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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ladycook9713

  1. I second fattoo and there are several other plus size pages on Facebook to sell stuff on. Just always have someone pay you with PayPal so that you are both covered (unless it's local) That's what I plan to do anyway.
  2. I took 2 weeks, but going to see if I can return after 11 days.
  3. ladycook9713

    More on Crazy Penny

    They recently did a "Where are they now" episode and caught up with a few of the patients to see how they had been doing. Penny was one of them. She moved back home, still on oxygen, still bed ridden, and hasn't lost any weight. It's so sad.
  4. ladycook9713

    Please Help! Tricare Issues

    I had a friend that ended up getting gastric bypass through tricare because they wouldn't approve the sleeve.
  5. ladycook9713

    Pre-op Diet! successes? struggles?

    I was allowed 2 protein shakes, 1 soup, and 1-2 snack (sf jello, sf pudding, sf popcicles) all sf drinks I wanted. No carbonation. Mine was 2 weeks long and the last 2 days was all clear liquids. I lost 21lbs
  6. Figured all of us who have March 25th surgery dates could support each other during the last few days and the start of our new lives. I'm OVER this liquid diet! Starting Monday I have to go on all clear liquid diet. Just 4 days. Just very ready. I've lost 18lbs so far on this pre-op diet. How is everyone else doing?
  7. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    I think my issue is that I'm not hungry at all so I'm not thinking of eating or drinking.
  8. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    @@JRfishes sounds like you're doing a better job of getting your liquids in than me. I've only had 12oz so far of the 40 they want me to get in. And good to know about that incision!
  9. ladycook9713

    March Sleevers

    I definitely wouldn't work out. Just tons of water and walking. Working out will make you retain water and then it will look like you haven't lost anything.
  10. ladycook9713

    March Sleevers

    Have you been tracking what your eating? I used MyFitnessPal and tracked everything I ate during the pre-op diet. I was only consuming 600-700 calories a day. And that's really sucky of your NUT to not believe you. That's not being very supportive.
  11. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    I'm using Isopure as well. Having the blue raspberry today. I'm not able to take a shower until 48 hours after surgery. So I can't take one until tomorrow morning.
  12. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    Is your right side incision swollen at all? Mine is a little swollen and red, but doesn't have any drainage and isn't hot, and I don't have a fever. I'm figuring that's the incision they took my stomach out of.
  13. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    My husband has been really great about making dinner and taking care of our 2 kids (one of which is 9mo old). I wouldn't say I've felt "full" yet. But I can say that I don't feel hungry. From what I've read I won't feel a fullness until I start eating more dense foods. Right now I'm only on liquid.
  14. ladycook9713

    March Sleevers

    That would be crappy of them to cancel your surgery over 5lbs. How much did you have to lose? Fortunately I didn't have to lose a certain amount during my pre-op diet, but I did lose 21lbs on it.
  15. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    I'm feeling better today. I have one incision that hurts more than the others. I think that it's the one my stomach may have come out of. How is everyone doing?
  16. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    Hey everyone, My surgery took place on 3/25 around 9am. I left the surgery center around 2pm the same day to go home. First day I had some gas pains in my chest and back. I would say that was the worst part. Incisions are pretty sore. But I don't think they were as bad as my csection. I only really am bugged by one of them on my right side and I think that may be the one they pulled my stomach thru. I've been sleeping a lot and in between trying to walk and sip on Water. They want me to get in 40oz a day of Fluid but I'm having hard time doing that. I'm not having issues with swallowing. But I'm trying to be very careful with my sips because if I get a little air when I drink it hurts until the air bubble comes back up. I won't lie. Shortly after waking up and the nurses having me get up to walk I was regretting my decision. Those thoughts are slowly disappearing as the pain goes away though. I'll update again soon. The pain pills keep me tired so I've been sleeping a bunch.
  17. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    I was discharged same day. Surgery was at 9am. In the car headed home by 2pm So far no troubles getting Water down. Just have to be careful how I drink or an air bubble goes down. Been walking when I'm not sleeping. Nausea patch they put behind my ear has worn off today so having to take some the pills they prescribed me. Ready to start feeling normal.
  18. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    From the weigh in this morning I have lost 21lbs since starting the pre-op diet.
  19. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    In Pre-op. IV done. I'm a blubbering mess.
  20. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    I should have brought headphones. Listening to people slurp on coffee and chew gum is going to make me lose my damn mind.
  21. ladycook9713

    OFFICIAL: March 25th Surgery Date

    I cried when I dropped off my daughter with the sitter this morning. This is just a very emotional journey for me.
  22. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    At the surgery center. Just filled out all my paperwork and got my wristband. Trying to stay calm.
  23. ladycook9713

    Perfectly Imperfect: Ashley's VSG Story

    About to leave to go to the surgery center. I'm a basket case of nerves.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
