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    ashleyshogwild1 got a reaction from thick2thin in February/March 2015 Self Payers in Mexico   
    Good luck @@thick2thin! My sis and I fly out in the morning then to dr. verboonen we go. I'm so excited and anxious. I'm most nervous about leaving my babies. I'm sure going to miss their beautiful smiles
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    ashleyshogwild1 reacted to starbuckscoffeegal in Liver shrinking diet   
    I am on day 2 of my pre- surgery diet and I am so hungry. My stomach won't stop growling. Any advice? Anyone in the boat with me right now?
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    ashleyshogwild1 reacted to thick2thin in Hey everyone! New here!   
    Hey everyone! So I just signed up on here because I'm actually scheduled to have my gastric sleeve done on February 18th and I thought it would be helpful to have some sort of an online support group.
    Anyways, I'm a 26 year old recent divorced mom of one. I have been struggling with my weight pretty much all my life but now I am at a record high and I cannot take it anymore!
    Losing weight used to be an easy thing for me. Well, not easy, but waaaaayyy easier than it has been ever since I had my first baby 14 months ago.
    But not anymore! After a few months of research, I've decided I want to go through with a weight loss surgical procedure. I've scheduled my vertical gastric sleeve with Doctor verboonen in Tijuana, Mexico for February 18th, 2015. That's exactly one week from tomorrow! Eeekk! I'm nervous! Has anybody had a procedure done by him? Or heard of him? I read great reviews prior to selecting him and his patient coordinator Sheri Burke is awesome!! She's like your own personal weight loss assistant. Emails, calls, and texts me back right away with answers to any questions I may have!
    I am on a 10 day pre op liquid diet. But I must admit, I cheated last night. I started my pre-op on Saturday. And I did very well both Saturday and Sunday. And yesterday I did great all day! Until it was time for me to get off work. A customer of mine brought in a plate of home made brownies about 10 minutes before my shift was up. She was so excited. This was her 10 year old daughters first time baking something all on her own. Do I tried one. And that one led to two more afterwards. It was sooooo good! But I felt so guilty afterwards.
    I'm back on my diet routine today. And I'm determined to stick to it. I wonder, how bad would my little setback from yesterday hurt me and my upcoming procedure?
    Also, if anyone has any tips on what I should take with me to Tijuana? That would be much appreciated! I'll be there for 3 days following my surgery.
    Thanks a bunch! ????

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