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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by VSGmary

  1. VSGmary


    Hi Ryan, i have primary lymphoedema on both lower limbs. My lymphoedema has significantly decreased but not gone away. I am left with discolouration - red to almost black in some areas of my legs due to the severe swelling for such a long time (6 years) I asked my specialist if this discolouration would go away, they themselves did not know.
  2. Walked a little over 15,000 steps today, that 10.35 klm or 6.43miles! It was just two weeks ago i was doing 10k steps max a day, and i had a mini goal of 15k steps a day to be reached in 3 months.. Whoa! I never ever imagined i'd be at target already im super excited and now eyeing off 20k steps a day as my next target
  3. VSGmary

    Labor Day Challenge!

    My stats for this challenge are as follows: SW 251 GW 235 Thanks again Steph for running this challenge ???? Best wishes to everyone, let's do this! ????
  4. VSGmary


    Oh i wish i knew the answer to this! I cant eat corn (in any form) broccoli and all green leafy vegetables (unless they are puree'd) , my sleeve just doesn't like them at all . I don't know if having my gallbladder out also has attributed to this. *shrug*
  5. I was revised in oct 2014, and as of today i have lost 132lbs and still got more to lose. Am i slow in losing? I don't think so. Has it been easy? Hell no, ive struggled the last two months in a massive stall, but I'm back to moving down the scales - yippee! At the end of the day, its up to you, follow your surgeons plan and never, ever give up! Best wishes to you.
  6. VSGmary

    VSG after long term band removal?

    Hi i had my lapband in 2010, removed it in aug 2014 due to it failing and 10 weeks later i was revised to sleeve. Everything went well. I do not doubt that you should be ok to be revised 10 years later. Having said that, i would look into both sleeve and bypass as your options not just one. Best wishes for you on your weight loss journey.
  7. i was advised by my (now retired) surgeon that if the Gerd that i have developed since being sleeved gets worse that i will have to be revised to a bypass. This scares me as i have already been through a revision from lapband to sleeve. Please keep us posted on your progress. Wishing you all the best with your health xox
  8. what are your side effects to Chantrix - if any? I'm thinking about asking my PCP to assist me. I was lucky, i had no side effects. Having said that others that i know that have tried have had the following : heart palpatations and vivid nightmares. Best wishes to you.
  9. I too am mid-way (well just a little over) to hitting my goal and I too sometimes wonder who has hit goal that started 350+... its taken me almost 9 months and ive lost 132 lbs and its getting harder by the day.. but I keep at it and I wont give up on me, as I know I will make it to goal My stats are SW 383 DOS 370 CW 251 best wishes to you all, wishing you all every success with your weigh loss journeys
  10. I was both dairy & meat intolerant for the first 6 months.. My new tummy wasnt having a bar of that until it was fully healed. Was a bit hard adjusting but i did it. Its not the end of the world even though it may seem like it is right now. There are plenty of alternatives out there. I took syntrax nectar (fuzzy navel) protein shake daily plus quest protein bars.. Cookies and cream - and apple pie are my favourite . I also ate nuts and fish to get min 60g of protein in.
  11. VSGmary

    Fitbit Users

    Ive added you all, lovingdavid your email address is invalid, please confirm .. Cheers
  12. Water bottle and my fitbit
  13. I was dairy & meat intolerant for the first 6 months, i used syntrax nectar protein powder which i mixed with water. I am extremely fond of the fuzzy navel flavour - tastes like a watered down orange juice. Only thing to watch out for is when you mix it, you end up with quite a bit of froth. Its best to make it the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight for the froth to settle down.
  14. Yoga isnt so easy to do when you have OA in the knees. I have the same and i was told last year very similar info.. No surgery for me until im in my 60's, i was life wtf? I was on crutches for almost 12 months, walking was extremely difficult, surgeons advice was to lose weight.. I have since lost almost 130lbs .. I can walk without support.. But the key message is you need to keep active. I walk every day and i take fish oil tablets. I have some days where there is pain but its not unbearable like it was when i was heavier! Seek a second opinion, wish you all the best
  15. True-love, i have been walking a lot, and i absolutely love it! I was averaging less than 2k steps max a week before surgery now I'm recently averaging 70k steps a week. I have so much more energy, i feel less stressed, with my whole wellbeing i feel just so good after i go for a walk, and if i haven't gone for a walk for the day i just don't feel right. I found ways to get exercise into my life to suit my new lifestyle. I walk 45mins before work every day, then i walk another 45-60mins after i finish work then head off home and on the weekends i go walk around the river that right at my back door. I have osteo arthritis in both knees so i'm limited with what type of exercises i can do, but having said that, i dont let it stop me moving!
  16. VSGmary

    Labor Day Challenge!

    Please add me to this challenge.. These challenges help me keep on track and accountable.
  17. VSGmary

    4th of July Challenge

    257 this morning .. Finally moving in the right direction!
  18. VSGmary

    Fitbit users

    Ive also added you both!
  19. VSGmary

    4th of July Challenge

    262 this morning, thanks Steph.
  20. VSGmary

    4th of July Challenge

    264 this morning i'm going the wrong way ???? so depressing
  21. VSGmary

    4th of July Challenge

    Very sorry for the late post, no change for me.. Still sitting on 262
  22. Thank you Rog this is very inspiring, ive gotten into a bit of a lull at the moment ( started off as a stall but then old habits have started to creep in) and after reading this good sound advice it has helped me get my shit together and get back on track! Wishing you all the best with your journey xox
  23. Well done to you all, ! . For me this wasn't a hard thing to do as i was really ready to quit. I had tried twice before and failed. This time around i got help from my GP and used Champix to help me along with a Nicorette inhalator. It gave me a nicotine hit if and when i needed it without the smoke. Within two weeks i was off smokes. After smoking for 33 years this was for me one of the best things i did for myself. I have been smoke free since Dec 2013 and have loved every minute of it.
  24. VSGmary

    4th of July Challenge

    Hi. Sw 262 with my goal being 250, thank you for running this challenge Steph

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
