I'm with you Dianechef on the no dangling the feet over the edge when sleeping....I get that same strange feeling.
My list would go on forever......(oh my Goodness!!!)
afraid of -
rats coming up the sewers and biting you in the behind while on the toilet. (I once saw something about that in New York - some silly show I watched).
ANY (and I repeat) ANY Scary Movie, story, etc......That's right - I have never seen them.....and I try to not pay attention to the commercials - cause they are sometimes too much for me.
The Boogy Man - that unknown monster that is out there going to get you......don't know what it looks like - but I'm afraid of it......(I know - that's crazy)
Universal Studios - scared the heck out of me......after freaking out on every ride all day - my girlfriend could not believe me. I wouldn't go in the Hitchcock Exhibit and when she wanted me to go see Beetlejuice Show there I told her no - I was already too freaked out from KING KONG and all the other crap - JAWS, etc. and she said "what the heck is wrong with Beetlejuice" and I told her they had monsters - and she smacked my arm laughing telling me Beetlejuice was a comedy - geez - i didn't know - I of course had steered clear of anything that even looked scary since I was a 7 or 8 year old......I could just not hang with the stuff.....I could never stop my imagination after the movie was over.
I'm afraid of mean people.
I have had so many fears over time - I once wrote this poem to perform one night because of my terrible fear of performing......
I have...
I have built up fears
fear of flight
fear of failure
fear of fights.
I have tried to surround myself
With safety...
No steps
No stones
No stars....
in my eyes.
I have found my
fortress crumbling
Breaking from within
My self the Hammer
My past the Haunt
My needs the Heart
that passes through the fear.
Stumbles without...
to find my very soul.
Fears have been closely tied with my weight struggle. I am sure many of you have had these same fears....
I always think stupid stuff -
like - am I going to get stuck in this elevator if I go on it?
Will that Big Truck lose it's cargo onto my head if I pass it?
If I hold my grandchild (newborn) I think I am surely going to drop her and than I think - how silly - why did I think that? Am I just warning myself to be on gaurd and to pay attention so I won't drop her. How nuts??????
Fears have at times crippled me and driven me at different times. Do you know what I mean?
I think fear is good in some ways it makes us know that we are alive and that we are truly minute energies in this vast array of existence that we share with so many many life forces.
That being said - I could do without it sometimes......
like when my heart is racing cause I have been permanently scarred from watching such things in my childhood as
The movie "The Birds" (my older male cousin watched it one night while he was babysitting us - I don't think I've ever gotten over it).
The dreaded memory......DARK SHADOWS - Barnabas, Angelique, The Werewolf......this is where I lost all touch with reality....I was so sure the vampire bat was going to come and get me.
That's why everyone who knows me tells me I am a scaredy cat....cause I am.
Sorry for rambling - you just touched on a real subject for me....FEARS - especially irrational ones......yep - I know them well.