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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Chrissyg reacted to chunkycharlie in Pre sleeve smokers ?   
    OK thanks guys, I just needed to hear it from some one else, I will ask the doc about these things when I finally make a date but when your just starting so many things go through your head. I know it's bad and am going to quit with gum and patch because my weight will no longer be as difficult to manage while trying to quit.
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    Chrissyg reacted to Tonileigh in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Did this forum disappear for a little while? I kept getting an error msg.Anyway I am at the San Diego airport now getting a pedicure while waiting for my flight back to Atlanta..then a two hour ride back to Columbus. My surgery was Tuesday June 2nd with Dr. Maytorena. He and the other doctors were wonderful. No complications. I have had chicken broth , sf Jello, and Gatorade with no problems. Water is a little harder but Ice chips are no problem. I definitely recommend LT VSG. I will post more when I am back home,and situated.
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    Chrissyg got a reaction from Paulina Green in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I weighed this morning and for the first time in a very, very, very long time I am below 200lbs. I weighed in this morning at 199.8. Another milestone has passed and on to the next. So if my calculations are right...I have lost 44.2lbs.
    Things I can't tolerate are eggs and lettuce and coffee has been a struggle but it is one thing that I honestly don't want to let go of. I gave up smoking and sodas before my surgery, gosh darnit I really want to keep my coffee so it is a work in progress. I am still messing around with my solids and have many other things I am still waiting to try. As a hypothyroid patient, my metabolism is sluggish at best and one issue that I have noticed since introducing solids into my body is nausea in the morning. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my dinners come late and that is so not a good thing. But with my job, I rarely if ever get home by 8pm. That is changing as I will start working from home after next week and I am hopeful that being able to eat earlier will help with my nausea.
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    Chrissyg reacted to cmhueto in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    @@Chrissyg wow!!! I'm so, so happy for you!!!! That's amazing!! Congratulations!!! Wow. Can't wait till I get to say the same!! My date is finally getting close!!! I'm going in for my surgery June 12th. Giving up coffee is worrying me too, cause without it I don't function well at work. Wondering if the low acid coffee would work. I think even Folger's has an option called "simply smooth" though others do too. Hoping it all smooths out soon!
    @@Designer Edit, in so happy for you guys! How awesome is that, that your sisters coworkers changed around for her! That's awesome!!! And keep us all posted!!
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    Chrissyg got a reaction from Designer Edit in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Hi Jamie and thanks for responding. Right now, I am dealing with nausea by just dealing with it. Once I am up and moving around the nausea subsides. Breakfast is an issue for me and always has been. I am not an early morning eater. Due to my thyroid issues, its meds first thing and then I have to wait at least an hour before I can eat. Blah for that. So I force myself to have foods in the early part of the day although I am just not hungry. Which sometimes aggravates my nausea because I am just not hungry. This mainly because being hypothyroid, it takes my body what seems like a lifetime to digest my dinner from the night before.
    The good part is that my job requires lots of walking around the place in which I burn on average about 400 calories a day just at work. That is more than half of the calories I take in a day.
    Constipation is a huge issue for me but that isn't due to my surgery it is due to my hypothyroidism. It has been a huge issue for 13+ years since I was diagnosed. Taking 3 thyroid pills a day is all of the meds I want to deal with. LOL
    @@Designer Edit
    I am really proud of my accomplishment with my weight-loss especially because I do have hypothyroidism. If only the surgery could have reversed that issue for me, life would be grand. Even with my surgery, weight-loss will continue to be a slow thing for me. I am okay with that. I am working on my video blog on YouTube and I hope y'all take the time to watch them. If all goes as planned, they should be up and loaded by the beginning of next week.
    I have never worked from home before and to be honest, I didn't take enough time even after surgery as I returned to work within days of my surgery. I plan to continue to make videos and be as involved with the bariatric world in all of my spare time plus I go to school full time online as well. I hope I'm able to keep myself occupied in my spare time and prevent boredom.
    In July about the date of your surgery, I should be almost 5 months post-op. I had my surgery March 18th. I hope to be closer to my goal weight by then. I have it set at 160lbs, but I will base it on how I look and feel. Goal weights are good but I am more into getting to a weight to where I feel good. I think I'll know it when I get there. LOL
  6. Like
    Chrissyg reacted to Designer Edit in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Ah-mazing!! You must be feeling happy about your progress. Being under 200 sounds like a dream!! I have many milestones set for my journey and under 200 would also put me under my wedding weight! After that, 180 so I finally weigh less than my tall, slim, fit husband!!! Haha!
    Congratulations on your success so far. I'm sure you've worked really hard for this.
    I will have to give up diet coke, wine, and binge-eating which will be very difficult. Like you, if I also have to give up coffee, I will struggle.
    Nausea in the morning is hard. When I was pregnant, I woke up nauseous every morning but had the luxury of rolling over and grabbing a granola bar from my bedside table. Let us know if you're able to solve the problem with an earlier dinner or if it turns out to be stomach acid!
    Looking forward to more updates! You'll be about 4.5 months post op by July 13th?
    And working from home is great - so flexible. If you haven't done it before, my biggest hiccup is getting bored with working and turning to the fridge for fun. I guess I'll have to find other things that will make me happy!! But I guess that's the point!
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    Chrissyg reacted to JamieLogical in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    @@Chrissyg Are you on a PPI? Waking up with nausea after eating late could be caused by some acid issues.
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    Chrissyg reacted to Designer Edit in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    @@kelley74 @@Paulina Green
    Thank you for the recommendations! It's really nice to be apart of such a supportive community, even as an online forum.
    We checked out the other surgeons at Long Term and they seem to have incredible surgical backgrounds as well. @@Chrissyg - I think you're absolutely right! They seem very selective of the surgeons at this clinic.
    Being from Canada there are a few pros and cons. Of course we have free healthcare which means I could go through the program and have this surgery done free of charge but the downside is that free healthcare = long wait times. In Calgary, it's 3-5 years and I would have to drive 3 hrs to Edmonton to get it done. That's why we've opted to pay for it ourselves and then claim medical expenses on our tax returns to recover some of the cost. With the Canadian dollar doing poorly right now plus the cost of flights and a hotel, we really needed a cost effective option. Long Term is just that and with surgeons who could do sleeves in their sleep and have lovely personalities, I thing we're pretty set on this clinic.
    I'm feeling really excited again and hopefully we'll hear from Ruben shortly about which surgeons we'll have!
    Some people may not realize it but the simplest post can be the turning point for a total stranger. This is a life-changing decision and knowing that anyone could be the catalyst for another person's journey is a pretty powerful concept!
  9. Like
    Chrissyg reacted to Designer Edit in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Thanks @@Chrissyg
    That means a lot to hear you say that! We haven't heard back yet on availability but your vote of confidence in the clinic, as a whole, is very reassuring!!
    I can't wait to see your videos and hear more about your journey. Your earlier posts on this thread are what convinced me to even consider WLS as a viable option!!
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    Chrissyg got a reaction from krazypisces.momma in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    For those on the fence about Long Term, especially if it has to do with price, don't be. I was one of the first ones and am doing fabulous. I feel good and am learning to enjoy the foods I love just in a smaller version. You won't regret it and I am going to be making multiple videos on YouTube of how my new life journey began with all of the what, where, why, and hows.
    Once I get them all posted, I'll come on here and share the link. Long Term is the way to go.
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    Chrissyg reacted to Tonileigh in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    So glad I am able to get in on this low price. Wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise. 9 days to go! Preop diet starts Tuesday.
  12. Like
    Chrissyg reacted to tnkrrbl in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I was at Long Term VSG last Monday (5/18)
    Wow what an incredible experience
    For those of you worried about the price v quality worry not. This is smart marketing for the "slow season". If you prefer to pay more Dr Maytorena performs surgery in Mexicali and charges $7000 there!
    Everything was fabulous.
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    Chrissyg reacted to krazypisces.momma in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I also am a single mom with three kids. I was sleeved in march and regret nothing! I do not miss out on the fun aspects of eating out with friends, I still do it. Instead of stuffing my face I have one chicken wing and I'm good to go! I am saving soo much money by going out with friends now! Lol
  14. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from "Henry" in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am feeling pretty good and the weightloss has slowed but the scales are still moving in the right direction so I am glad for that.
    Finding the right food when it comes to solids has been a trial and error thing for me. Some of the things I try to eat don't work with my tummy but I was prepared for that. I think that it will vary from individual to individual. I also believe the most important thing is to take it day by day, food by food, and listen to your body.
  15. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from "Henry" in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am feeling pretty good and the weightloss has slowed but the scales are still moving in the right direction so I am glad for that.
    Finding the right food when it comes to solids has been a trial and error thing for me. Some of the things I try to eat don't work with my tummy but I was prepared for that. I think that it will vary from individual to individual. I also believe the most important thing is to take it day by day, food by food, and listen to your body.
  16. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from "Henry" in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am feeling pretty good and the weightloss has slowed but the scales are still moving in the right direction so I am glad for that.
    Finding the right food when it comes to solids has been a trial and error thing for me. Some of the things I try to eat don't work with my tummy but I was prepared for that. I think that it will vary from individual to individual. I also believe the most important thing is to take it day by day, food by food, and listen to your body.
  17. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from "Henry" in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am feeling pretty good and the weightloss has slowed but the scales are still moving in the right direction so I am glad for that.
    Finding the right food when it comes to solids has been a trial and error thing for me. Some of the things I try to eat don't work with my tummy but I was prepared for that. I think that it will vary from individual to individual. I also believe the most important thing is to take it day by day, food by food, and listen to your body.
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    Chrissyg reacted to dorian122 in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I was sleeved by LTVSG yesterday & everything has been awesome.
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    Chrissyg reacted to cmhueto in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    @@César Faz thank you for sharing!!! Im a nurse and so far I like what I've read about them and what they've said. Dr Maytorena's resume also states he was a trauma Dr for Red Cross for 3yrs... Which is pretty awesome!
    Again thanks for sharing!!
  20. Like
    Chrissyg reacted to César Faz in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Hi, everybody. I personally know the staff at Long Term VSG. My dad, who is also a doctor, just had surgery under Dr. Jorge Maytorena and we couldn't be more pleased. Yes, at first the price may sound a bit weird... After all, $2999 all inclusive? Most surgeons offering bariatric procedures at that price are either shady, dangerous or simply not board certified, which is equal to "scary". But we did our research and found out that these guys are aiming for something truly inspiring: to offer a chance for people that can't afford it. And yes, they do make a profit by cutting costs on unnecessary items and by performing the procedure in an outpatient surgery center. That doesn't mean that you are not getting high quality care... it just means that you're not paying for stuff you actually don't need. Surgeons also are ok with their cut being lower... they are still getting the fair share due to the high workload, even if they are not making as much as surgeons who operate at double or triple price.
    Having said that, I don't know why would someone opt for any other bariatric program. This is the real thing. My father wouldn't have put his life at risk by no means... as I said before, he is himself a doctor and he could tell from starters that Dr. Maytorena and his staff were the real deal. Give them a call, you won't regret it.
  21. Like
    Chrissyg reacted to cmhueto in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Yeah!!! Good for you!!!
  22. Like
    Chrissyg reacted to Aliyah14 in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    Go chrissyg !! Glad you got a good start on your weigh loss before the summer really kicks in
  23. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from krazypisces.momma in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am doing really good. My recuperation was awesome too. I started a new job one week post op and have managed just fine.
    I am 52 days post op and feel really good. Surgery weight 244, current weight 212. I am very pleased with my results.
  24. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from krazypisces.momma in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am doing really good. My recuperation was awesome too. I started a new job one week post op and have managed just fine.
    I am 52 days post op and feel really good. Surgery weight 244, current weight 212. I am very pleased with my results.
  25. Like
    Chrissyg got a reaction from krazypisces.momma in Long Term VSG Sleevers?   
    I am doing really good. My recuperation was awesome too. I started a new job one week post op and have managed just fine.
    I am 52 days post op and feel really good. Surgery weight 244, current weight 212. I am very pleased with my results.

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