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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Chrystee in March Sleevers   
    I've stalled too. Haven't weighed myself in a couple of days though. Last I checked in down 51lbs but the scale hasn't moved in over a week. Surgery was 3/25. I'm down almost 2 sizes. I'm in the middle of 2 sizes and it's so frustrating.
  2. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from stephh in Memorial Day Challenge!   
    Sorry I missed last week!
    Last week: 253
    Today 252.6
  3. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Chrystee in March Sleevers   
    I've stalled too. Haven't weighed myself in a couple of days though. Last I checked in down 51lbs but the scale hasn't moved in over a week. Surgery was 3/25. I'm down almost 2 sizes. I'm in the middle of 2 sizes and it's so frustrating.
  4. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from kimpossible67 in Can we talk undies?   
    I wear Victoria secret underwear. I don't tuck my belly into my underwear. I wear a compression tank to keep everything smooth and in place.
  5. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to rebeccalee618 in I'm getting down on myself (before and after pics)   
    I have been really at a sort of stand still for a while. I am making a new standard for myself from now on. I didn't sign up for a quick fix! I signed up for a hard yet rewarding road and having your stomach cut from your body is no joke! So why am I treating it as such. Today I have been reflecting and I need to be proud of myself to continue to grow. 100 lbs ago I beat myself up and it didn't get me anywhere so why would that work now. So I am proud of my journey... And the journey has just begun. The road is long... One year feels long but it's no where near the end! No more feeling guilty!   
  6. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from avermette in I wanna sandwich- 5 weeks out   
    During my first few weeks I wanted a piece of toast so badly. Or saltine crackers. But that seemed to be because i was nauseous I just wanted something bland.
    I've had a couple of cravings. But my NUT told me not to try bread until I was 6 months out.
  7. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from Essence46 in Miniature Candy Bars   
    This gives me hope that one day I'll be able to have small pleasures here and there. Last night I was craving ice cream really badly. But I'm only 1 month out, and the surgical team has me convinced that if I eat anything with over 5g of sugar that I will dump or throw up!
  8. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to LipstickLady in I'm scared I'll be saggy....   
    I am your height and I was about 10 pounds heavier when I started than you are now according to your sidebar stats.
    I would MUCH rather have saggy skin than die early of complications from my obesity. I might not look like a bikini model naked, but I sure do look a helluva lot better in my clothes. Plus I have the ability to do anything I want.

    Grab a hold of your life while you are young!!
    In these pictures I am about 6-7 pounds heavier than I am now. Where would you rather be in a year or two?

  9. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to stephh in Memorial Day Challenge!   
    Hi all! Happy Tuesday! The spreadsheet has been updated with everyone's info as of 7:50pm EST on Tuesday, April 21. If you post your weight after tonight, it probably won't get updated until Sunday.
    Congrats to @@TudaTank2 for having the highest % of weight lost so far this challenge!
    As a group, we lost 204.0 pounds last week! So incredible!!!
  10. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to stephh in Memorial Day Challenge!   
    Its time for another challenge! This challenge will be beginning with the first weigh in and goal on Monday, April 13. From there on after, weigh ins will take place Monday. Last weigh in will be Monday, May 25. This will allow a total of 7 weigh ins in all. The link for the spreadsheet is posted below. I'm taking over for @Susan11803. She always hosted the best challenges! Hopefully, I can keep up as well as she did!
    A Few Reminders
    You will know it is updated once I have liked your post. Please post weigh ins here in this post only. We are all here to support each other, so questions posted here will be answered by anyone else willing to help. If you want to adjust your goal weight, just add that in any reply to this post. if you miss a weigh in, no problem! Just report back in the next week. But if you missed three or more weigh ins, I will assume that you no longer wish to continue the challenge and your name will be removed from spread sheet.

    Spread Sheet Link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/164fvNZ0AyvtRwPARkHtUQoH9G0jV7S1EJF59ynH526s/edit?usp=sharing

    Have fun with this! Challenge yourself in new ways! Join us for the Memorial Day Challenge!
  11. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to LipstickLady in I want salad please!   
    When I told my NP I wanted salad, she asked me exactly what I missed about it. It was the crunch, the variety, the texture. She suggested (BRILLIANT!!) that I go to the salad bar at the grocery and make a container of just the toppings. As she said -- that's the yummy part and lettuce is simply non-nutritious filler.

    So I did. Red onions, red peppers, olives, grape tomatoes, scallions, bacon bits, shredded cheese, etc. She did tell me to avoid seeds, croutons and broccoli for the first 6 months, but other than that...

    I added a bit of my favorite dressing, stirred it and YUMMMMMMM!
  12. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from RealRocknRollaVSG in "Drop and give me 10 more!"   
    I'd just do the 2 week liquid diet if I were you. I lost 21lbs during mine.
  13. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from stephh in Memorial Day Challenge!   
    Id like to join in.
    Last week - 257.4
    This week 254
    Goal 245
  14. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from agalindo17 in Isopure drinks   
    They are pretty terrible but I used them during my clear Fluid stage. I have zero desire to ever touch one again.
  15. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from agalindo17 in Isopure drinks   
    They are pretty terrible but I used them during my clear Fluid stage. I have zero desire to ever touch one again.
  16. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to GreenEyes604 in WLS Medical ID bracelet or necklace?   
    I asked my surgeon if she thought that I should purchase a Bracelet, and she told me that people who have been sleeved really don't need one. The only folks that really need them are bypass patients.
  17. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from purrfctangel in March 25th anyone?   
    I want real food still 3 more weeks till I'm on regular food. But one week still I move to soft foods. Which is more like reg food.
  18. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from CrissyBat in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    Ladycook9713 - currently doing my 2 week liquid diet. Surgery date is 3/25
  19. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I had a 1 week follow up and thought things would get better once I was able to go to full liquids. Then I found that my tummy just isn't handling milk or maybe it's the sweetness.
    Either way I had another follow up today and have been advanced to puree/mashable stage. I'm going to go shopping this afternoon for food.
  20. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from MrsB2007 in Stress test :(   
    I was told during my stress test that they aren't allowed to tell you during the test whether or not you have failed. That a doctor will call you if there was anything wrong. And that no news is good news.
  21. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to x0CheekzVSG in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    Bariatriceating.com has some great recipes along with the Pintrest App. Hope this helps Im going through something similar
  22. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from liannatx in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I was told to stay away from the Special K stuff bc of the sugar content.
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    ladycook9713 reacted to BLERDgirl in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    Sounds great, I hope it helps. Just go slow and make sure everything is soft and moist.
  24. Like
    ladycook9713 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in 9days PostOp: Not hungry...barely eating   
    I had a 1 week follow up and thought things would get better once I was able to go to full liquids. Then I found that my tummy just isn't handling milk or maybe it's the sweetness.
    Either way I had another follow up today and have been advanced to puree/mashable stage. I'm going to go shopping this afternoon for food.
  25. Like
    ladycook9713 reacted to CharlotteWebb in March 2015 Sleevers   
    40lbs down total. Surgery was 3-5-15. No preop diet was required. Off all of my meds. No more heart problems, cholesterol problems, diabetes.
    Life is good

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