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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WeightIsntFate

  1. WeightIsntFate


    Are you from Stockton,CA? I'm from Modesto ????
  2. WeightIsntFate

    1 day post op!

    Well exactly 24 hrs ago I had my vsg surgery. I'm surprisingly not in much pain now that I'm at home. I do have some soreness internally but my incisions don't really hurt. This sipping this is hard because every time I sip a gas bubble comes up and it doesn't feel good. But all in all I had a great surgery, surgeon said my liver was one of the leanest he has seen, I was his healthiest patient of the day, it was a textbook surgery, and he's extremely proud of me ????
  3. WeightIsntFate

    1 day post op!

    Thank you. Hopefully I can sip better come two or 3 days post op.
  4. WeightIsntFate

    Ladies, What Size Jeans Do You Wear?

    Height: 5'9" Pant: 16 Shirt: XL Weight: 236
  5. WeightIsntFate


    My surgeon had me on protein and 1 meal a day before surgery then 2 days liquid diet, it takes 8-12 hrs for food to digest so if you ate that sandwich it should most definitely be out of your system by Friday.
  6. So tomorrow at noon I am getting sleeved, part of me is so excited and wishes I could go under right now then the other part of me is wishing I would have went out and eaten In-N-Out & Sushi & Pasta & all my favorite foods before starting my no foods diet. How is everyone doing with pre op and knowing your going into surgery? I'm not nervous about pain but more about never getting to enjoy the horrible fattening foods I loved. I know the results i'll get are better than the food I could consume without it but 3 day of no food is really getting to my head.
  7. WeightIsntFate

    Surgery Tomorrow

    thank you. In my head I believe everything will go smoothly and after surgery I will be able to adjust quickly. I just hope recovery is quick, I see many people with quick recoveries then some who say its the worst pain they've ever felt so i don't know how to prepare myself but I'm hoping for the best (:
  8. WeightIsntFate

    Surgery Tomorrow

    thank you. I just keep reminding myself that in the long run it will all be worth it.
  9. Thank you. Thats what worries me the most. I would hate to be the one sitting in the corner counting all my calories and measuring my food while my family was enjoying their meals. I feel that hearing from people who have went through the surgery and have lived with it is a lot better than a doctor telling you how its gonna be without having experienced it themselves.
  10. So I am still in the beginning stages of getting the process done. Today I go to Options orientation through Kaiser SoCal. Not really sure what to expect. Does anyone know how the order goes of getting everything done in order to get the surgery? At first I had my mind set on getting the band but now that I've done more research I feel like there is better longterm results with the sleeve. Any info on the Kaiser SoCal process would be amazing. Also I am in Orange County if that makes a difference.
  11. I am going through the program with Kaiser and I was told that if your BMI was enough at the start that you would still be able to receive the surgery if everything else { blood work, psych, sleep study, etc...} checked out okay. If your BMI was high when you first started the process they figure you could end uo going back their so they will go through with surgery to aid in you keeping it off and lowering your BMI even more.
  12. thanks for the input. I know i definitely want to take control of my weight and I feel like getting sleeved would be the best for me. When i think about it I know that it will help me to become healthier and it will effect the rest of my life. Having had the surgery do you find you have trouble having meals with your family? Also are you still limited to 3-5 oz meals? I do want to get some more information from a doctor because I know i want to have children and get married and i feel like i would have a hard time with the choice thinking in my head that it would affect my family lifestyle later on.
  13. Candidate, I was told Kaiser does do bands if that is what you truly want but none of the surgeons will encourage it.
  14. Thanks for all the replies, advice, and insight! So when I went to options orientation I was totally blindsided by what the doctor had to say. The one thing I didn't like was that her information was VERY biased and i do not know how factual it was. She talked down about the lapband the entire time, even going as far as showing us horrific pictures of eroded and embedded bands. She would skip over lapland slides because "none of you will be getting it" I was totally discouraged by everything she was saying. I left the orientation confused and angry. She joked about death resulting from the procedure but "on the bright side it only happens once" She did say are you ready to have to eat 1000 to 1200 cal for the rest of your life? Which i wanted to know if that was something that would be a definite thing that would have to happen? Also she said something to the affect of ' hope you are ready to live with the extra skin or go through another procedure to have it removed because Kaiser doesn't cover it unless it covers your private areas, and when we do plastic surgery we just cut it off, nothing pretty like a plastic surgeon would do. And its not if you have excess skin, because you will, some more than others' The way she spoke about the surgery made me extremely hesitant and made me doubt the years and a half I took to come to the decision of having the surgery. Did anyone else have a hard time with the process? Could this have been her way of weeding out the "undedicated" or "quick fix"ers? Was i being punked? Also what could i do moving forwards from here? Kaiser is making me take 12 weeks of these classes with her or someone who may have the same approach. I am doing this to become a healthier me, i would think the doctor doing orientation would encourage rather than throw all these opinions at us. I am 21 years old and would hate to make this decision to have surgery when it will be a life long thing, i can't change it once its done.
  15. WeightIsntFate


  16. WeightIsntFate


    From the album: WeightIsntFate

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