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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ladycook9713

  1. ladycook9713

    March Sleevers

    What a lucky day!!
  2. ladycook9713

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Ladycook9713 - currently doing my 2 week liquid diet. Surgery date is 3/25
  3. ladycook9713

    Set for 3/25 in Texas. Soooo ready!

    Have you started your liquid diet? I'm on day 4.
  4. ladycook9713

    Set for 3/25 in Texas. Soooo ready!

    He's lost over 100lbs. He had a lot more to lose, but said he was happy if he didn't lose anything else. That he felt so much better. I think he has a lot of excess skin. I don't know what hospital his was at. Mine is March 25th in Richardson with Dr. Adam Smith.
  5. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Day 4 went really well. I'm averaging 600-700 calories a day. I weighed myself this morning and it says I've lost 10lbs. I dunno about that business. We'll see what the scale says at the doc office on Monday when I go in for my stress test.
  6. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    I have tried premier shakes and I can't even get through one! They are overly sweet and do have a bad after taste! The Muscle Milk 100 calorie chocolate did the trick for me! I bought mine at walmart. The first taste is okay I was scared cuz premier was so gross, but I just kept taking small sips and by the end I realized it was nothing like premier and I actually liked it! There is also Isopure and has a lot of flavors but I haven't tried that yet! My all liquid starts on Sunday! Been on the preop diet for 2wks! Good luck! Keep going! I emailed The company for Muscle Milk and asked for some samples and received 2 in the mail yesterday. I'll have to try them out! My NUT told me that isopure Was pretty bad and when I was at GNC the guy told me that he thought it tasted like gasoline. If you try them let me know what you think. My NUT said that Necter was pretty good, but I haven't tried to look it up yet.
  7. ladycook9713

    March Sleevers

    I'm on day 3 of my liquid diet. My surgery is on March 25th. Not sure what time yet. I am using GNC Pro Performance AMP protein powder and mixing it with milk. It tastes just like chocolate milk. I was gagging when drinking the premier protein shakes. They were so gross!! Getting more and more nervous as the surgery date gets closer. This whole process went very quick for me. I had my very first appointment on Feb11th and a month and half later I'm having surgery! (even paying with insurance) Eek!
  8. Congrats on your surgery and I hope you heal fast!
  9. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Yesterday was Day 2 of the liquid diet... By the end of the day I was hungry and had a terrible headache. I finally gave in and ate a Protein Pack by Oscar Mayer. Even with that I only consumed 630 calories. After I got home from work my husband and I went to GNC to see if I could find a Protein shake I liked. Talked with the guy there and he recommended GNC Pro Performance AMP in chocolate. I mixed it with milk and it tastes so much better! I imagine it will get old by the end of the two weeks, but at least I don't feel like gagging each time I drink it. This morning I had 6oz of the chocolate shake and a greek yogurt. I'm sooo looking forward to 6 weeks after surgery when I can eat things that actually require chewing!
  10. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    I wasn't a fan of the chocolate premier so I got a vanilla and blended in some berries.. not bad.. but not good either.. These 2 weeks are going to be very hard for me.. Going to try getting some flavorless powder.. or perhaps move on to strawberry... Dietitian told me that Necter was a brand people seemed to like as well.
  11. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Nutrition appointment went well. Found out some tricks that should make the liquid diet a little easier Also had pre-op appointment. Went over the dos and don'ts Getting nervous!
  12. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Morning of Day 1 of liquid diet - I have with me Premier Protein chocolate shake... it's disgusting... It has a terrible after taste.. it smells terrible... I put a straw in it and positioned the straw towards the back of my throat so it wouldn't hit my tongue as I drank it... Gonna have to find something new cause I don't think I can drink this for the next 2 weeks. I have my nutritional appointment today and my preop appointment. Praying I can get through this
  13. ladycook9713

    Set for 3/25 in Texas. Soooo ready!

    My coworker had his done by Stowers. Mine is being done by Dr. Adam Smith.
  14. ladycook9713

    March 25th anyone?

    I'm in Texas and getting sleeved on 3/25. I start my liquid diet tomorrow. I'm so nervous. All I have is some shakes.
  15. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Thank you. Had Chipotle tonight as my last "food funeral"... very nervous about starting the liquid diet tomorrow.
  16. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Megan called me back and they have scheduled my surgery for the 25th! Scheduled a whole bunch of other appointments for before and after the surgery. Liquid diet starts in 2 days and I'm freaking out! Purchased some premier shakes this after and going to give it a try tomorrow morning. Very worried about being hungry all the time. Can't believe this is happening so quickly!
  17. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Just got a call from Megan the patient advocate at the surgeons office and she said they are going to squeeze my surgery in on 3/25! I tried calling her back but it went to an answering service since they are generally at lunch at this time. Waiting for a call back and then I am just going to verify all costs again to make sure I don't have any surprises. Waiting!
  18. ladycook9713

    Set for 3/25 in Texas. Soooo ready!

    Where are you located at in Texas? I'm in the Dallas area and should be getting the sleeve on the 25th
  19. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Feeling a little discouraged... Went to the surgeon's office today and they told me that this particular surgeon requires nutritional counseling, pysch evaulation, EGD, and Stress test before they will schedule me for surgery... even though my insurance does not require it (and I've already been approved.) She told me the Stress test alone could cost $1500. During my very first consultation with True Results my patient advocate didn't tell me the surgeon's office required the stress test and EGD.. only the NUT and pysch. I had saved money accordingly.. so I have $3000 and trying to figure out how to make it all work... I left the appointment upset and stressed out... I have a time restriction working against me... 2 days after they sent in my paperwork to insurance for approval my company sent out and email that they were making changes to the insurance plan.. that all bariatric surgeries would have to take place in an In Network COE.. the way it is approved right now the facility is out of network (somehow that makes it cheaper on me, don't ask me how). So the approval I received for insurance is for an Out of Network facility and an In Network surgeon... the changes to my health insurance plan take affect April 1. Which means if I do not have the surgery done by April 1 that I will have to resubmit to insurance for approval, and because it has to be in an In Network COE would end up costing me more money. Right before I left she said that even if I had everything completed today, that her first available surgery date would be April 1...... After leaving the office I called the insurance person for True Results.. She told me that I should go ahead and get the tests done and that she could try to push for my surgery date to be squeezed in before the end of the month. I don't feel confident or comfortable doing expensive tests on a "maybe". She told me to call my patient advocate since she only submits everything for approval to insurance. She said she would also email my patient advocate. About 15 mins later I received a call from my patient advocate and I explained the whole situation to her. She said she was going to call the surgeon's office and see what she could do. 45 mins later she called me back and said that I needed to call the surgeon's office back and speak with the patient advocate there, but that they may be able to squeeze me in on 3/25. Called the surgeon's office and spoke with the patient advocate, Megan, and she said that she has to speak with the GM first to clear that it will be ok, but that what would happen is that I would do the nut and pysch on Wed the 11th, and then my stress test on the 16th. And that they would do the EGD during my surgery, which they don't prefer to do.. but may be able to..She said she would call me back around 1-2pm to let me know if that was going to be possible.. So I may or may not be starting the liquid diet in 2 days...
  20. ladycook9713

    Only losing 1lbs a day

    I think it was just the wording of the original post. The "only" in there. Only, made it sound like she was disappointed in the amount of weight she was losing thus far. So I can see how the other poster took it that way.
  21. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    I know! It's so crazy! It hasn't even been a month yet. I was so surprised when they called me 2 days after my first appointment and said they were submitting to insurance. I hope it goes super quick for you!
  22. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Thank you brandy! I'm very excited!
  23. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Got the call today! All my paperwork finally made it to my surgeon and I have an spot to see him Monday at 9am and should be scheduling my surgery then.
  24. ladycook9713

    dr Adam smith ft worth lapband

    That's who is supposed to do my sleeve. I've been approved. Just waiting for a surgery date.
  25. ladycook9713

    Monumental day 100lbs lost!

    You look amazing! Can I ask how tall you are? How is your skin doing so far? I'm pre-op so lots of questions! Sorry! ETA: Nvm, I see how tall you are! What size pants did you wear previously?

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