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Joshua Barbour

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Joshua Barbour

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/30/1979

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    Husband - Dad - Worship Leader
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    Music, movies, family
  • Occupation
    Music & Media Director
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  1. The other thread is so long it's hard to sort through properly. Here's me right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CALNy1LwME 35 to go for my goal and feeling incredible. It's nice to get checked out by the ladies...what a difference!!! post yours here!
  2. Joshua Barbour

    Before and After Pics

    65 LBS down, 35 to go!! 4 months in, LIFE IS CHANGED FOREVER!!!! Sorry about the watermark, but weight loss pyramid schemes take these all the time and try to pass them off as their own.
  3. I'd even be willing to host one. But am now searching for one since I did my Surgery in TJ. Not getting much help from the clinics here since I went elsewhere. Would love to connect with people and find some support. On a side note. This site is literally PRICELESS when it comes to questions and inspiration about my surgery. I love you all.
  4. Unpopular opinion here. But we get this surgury because we're tired of the negative attention we get. We get it to feel good about ourselves and to gain confidence back....and then we complain when people notice it?!! We want our cake and we want to eat it to. My suggestion is just roll with it....if people notice, just say "thanks! It's been quite the journey" Why would you get mad that someone notices such a drastic change in you? That's the reason we did it no? Drastic change? Maybe he doesn't have a mouth filter, but his intention wasn't to bring you down. I'd like to see a poll on here about how this affects men and women differently. For me, when I was at church I got that same comment....You are dissappearing! It makes me feel SOOO good that this thing is working! I really do think this affects each gender differently...thoughts?
  5. Joshua Barbour

    Back to work

    **UPDATE** SO i literally got back from TJ and started dismantling an above ground pool. Finished drywall in the basement. Did a ton of painting and stuff. I had enormous amounts of energy from losing like 15 pounds in a week. I did not have any issues, I did avoid heavy lifting (for the most part) and was good. Going back to work 4-5 days after is NOT a problem. Mentally if you think you will be weak, then you will be. You can overcome it with a positive outlook I beleive. But if you are sore, listen to your body!
  6. Joshua Barbour

    1 week post fear I may be losing too fast

    Do you just eat what you want, but in tiny portions? That's what i'm finding...and am still losing, I tend to think it's still about calories in vs out....And i've cut back on almost all of my carbs.Hi Joshua - here's my question's for you in this order: 1) where do you live? I have an endless list of "honey-do" home improvement projects that never get done. I need base baseboards, a full bathroom remodel, a new light fixture hung... The list could go on and on. Of course all of this will likely be put on hold in favor of a tummy tuck and a new set of knockers now that I'm living life at goal weight and I had to choose how to spend my money! 2) Do you have access to the Internet? Of course you do! You're on here! I find it concerning that your receiving minimal after-care post-surgery. It is bothersome that your surgeon and his/her team are not available to you for support. However, there is a wealth of information about the Bariatric lifestyle available online including food stages and timing. May I also suggest the book our buddy Alex of BP wrote? I think it's called The big book on the Gastric Sleeve. It's available on Amazon. Just google his name. To answer your question about eating whatever you want - yes, during the entire 14 months post WLS, I have been pretty much able to eat whatever I want in smaller quantities. Does this mean that I CHOSE to eat whatever I want? We will save that for later. I DID however follow the rules regarding the progression from liquids to puréed to soft foods, etc. This is SO important as your stomach has been cut open and it is trying to mend itself. Do you really want something sharp in there risking you to develop a leak?!? I tried to find my WLS binder to take pictures of the food stages and suggested meals. It's MIA. Maybe someone else can do that here for you. Also get on the Internet and do some research!!! Here's the other reason why I'm going to tell you not to rush into solid foods - it's during these first few weeks specifically that you will lose the greatest amount of weight. As you start to introduce more food into your diet and as time goes on, your weight loss WILL slow down. It's the biggest mystery here. I'm 14 months out and living life at goal weight, but there's plenty people on here who are exercising like crazy, taking in less than 1200 a day and their weight loss has hit a plateau. They SHOULD be losing weight if it was all about the input vs. output theory. So yes, right now, so early after surgery, you are in what we call the "honeymoon" phase. It's when you can eat like crap if you chose and still lose weight. It's an awesome feeling, huh? Can I make a suggestion? Read this forum. Often. Perhaps visit the veterans board. The process begins to change the farther you get out from surgery. At some point you WILL stop losing unless you start putting some effort in. WHEN exactly this occurs is different for each of us. For me, the process was a tad easy. I suspect it was because I started the process at a lower BMI. I considered myself a slow loser, but I had no issue reaching my surgeon's goal for me and surpassing it by 10 pounds before a year's time. Now with that being said, my personal stretch goal is another 10-12 pounds from where I am. My body is quite content in staying exactly where I am IF I continue doing what I have been doing the past 14 months since surgery - eating what I want and exercising (sporadically.). Some people have to put more effort in to work their "tool." My time has come. What I can tell you is this time in the journey is really tough for those who haven't developed healthy lifestyles. This requires that we are honest with ourselves and take a look at the reasons at how or why we were significantly overweight. At 14 months out, I still have restriction, but I could easily eat around the sleeve if I wanted to. Regain at this stage is really common. I wasn't always over weight and gained weight as a result of poor work-life balance after having children. This past year I have made efforts to plan meals ahead of time to eliminate eating on the go and take out. I never really considered myself an emotional eater, but I've always known there are certain foods I can't have in my house so I've never bought them - Cookies, chips, soda, crackers are foods I would easily binge on. Why risk it? I went into this process already implementing a lot of the lifestyle habits they require post-WLS. I believe this may be in part why the process has been so easy for me. I didn't find it a struggle to adapt at all. I track everything I eat on the loseit app on my phone. This helps me with accountability. I don't really view any food as taboo at this point as long as I account for it and don't forgo Protein or other import nutrients. I stay away from carbs as much as I can. My post is getting long and this point I can't even remember your original question! Ha thanks! To asnswer your question i'm in Ottawa Canada, you need help you just holla and i'll come running! I just started my giant deck yesterday as well and have it half done, lost two pounds too! haha But yes, you are right, i've been taking a step back and seeing what I have been eating, it will take some MORE getting used to, but I have pretty much cut %90 carbs out and focus on the protein or veggies of most things. I did have a McDicks chicken burger the other day and it was gross. GOOD SIGN! I do however LOVE my jumbo freezies, 3 og them plus my regualr intake of about 900-1200 calories a day take me over my sugar cap according to MyFitnesspal. But I will continue to make smart choices, and not buy food that will take me off my track. I told my wife to not buy the crap, and if the good stuff is there I will choose it...but it has to be there...Good cold cuts, yogurt, fruits and veggies, so she's happy because she's losing as well. All around, some great advice, and I DO have that book lol, I will keep digging in and finding some more! Thanks for the response!
  7. Joshua Barbour

    1 week post fear I may be losing too fast

    Do you just eat what you want, but in tiny portions? That's what i'm finding...and am still losing, I tend to think it's still about calories in vs out....And i've cut back on almost all of my carbs.
  8. Joshua Barbour

    1 week post fear I may be losing too fast

    I did rush the food, is there danger in stretching because I rushed? I still eat tiny portions...I'm in week 4 and my dietician in TJ just won't get back to me, i'm not even sure where i'm supposed to be at week 4 as far as food goes? Any suggestions?
  9. Joshua Barbour

    1 week post fear I may be losing too fast

    UPDATE** So at week three to the day I stopped losing. 3 days then it kicked back in, now i'm now about a pound a day-ish I rushed the solids a little bit, started midway through week three.. and have paid the price a couple times....it's the Water with the food that gets me....I'm still not used to not being able to drink with my food. I am probably really dumb, but the day I got back I dismantled an above ground pool, was putting up drywall, and doing pretty much anything I could without going overboard or lifting anything too heavy. I find though the projects keep me really busy and my mind off food. So far in three weeks, I finished drywalling my basement, leveled and put that pool up in my backyard, build me and my neighbours fence (using an auger) i've painted the basement, cut trees down...you name it...i've done it. I find when I work my ass off I lose more, so it's motivation to keep going. I also weigh myself EVERY morning. I want to see the progress or setbacks so I can adjust my diet for the day ahead to see what works best for me. Compliments have started rolling in already, my confidence is up....Every time I walk by a mirror i'm always a little surprised not to see that HUGE belly, it's getting smaller by the day, and my FACE already lost it's santa clause cheeks. I'm happy with the changes. Still no acid reflux. I'm a little scared that I am able to eat pretty much whatever I want, I DO NOT want to risk stretching, so i'm using small plates and bowls and really listening to my body, if I feel even a bit full at all, I put the spoon or fork down and put the food away for at least 20 mins. I don't think eating 600-800 calories a day will be helpful to how active I am, so I want to stay above 1000 per day, maybe someone can shed some light on if that's bad... Anyway, VERY happy with my progress, pumped to see what I look like in another 3 weeks time. Keep telling me your post op wins/losses it helps me to get a feel for what I should expect! Thanks team!
  10. Joshua Barbour

    1 week post fear I may be losing too fast

    I guess it's more normal for a guy. But I think it has always been easy for me to lose if I stuck to diets...it would all just come roaring back plus 10 if I fell off the wagon, I'm hoping with the sleeve that it can be a lasting lifetime weightloss. Thanks for the comments peeps! BTW I started at 289 and am now at 267 bmi was 42 That tomato soup with parm cheese was amazing!
  11. Hey there. Was sleeved by Dr Jesus Lopez in TJ this past Monday. Here's my experience so far. worries and wins. I got food poisoning thursday night before i started liquids so i lost 5 pounds before the surgery on the following Monday. That sucked. The three days with just liquid was ok, at one point i almost caved and had a touch of cheese....but didn't and am proud! Once surgery was done there was a ton of nausea but once i took something for it, it never came back. I have not yet had any acid reflux..is this normal? it's one week after my sleeve and i have lost 20 pounds right on the dot and i'm wondering if that's too much. that's 2.5 lbs a day....did anyone else experience this? Is that too fast? I start phase 2 of the liquid diet tomorrow which includes cream Soups and such...but I tried some tomato Soup with parm cheese tonight and it was heaven on earth, it hurt a little going down, but it's the thickness i think. 4 days after surgery i was drywalling my basement and dismantling an above ground pool....I'm super happy with how fast recovery is and I hope you all have quick recoveries. tell me about yours!
  12. Joshua Barbour

    1day post op

    seems funny now that I think of how scared I was of the actual surgery. Once that mask goes over your face....you wake up and it's over. I woke up with gas pains and nausea. All I can remember saying is "pain, nausea," over and over. I think my issue Was the anaesthesia. I had to throw up so much. But it's a weird throw up. You're just throwing up a foamy blood like thing. So it's not Too bad. Once they gave me the nausea meds I was out and sleeping. I have some soreness today but it's not too crazy. That first shower felt amazing. When I got my bandages changed everything felt nice too. Now I just have to sit and wait and try to get as much sleep as possible. Had my first Popsicle and it was delicious! Anyone else have a ton of nausea after surgery? It's gone now but dang that sucked.
  13. Joshua Barbour

    Back to work

    Is it possible to go back to work the next week after your 3 day recovery? If I am just sitting at a computer editing film and doing graphics...is this something that is possible. I cannot take that much time off so I am wondering if others have gone back so soon?
  14. Joshua Barbour

    What to expect after Gastric Sleeve?

    JerseyJules, I've been reading and am interested to see if you had your sleeve already? If so how far have you come? You and I have VERY similar stories. i'm 5'10" 290 and very athletic. Lots of muscle on my frame and a strong core. I can do about 10 pushups no problem and can plank for about a minute at a time a few times. I do not want to be skinny, BUT i want to be healthy. So far I also have NO weight related health issues - except pre-diabetes and have had some tennis elbow injuries. My sleeve is this coming monday and i'm going to TJ to do it, I have gone to no classes or had any pre prep with doctors. I have never had surgery and am very nervous.... Can you tell me how it was?
  15. Joshua Barbour

    Mini Documentary

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
