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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from msrereb in Recovery room-What I wish someone would have told me   
    I wish someone had told me that the "gas pressure" was going to settle up under my rib cage and feel like someone was sitting on my chest.
  2. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to TealSister in March Sleevers   
    Today is day 6 in Sleeveland. I didn't think I'd make it but here I am! I've second guessed my decision so many times. I can't seem to get enough liquids or Proteins down. The belching and hiccups hurt so badly. I'm at about 15oz of Water and 20g of Protein. Still on Clear Liquids and started Vitamins on Sunday. But- today feels promising! Happy April! ????
  3. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in Great news with a rant   
    I think perhaps once you get through your pre-op diet you have more room to rant.
    I substituted a Oscar Mayer Protein pack for my Soup everyday during my pre-op diet. That's "cheating" but whatever. I did what I needed to do to get through it. And lost 21lbs in the process.
    Congratulations on your approval. I just hope that once you start this journey your thoughts may soften some. Have compassion for others. We're all here for the same reason. We need to do our best to lift each other up not beat people down. You will have your slip ups. May not be during pre-op. But could be months down the road. But you shouldn't judge others on their path unless you would want the same attitude thrown at you in your hour of weakness.
    May he without sin cast the first stone.
    (Not being all Godly on ya, but it's a very fitting quote)
  4. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from msrereb in Recovery room-What I wish someone would have told me   
    I wish someone had told me that the "gas pressure" was going to settle up under my rib cage and feel like someone was sitting on my chest.
  5. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in Great news with a rant   
    I think perhaps once you get through your pre-op diet you have more room to rant.
    I substituted a Oscar Mayer Protein pack for my Soup everyday during my pre-op diet. That's "cheating" but whatever. I did what I needed to do to get through it. And lost 21lbs in the process.
    Congratulations on your approval. I just hope that once you start this journey your thoughts may soften some. Have compassion for others. We're all here for the same reason. We need to do our best to lift each other up not beat people down. You will have your slip ups. May not be during pre-op. But could be months down the road. But you shouldn't judge others on their path unless you would want the same attitude thrown at you in your hour of weakness.
    May he without sin cast the first stone.
    (Not being all Godly on ya, but it's a very fitting quote)
  6. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to LipstickLady in Great news with a rant   
    I dare say that the majority of us have done the same.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from liannatx in how long did people take off work for recovery?   
    Once off pain meds for 24 hours is the general rule.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to BLERDgirl in After surgery care? Need your input!   
    Some of your concerns sound like they may be a result of your mental health issues. The bariatric program is not a mental health program. I have also noticed that the surgery can sometimes throw people out of whack for a bit. Perhaps the correct people to speak with would be those who manage your MH care. When I use out email system it states that it may be 2 -3 days before I get a response so I take that into consideration. What happened to me yesterday was that once she replied back we were able to coordinate when I could chat and that's how the emailing back and forth occurred.
    No one is trying to downplay your concerns. Diarrhea is not uncommon and therefore was not a red flag for the program. Perhaps your next step needs to be who can help get your MH issues back on an even keel and what you plan to do for the rest of your follow up care. Just please keep in mind the bariatric center is not a MH facility. They may not be equipped for that. If that is not something you can deal with then perhaps you should speak with your PCP about taking over follow care.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in After surgery care? Need your input!   
    Every place is different. There is no "standard". This is just how my surgeon's office and this particular surgery center worked. If they didn't tell you it was going to happen then it shouldn't have been expected. I was told before hand. At your next appointment you need to ask at what intervals post op that you should expect to be seen. And then also make sure you know how after hours care works.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in After surgery care? Need your input!   
    Every place is different. There is no "standard". This is just how my surgeon's office and this particular surgery center worked. If they didn't tell you it was going to happen then it shouldn't have been expected. I was told before hand. At your next appointment you need to ask at what intervals post op that you should expect to be seen. And then also make sure you know how after hours care works.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to BLERDgirl in After surgery care? Need your input!   
    My first f/u was at 2 weeks. However my doctor schedules an actual f/u appointment. Not calling you for 2 weeks as a follow up is not uncommon. Especially since they actually had updates with the sick calls about the diarrhea.
    I don't know what your pre-op experience was. What types of handouts if any you were given, if your program has a support group, did you take notes at your doctor's appointments, what plans did you make for aftercare. I spoke with my nurse while in the hospital. Once it was discovered that I lived alone, arrangements were made for a visiting nurse to check on me. Turns out I really didn't need it, but it was a nice thing to have in place.
    I am a planner by nature. I researched the types of Protein drinks/powders that were available before my surgery. I read that some can give people diarrhea. I bought a few and tested them before my surgery.
    Some of this sounds like it may be due to you other issues. Are you seeing anyone for that? Your hormones may be out of whack due to the surgery. If you are on medication it may need to be adjusted.
    So what are you plans now for aftercare now?
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from agalindo17 in Hiccups   
    I got hiccups several times right after surgery before they had given me anything to drink. Omg they hurt so bad!!!
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    ladycook9713 reacted to inkmartyr in Before and After Pics   
    I just did a comparison and am dedicated to keep getting better
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    ladycook9713 reacted to mandyq1985 in ???? Calling all March Sleevers....let's support each other!????   
    One hour till I leave for the hospital. Eeeekkk lol. Ready to get this show in the road.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to Butterfly85 in ???? Calling all March Sleevers....let's support each other!????   
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    ladycook9713 reacted to mandyq1985 in ???? Calling all March Sleevers....let's support each other!????   
    Hope all went well. Let us know when you can. Keep us posted. I go in at 7:30 in the morning.
  17. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Liv2Ride in Pre-op Diet! successes? struggles?   
    I was allowed 2 Protein Shakes, 1 Soup, and 1-2 snack (sf Jello, sf pudding, sf popcicles) all sf drinks I wanted. No carbonation. Mine was 2 weeks long and the last 2 days was all clear liquids. I lost 21lbs
  18. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from janeaddams in March Sleevers   
    I'm 2 days off pain meds. 4 days post op (not counting surgery day) I'm down 42lbs from my highest weight. Doing my best to get my fluids in. Already tired of Isopure drinks. Ready to graduate from Clear Liquids to full liquid!
  19. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from janeaddams in March Sleevers   
    I'm 2 days off pain meds. 4 days post op (not counting surgery day) I'm down 42lbs from my highest weight. Doing my best to get my fluids in. Already tired of Isopure drinks. Ready to graduate from Clear Liquids to full liquid!
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    ladycook9713 reacted to BLERDgirl in What vitamins do you take?   
    Just regular Vitamins. My multi is by KIND, by Calcium, B12, D3 are by Nature's Bounty. I don't have trouble swallowing pills so I didn't need chewable.< /p>
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    ladycook9713 reacted to bikrchk in What vitamins do you take?   
    I take a women's generic one a day morning and night along with an extra B12, D3, Biotin and a probiotic. Once per day I take a time release calcuim citrate. I was taking a slow fe one per day (mid day with no other supplements as Calcium can affect absorption), but I've gone a little anemic (just not absorbing as much as I should) so recently purchased a chewable Iron with C (which aids in absorption) I'll take twice a day to try and bring up my iron sat. I get my Vitamins at Walmart or Vitamin Shoppe, (for the probiotic and iron).
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    ladycook9713 reacted to Elode in What vitamins do you take?   
    I take a Multivitamin with minerals, b-12, super b-complex, Calcium w Vitamin D, Biotin, iorn and folic acid. I just recently got some bariatric ones but I don't like them. I like good ole Vitamins that I get from Vitacost! I don't need chewables anymore but my favorite multi is and its pineapple flavored! I can't think of the name right now but it's probably the only pineapple flavored on their website.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to ThinnieMinnie2B in What vitamins do you take?   
    I got all of mine at CVS. They have great BOGO sales. chewables and gummies. You can compare the ingredients from the Bariatric Vitamins to store brands. As long as you are getting the minimum recommended (per surgeon) amount (1,000mcg b12/1,500mg Calcium, etc) you should be fine.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to jenntai01 in What vitamins do you take?   
    I take juice Plus. It is whole food Vitamins and minerals from food. I chose whole food nutrition because it's easier for my body to absorb and since I do 5 get in the fruit and veggies I should focusing on Protein
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    ladycook9713 reacted to smile4unga in What vitamins do you take?   
    I take 8 Vitafusion gummy vitamins (very close to Bariatric equivalent) B12, 4 Kroger Fiber gummies, 2 calcium chews. My recent blood work showed excellent levels!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
