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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MeMe1

  1. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. Today has been so so. As IndioGirl said, I'm gonna have to just do it. I'm recommiting to making better food choices this week. So far today I have had: Breakfast: Kashi bar, cup of noodles (chicken flavor) Snack: peanuts Lunch: 3 fried chicken legs. Snack: peanuts and fruit punch (16 ounces) I did say, tomorrow will be a better day. The next meal will be better. I'm trying to be honest. Please help me keep it real
  2. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    Hello, IndioGirl, I see you count calories. I will have to start doing that. How do you know how many calories to give things? Especially things that you season. Yesterday: Breakfast: 1/2 cup kashi Cereal and 1/2 cup of 2% milk Snack: 8 ounce of orange juice Lunch: 1 fried chicken leg, small piece of cornbread, 3 bites of green Beans, and 3 bites of rice and gravy Snack: Kashi Bar Dinner: 2 whole fried catfish, 5 french fries Today so far: Breakfast: kashi cereal and milk, 8 ounce of orange juice Lunch: small taco salad with 4 ounces of meat. I have not had any Water today. I did not exercise yesterday. Thanks for your encouragement.
  3. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you, IndioGirl for the good advise. Thank you for taking the time to respond. You just don't know how good that makes me feel. I will post my menu from yesterday after lunch. I still didn't do any walking.
  4. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Everybody, I am going to take your advise. I'm gonna just do it (walk). I want to tell you what I had to eat yesterday and today. Please give your honest opnion. yesterday: Breakfast-1/2 cup kashi Cereal, 1/2 cup of 2% milk Snack: 10 whole peanuts Lunch: 1/2 chick fili salad with thousand island dressing. Snack: Kashi bar Dinner: Bite of Hot dog, Bite of Roast and carrots. Snack: Chip and Dip
  5. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    How do I get motivated to walk or exercise? I can't seem to make the first step.
  6. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    I was banded on January 31, 2008
  7. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    Ok, it worked. I had lapband surgery on January 31, 2008. I was 242 on the day of my surgery. Now I am 220. I am so disappointed. Maybe I need a good support system. Good people to be accountable with. I have a realize band. I stayed away from the doctor for about 5 months, I did not gain any weight. I made a deal with the nurse practictioner, I would get back to trying. I had given up. I have been walking a little bit. I have a treadmill at home. I just can't seem to make a start. I hope you can handle one more person needing support. Any help, advise would be appreciated.
  8. MeMe1

    I'm here to help...

    Hello, This is my first post ever to this site. I hope I am doing this right. I will let this post be a test.
  9. MeMe1

    Where are you MS folks?

    You will be ok, focus on the positive.
  10. MeMe1

    Where are you MS folks?

    Hi, I was banded on Jan 30, 2007 and I have no restriction. I'm scheduled to have a fill on March 13, 2008
  11. MeMe1

    Where are you MS folks?

    I have insurance. CMMC is requiring me to $4,600 a estimated out of pocket expense.
  12. MeMe1

    Where are you MS folks?

    Hi I'm from Mississippi. I'm scheduled to be banded January 31, 2008 at CMMC by Dr. Cleveland.
  13. Great News. Are you having your surgery in Mississippi? I live in Mississippi.

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