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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by VSGmary

  1. @Smye I will be trying the sushi this week but with smoked salmon, I think this will be just scrumpdidilydumptious! I will report back on how it all goes thanks again for the recipe!
  2. VSGmary

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    264lb today, thanks steph ????
  3. Oh my !! I have to try the Sushi! Thank you @@Smye
  4. VSGmary

    What exercise has everyone done

    I currently walk and ride my bike and when the weather was warmer i swam ( i love swimming). You could try swimming, all three exercises are low impact which is what i need as i have osteoarthritis in both my knees.
  5. VSGmary

    Master list

    Anyone know how we can get added to this list? I have tried by mentioning by @chellede but that has not worked ( i may have dine it wrong) . Also does anyone know who to contact to be added to the closed fb group for the oct 14 sleevers?
  6. VSGmary

    Lactose Free Protein shakes

    Well like watered down orange juice.
  7. I was in the similar position as you. I decided to track my meals to really be honest with myself and to allow me to evaluate what needed to change. Well i wasn't meeting any targets, none! So i upped my Protein (added shakes/bars) , now i can eat meat, so thats now another option for me to add to my arsenal of protein rich foods. I try to now eat at least 800 calories aday - i cannot do more. Exercise, i try to do at least 4 x 10k steps a week - i dont always get there but i try! , Now what was left was Fluid intake. This has got to be the hardest thing for me to keep up, and i still struggle with this. But having said all that, with all the changes i made, i lost 6lbs in one blooming week! So maybe re-evaluate everything you are doing, it may become clearer than crystal once you lay it all out on a tracker. Wishing you all the best with you weight loss journey xox
  8. VSGmary

    Lactose Free Protein shakes

    Sorry not pre made, but Syntrax nectar protein powder range mix well with water. I have tried and love fuzzy navel flavour - tastes like watered down orange juice. I have this every morning to help me get my protein daily intake. You can make this the night before and just leave it in the fridge and take it with you on your way to work.
  9. VSGmary

    Advice please band to sleeve

    I was revised band to sleeve in Oct 2014. Complications I've encountered personally: i have developed GERD, for the first 6 months i was lactose intolerant and could not eat any form of meat for the first 5 months. My gall bladder had to be removed 3 months after i was sleeved (this is quite normal due to losing a lot if weight in a short amount of time). My GERD is being controlled by taking one 20mg tablet of omeprazole a day. Thats about it! For me the revision has been 100% been worth it.
  10. Yes i was this way for 3.5 days after surgery, it started to get better. On the 4th day i had a barium swallow to confirm that everything was ok.. Went home the following day. Wish you all the very best with your weight loss journey xox
  11. 6 months out and I have my protein shake in the morning, Syntrax Nectar fuzzy navel , tastes like watered down orange juice. I cant eat anything in the morning, so thats quite a suitable alternative to the start of the day for me.
  12. VSGmary

    What ya eating tonight?

    Quinoa grecian salad - quinoa cooked in chicken stock - let it cool, diced up tomato, cucumbers , onion and some feta cheese can also add olives. Dressing red wine vinegar and fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. Had that last night and ill be having it again today as it makes a fair bit, my tummy likes it and the quinoa helps me keep regular!. Ill be buying a rotisserie chicken at lunch later today and mix a bit of that in my salad just to mix it up ????. This salad/meal is quite versatile.
  13. VSGmary

    Sweet things

    I am not sure if you are on mushies still or if you are progressing to normal foods, if its mushies, you have been given great advice above ????. Once you progress to normal foods, i can only tell you from my own experience, if you like ultra sweet stuff, you could try the Quest Protein bars - i found the choc chip cookie dough to be super sweet - has 21g protein and its super low in carbs - i believe its only got 3 carbs.
  14. Just wondering why the long hospital stay? Hi @@tacha22001 i had some minor complications, i couldn't get any liquids down for a couple of days. Doc thought it was best to keep me there under watch until i was ok. Had the barium swallow on the 4th day which showed everything was all a.o.k. i was able to go home the following day.
  15. VSGmary

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Just a quick update for me i am completely back to normal with foods! Lactose intolerance - gone, meat intolerance - gone!!! This makes this journey so much easier, while i still opt for meat free meals as i'm now just so used to that lifestyle, just knowing that i CAN eat it if i want to is awesome for me ????. I'm trying to incorporate chicken into my weekly meals at least once a week.
  16. I had long hair, but i decided to chop it off. I now have the shortest hairstyle I've ever had in my life and i absolutely love it!! I have a very short bop ???? and i honestly wont ever let it grow long again. Maintenance for short hair is just so much easier.
  17. My stay was 5 days / 4 nights, i took the following: Robe, slippers, underwear, toothbrush / paste, shampoo & conditioner, bed socks , my reading glasses, my iPhone and iPad. That's all i needed.
  18. VSGmary

    Do you regret surgery?

    Like everyone above, i do not regret having the sleeve. I had a pouch form above the band, so in essence i was growing another stomach! I would have days where i had no restriction at all, then other days where everything would get "stuck" and i would have to run for dear life to the bathroom. Having the sleeve has been amazing, i have the restriction i need, but i don't feel the need to run to the bathroom after every meal! It's just so much easier, and it allows me to really enjoy life for what it is Wishing you all the best with your weight loss journey xox
  19. I tend to agree with @@LipstickLady on this issue, however it brings me to my own journey since being sleeved. A lot of people since i was sleeved have almost reached goal, I'm only half way there. Am i jealous? Heck no as i have started off almost 100lbs heavier than what they started at. So are you sure its just not your perception that they feel that way?
  20. VSGmary


    I was lactose intolerant for 6 months after surgery. I tried syntrax nectar fuzzy navel flavour, it mixes really well with water. I have only tried the fuzzy navel flavour and i do like it a lot - tastes like a watered down orange juice. I tried milk last week and im all ok with it now, but i wont be changing products as my body agrees with syntrax nectar.
  21. This is what worries me as i have developed GERD since being sleeved. It's currently under control via meds, but surgeon advised if it gets worse i will have to have a bypass to rectify it. I so do not want another operation as already i have had a revision - lapband to sleeve. I am just not mentally ready for another surgery. Please keep us posted. Wish you all the best with your weight loss journey.
  22. VSGmary

    How bad is the hunger?

    Im 6 months out and still feel no hunger and i hope this continues. I smell the delicious food, but i don't want to eat it. I really don't have an appetite and that suits me just fine. I remember watching a VSG vlog on youtube and the lady said something so poignant to me that i wrote it down and placed it on my message board above my desk. Her message was so clear to me and just made so much sense, "Food is sustenance NOT recreation" and thats exactly how i feel about food nowadays, i never thought my relationship with food would change like this, ever!
  23. VSGmary

    New me starts tomorrow

    Hard not to be nervous, i remember that feeling, take deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing when and if you start feeling a little anxious. This will help calm you down. Some other things to try : try drinking a nice warm cup of tea or put some relaxation music on to help keep you centred and calm. The best days of your life are just ahead of you . You may have a few bumps in the beginning as most of us have, but that is completely normal. Wish you all the very best with your weight loss journey xox
  24. Costco has a comparable fibre product to the benefibre called kirkland signature optifibre. I believe amazon sells this also. It is tasteless and mixes well with water etc. i started to use this but now 6 months out i dont really need it as im quite regular now.
  25. VSGmary

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Im down to 267 lbs this week 6 lb loss so ive reached my goal for this challenge already! Last challenge my weight stuck onto me for dear life and didnt want to budge! Well at least its moving in the right direction. Maybe i need to change my target to 260?

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