pretty bad with the pain. My husband went and got Maalox, mixed berry- dont get strawberry "YUCK" and within 30 - 45 minutes I was getting rid of the gas and the pain subsided. Heating pad, maalox alot, and walking. Hope this helps it did me im 2 days out from surgery and I am almost back to normal.
  6. Thank you all soooo much for the advice we are now at day day 2 and it is getting better, I did find that the MAALOX helped alot better than the gas x strips it curbed the pain within about 30 minutes and with walking, heat pad, and maalox it is really helping alot. Thanks again for your help. I was beginning to wonder if I had made a mistake. No one told me it was going to hurt so bad. I would say on a scale of 1 - 10 for a while i was at 14. IT WAS BAD. But it is better now.
  7. Cavegirl

    US Sanctioned Torture

    I agree with you nina, it is a very complicated mess, I just hope all sides can come to the table and come to some type of an agreement before this whole thing blows way out of proportion. Remember " The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Maybe we can just all be friends and this will all go away. One day.
  8. Cavegirl

    US Sanctioned Torture

    Green, Thank you for not meaning any disrespect, however I do think I have a fairly good grip on reality, granted these people are stuck in the early centuries and it is not going to happen overnight, it is going to take years for them to influence Americas way of life. That is only if we let them. Hell they even quit calling them terrorist for a while and started calling them freedom fighters. In Chicago some muslims that drive cabs at O-Hare won't give you a ride if you have a dog, have been drinking, or sometimes even are a woman because it is against their sharia law, muslim checkers in the grocery store won't check your groceries if you have pork in your basket because it is unclean. It is like a pebble hitting Water in a pond, the ripple effect. It starts small and gains momentum through time till everyone accepts it, then there is no one to stop it. I am like you, I hope that these people are to stupid to figure it all out. I don't think they are going to hit us guns blazing, they tried that, didn't work out to good for them. We took Afghanistan, and Iraq in record time. They will use the media, to influence thought, different organizations like ACLU, CAIR and the like to influence laws and thought process in America and Canada, then they will sneak terrorist across our mexican and american border to wreak havoc. Granted we do have the best weapons and military in the world, but if we have to have approval from the UN to take action, well lets just say we know how that all works out. I don't think I put any hate filled crap in what I wrote, I wrote it as I see it and how it is unfolding in our world. If you ask me if I like terrorist doing what they do, my answer is NO, should we do whatever it takes to stop them, my answer is YES. Should we do it there or here, my answer is there. I don't like doing what we have to do to win, we all bleed red. Not all muslims are bad, I know that is an overused statement but it is true. The problem we have is very few good muslims are speaking out and criticizing what the bad ones are doing. WHY, because they are scared and in fear of their lives, Islam is a very radical religion when you have suicide bombers trying to convert people to islam. I have thought of alot of ways to try to beat this thing before it turns into something we can't turn away from. We could go bomb the batcrap out of the whole middle east, destroy and kill everyone, and start over. That will never happen nor should it!!! The ONLY way to beat this thing in our lifetime is --- empower the women --- . They can get this thing turned around quick. Behind every good man is a better woman. I would like nothing else than to see this thing go away and we all be friends. In the mean time, I hope the younger generation of muslims and islamic clerics, can see through all the propoganda and realize that we also bleed red, just like everyone else. It is obvious you have your opinion, and I have mine. Although you may think it is stupid, but I choose to not live my life with my head buried in the sand. Cavegirl, or cavechick (makes me sound younger)
  9. well I made it back home all went well except for the gas pains "ouch" but hopefully it goes away quick thank you for the prayers it helped alot
  10. Indio Girl, Thanks for that, I am now on my heating pad and taking more gas x I hope maybe tonight it gets a little better by tomorrow morning cuz this is miserable, but you're it will only get better from here Thanks Again
  11. Hi everyone well i had my surgery today and everything went well except for the MACK truck that hit me in the operating room. :cry Right in the gut!!! What im wondering is i have bad pain right at the bottom of my sternum. Feels like i need to burp really bad but i cant seem to. Feels like i have walked a mile but no luck on easing the pain. I have drank Water, had a little broth so i could take my pain medicine but that is all i have had. Could someone tell me what i may be able to do to ease the pain. I have also taken gas-x dissolve strips Thanks
  12. thank you so much for the info. I just want tomorrow to be finished so I can carry on, this liquid thing is about to kill me it will be nice when 1/4 to 1/2 cup of liquid will fill me up
  13. Well im going tomorrow to get my surgery in hurst :clap2: and was wondering if anyone had any last minute items to take with me to surgery to make it more comfortable. I am taking carmex for the parchness an insulated cup for ice for the ride home a pillow for the seat belt my TEDDY BEAR for comfort:bounce: loose fitting clothes with a button down shirt Has anyone had nausea after surgery I live about 2 hours from surgery location and I would hate to be pulling over every 10 minutes on the side of the road:faint:that would be bad. Thanks for your :help:
  14. Cavegirl

    DFW Area Bandsters

    Thunderwheels, Im going tomorrow hope everything goes well any last min. items you can think for me to take to make things easier? how are you doing now it has been about a month? good luck
  15. Cavegirl

    US Sanctioned Torture

    Munchkin, If you like to read I would suggest you read Vince Flynn books. Vince Flynn Or Brad Thor Brad Thor If you like things like Bourne Ultimatum and Black ops and such you will love those books. I am not much of a reader and never have been. But I just happenned to be doing alot of flying lately and I have read everyone of their books they go in order so you have to get them in succesion. But you will definitely get a better understanding of how it operates. Brad Thor is a very accomplished individual, he actually sits in on and participates with the pentagon on War Games: Basically acting out live scenarios of what could possibly happen on our soil having to do with terrorist groups. He says and I have heard other people talk about it also, the next target for these jerk terrorists is taking over schools and killing children, they think that will break our spirit, THEY OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW US VERY WELL. Hopefully we can keep torturing the bad guys and never have to worry about that. Enjoy the books I know I did!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
