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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from momfromjersey22 in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I was told to stay away from the Special K stuff bc of the sugar content.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from momfromjersey22 in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I was told to stay away from the Special K stuff bc of the sugar content.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Spicy06 in March 2015 Sleevers   
    Dang I would have gone straight to HR about your bosses. They are not allowed to say anything about it to anyone.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Chrystee in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    Thank you! I have my 2 week appt tomorrow and get to go to purees then. I think I'll go to the store later or tomorrow after my appt and get stuff for my pureed stage. I am an avocado fiend so I might live off that and eggs. I'll look up that person and check out their recipes. Thank you again!
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Chrystee in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I'm still getting revolted at the thought of drinking my Protein. I'm going crazy. I don't know what it is about it. But that little lump you get in your throat when something makes you feel sick enough to throw up comes up everytime I think about a Protein shake, any kind of Soup, pudding, Jello...
    I won't lie. I had about 2tablespoons, if that, of mashed potatoes on Easter. They were so good and it felt good to eat something that wasn't liquid.
    Purees start on Wednesday.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to glitter eyes in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    @ladycook9713. For my puréed stage ( let me clarify that my surgeons puréed stage included anything soft that could be chewed to applesauce consistency) :
    Greek yogurt
    Ricotta cheese bake( google "the world according to egg face" for the recipes, she has a lot of great ideas
    Soft white fish chewed well
    Soft cheeses
    Refried Beans ( my fav, I was able to add different things like melted cheese, gaucamole, sour cream etc.
    Smoked salmon chewed well
    Soft scrambled eggs
    Chili chewed well
    Soups- I would add unflavored Protein powder
    I made sure to weigh and measure everything and take slow tiny bites.
    Have fun on the puréed stage and get creative and goggle ideas.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to glitter eyes in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    Hang in there it will get better. Also, just because you can't get your Protein in early post op does not mean you are a failure.
    Post op I had a hard time getting my protein too. I could not tolerate the Protein Shakes and I tried many brands. I still to this day- nine months post op despise them. I just made sure I stayed very hydrated ( small sips) and I lived off Greek yogurt and strained Soups until I got to the puréed stage. From there on out you can get your protein from food instead of shakes.
    I used all the Protein Powder I had to make protein pancakes( once I was able to eat solid food) and I also mix it with my Greek yogurt.
    I get my fair life milk at my local grocery store ( Publix) it taste just like regular milk but you get the bonus of double the protein.
    You will be a success. Lots of luck
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    ladycook9713 reacted to liannatx in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    @ladycook9713 If you are tired of the sweet stuff the Syntrax Fuzzy Navel tastes like slightly diluted orange juice... much less thick and sweet than the typical chocolate/vanilla Protein drink.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to jhowell in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    Isopure is really good. I use the creamy vanilla. And I put PB2 in it. There's a new milk brand called FairLife. It's refortified and has roughly 13g of Protein.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Casey235 in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I haven't tried Syntrax yet. Thinking of taking a trip to the Vitamin Shoppe tomorrow. I'm just so tired of sweet tasting everything. I could go so badly for a piece of chicken!
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Casey235 in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I'm 9 days post op. I'm in the full liquid stage. I was excited when I got to move up from Clear liquids because I thought it would help with how much I'd be able to eat. But in finding its just as bad.
    I can't stand Soup. And this was pre-op as well. Still can't. I've tried so many different kinds. I just can't stand it. Protein Shakes make me nauseous to even think about it. I'm going crazy. I'm basically only getting in Water.
    Who else was like this? I'm depressed cause I feel like I'm failing by not getting in my Protein. I crave real food so badly. Sigh...
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Casey235 in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I haven't tried Syntrax yet. Thinking of taking a trip to the Vitamin Shoppe tomorrow. I'm just so tired of sweet tasting everything. I could go so badly for a piece of chicken!
  13. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from HYCIERRA in There is this guy that works on my building   
    In my office there are two large men that are affected by their weight that they have to use CPAPs. They know losing weight will resolve this issue. And they know that WLS is an option. Both have said that they don't want to. This man very well may be aware and just doesn't want to make that step.
    I'd say you can start a conversation with him about something non WLS. And if he brings up the fact that he's noticed you've lost a lot and wants to know what you did then you can bring it up. And if he asks more questions even better. But if he doesn't don't push it. WLS is not the answer for every overweight person.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to Djmohr in There is this guy that works on my building   
    I totally agree with your approach. If he is anything like me, I would have been offended if someone that I don't know came up to me and started discussing weight loss options. If you don't know their state of mind at the current time it can make things worse.
    I had to be absolutely ready for that discussion to go well. For me it was my nephrologist who asked me what my thoughts were right after I was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. I was completely ready and had wished some of my others doctors had recommended it. Now, I will say that I was peeved that my other doctors did not mention it because I had been sick with comorbities for years and I was in fact ready for a long long time.
    I like the suggestion of talking to him about other things and if he mentions that you look great, share your story. If he is interested, he will ask more.
    Good luck!
  15. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from HYCIERRA in There is this guy that works on my building   
    In my office there are two large men that are affected by their weight that they have to use CPAPs. They know losing weight will resolve this issue. And they know that WLS is an option. Both have said that they don't want to. This man very well may be aware and just doesn't want to make that step.
    I'd say you can start a conversation with him about something non WLS. And if he brings up the fact that he's noticed you've lost a lot and wants to know what you did then you can bring it up. And if he asks more questions even better. But if he doesn't don't push it. WLS is not the answer for every overweight person.
  16. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from HYCIERRA in There is this guy that works on my building   
    In my office there are two large men that are affected by their weight that they have to use CPAPs. They know losing weight will resolve this issue. And they know that WLS is an option. Both have said that they don't want to. This man very well may be aware and just doesn't want to make that step.
    I'd say you can start a conversation with him about something non WLS. And if he brings up the fact that he's noticed you've lost a lot and wants to know what you did then you can bring it up. And if he asks more questions even better. But if he doesn't don't push it. WLS is not the answer for every overweight person.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to Tauruslady5 in Movie time   
    Why would you even think to eat popcorn. You just had this surgery to loose weight and become healthier.
    Bring Water and you will be fine.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to dattgirl68 in Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story   
    Hang in there ladycook soft foods are around the corner! you are an inspiration to me! I'm going through all the pre-op stuff and have my pre surgery meeting on 4/14 with endoscope happening 2 days later. Surgery scheduled for 5/12. Can't wait and u continue to look forward to your progress! Be strong!
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    ladycook9713 reacted to BLERDgirl in Concerned about calories.. 8 Days Post Op   
    Some doctors want their patients to do Clear liquids before introducing Protein. OP is doing the right thing by sticking to her doctor's list.
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in My Gastric Sleeve Story   
    I wouldn't say what you're going through is normal. Everything you're describing is pointing to low Water intake. How much water are you drinking each day?
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from liannatx in Concerned about calories.. 8 Days Post Op   
    Where's your Protein? You're going to be consuming very low calories right out of surgery, but you need to be getting protein in.
  22. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to Jill_Icardi in March Sleevers   
    Good evening everyone! It's encouraging to read that the majority of you are doing well with your recent surgeries.
    I am 10 days out and every day I am feeling a bit better. It has been challenging getting the Protein and fluids in. I am up to two premier Proteins and one thinned greek yogurt a day with about 40 ounces of Water. Today was the second day I was able to do that. I am not putting too much stock into what the scale is telling me because I am all over the place. I was down three pounds yesterday and then again today. This must be Fluid loss from surgery. Nobody loses three pounds a day!
    One thing that shocked me is that the Syntrax Nectars I seemed to love before surgery all taste disgusting to me right now. They are literally gagging me. I had to go buy some premier shakes which aren't the best but I am tolerating them. I still find myself staring at the potato chips every time I go in the kitchen and asked my husband to hide them if he is going to eat them. That is my crack!
    To date, I am down 14 pounds from surgery and 53 pounds total since Jan 29th when I began this crazy journey. I have no regrets thus far but I am really getting sick of liquids!!! I have been daydreaming about food that is off limits! The head hunger is still there!!! It's the worst.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to LipstickLady in Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette   
    <~~~~~~~~tiptoes out quietly.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to Okinawa girl in Recovery room-What I wish someone would have told me   
    Ladycook I am so writing those tips down and taking them with me so I remember. I love great advice!
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    ladycook9713 got a reaction from dohickey01 in Recovery room-What I wish someone would have told me   
    I wish someone had told me that the "gas pressure" was going to settle up under my rib cage and feel like someone was sitting on my chest.

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