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LAP-BAND Patients
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About suekeysue52

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/30/1952
  1. Happy 60th Birthday suekeysue52!

  2. Happy 59th Birthday suekeysue52!

  3. suekeysue52

    New/Improved Band

    I too have the new updated band. My Dr explained it should give me a better restriction to eating food. So far, so good. I'm just happy to be on my way to a better life!
  4. Hello! I was banded on 11/15/07 in Houston, TX by Dr Richard Collier. Everything as gone good so far. I have only lost about 15 lbs. but people are already saying they are noticing and encouraging me about my weight loss. I have 100 lbs to go! But I'm on my way! I am excited about this and believe I have done the right thing with getting the lap band. I have had some pain with the healing process but not too much. I get my 1st fill on December 17th. I have been reading what other have said about getting fills. I hope I don't have problems with the fills. I don't believe my Dr is very aggresive about the fills. He wants his people to lose slowley. I will be reading and asking questions as I go. I know I NEED HELP! Thanks in Texas

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