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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    AWD12368 got a reaction from punkinvine in First class and totally shocked   
    @@chasingadream Thank you for response and I do think this is what is best for me it has taken me a long tim to get to the point where I needed to admit I need to change. Now I am ready and working hard to make the right choices and hopefully I can find the right fit with the band to help me get where I want to be.
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    AWD12368 reacted to funky_monkey800 in First class and totally shocked   
    It is weird that the teacher would focus so heavily on the negative...
    There are plenty of success stories for each surgery I am sure of it....you just have to decide what road you are willing to travel...there are so many great people on this forum who have some really great advice. I am pretty much a newbie when it comes to all of this....I am taking it day by day! I am looking forward to hearing what route you decide to take! Keep us posted!
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    AWD12368 reacted to rose2014 in First class and totally shocked   
    I am 8 months out from surgery. Before surgery I was prepared to have all kinds of issues after surgery. Happy to report none of the surgery side effects, band effects have bothered me. The only problem I have had are when I do not chew enough and have a stuck episode but again that is of MY doing not the band. My new love my band and I go very well together and I am down 84 from this time last year and 55 from surgery date. A little disappointed in my weight loss over the holidays however, I maintained during that time and did not gain. So I am doing something right. I did not want to have my stomach, intestines etc cut on and wanted something that could be reversed IF necessary that is why I chose the band. Yes weight loss is a little slower but the point is I am getting healthier with each pound loss. I am off my insulin pump of 14 years and am on metformin and lantus, blood pressure pill cut from 10mg to 5mg, and no longer on cholesterol meds. Attend different seminars, talk with your doctor and make the best decision for you and your lifestyle. Best of luck to you and keep us posted...hang in there YOU are worth it!!
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    AWD12368 reacted to amponder in First class and totally shocked   
    So far been banded since Nov 21, I will tell you no reflux for me, the band takes a bit longer to get the right fit for you so patience is a virtue. I don't regret it since having my band I've lost 14lbs the majority of my weight so far was lost pre-op I'm still waiting for it to be restrictive enough
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    AWD12368 reacted to Kerry 5570 in First class and totally shocked   
    I am five months out from surgery and loving my band.
    i do get reflux sometimes but I can usually put that down to eating something I wasn't supposed to. When I eat right I don't have any issues at all.
    I love every new day that the band brings and the challenges I know are still ahead.
    Good luck with what you decide
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    AWD12368 reacted to cruehead in First class and totally shocked   
    i can say for me(90lbs) and my wife(75lbs) after 2 plus years all has been ok people just dont understand that the band isnt a miricle you have to work for work and make changes my sister has had her band over a year and hasnt lost a single pound because she still has the same bad habits and she wont listen to us or her dr about making changes. i think the big issue is everyone wants the weight to just fall and thats not how you want it to be in the big picture 1-3 pounds a week until you reach your goal and you will see sucess atleast for me that has worked
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    AWD12368 got a reaction from amponder in First class and totally shocked   
    Tomi71. No, I would not consider the sleeve. I am not okay with removing part of stomach.
    Lawrence Thank you for your response. I have started making those changes already its really hard but its been a month without carbonated beverages and 2 weeks with no Pasta. I have not given up rice as of now. But I am in the very beginning stages so I do have time. I am extremely serious out loosing weight. I have to kids I need to think about and last year I lost my third grandparent to diabetes. Thats when it hit me, if I don't change what I am doing I won't be around to see my kids grow up so that is a great motivator.
    Have the people you know who have had it done already had any problems with reflux? Like beyond the normal post surgery issues?
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    AWD12368 reacted to chasingadream in First class and totally shocked   
    I've been banded w/plication since September 2013. I had an easy surgery and easy recovery. I have had no issues with my band and no complications at all. I have lost weight and only last week received my first fill. It was the best decision I've ever made--especially after 40 years of trying to diet.
    It was hard though….yes, hard to make the decision of which surgery to have. Yes, researching and reading the positive and negatives. I was on this site and it drove me away before my surgery because of all of the negative comments. But I spoke with MY doctor and we decided this was best for me and it was. Now I read all of the comments on here and am at peace with MY decision. I take one day at a time….follow the rules, as best I can on that day. I'm not perfect and will never profess to be. But the band works….at least for me.
    It is a very individual experience. Find a good doctor that will give you the truth about all of the WLS out there. Make your decision based on what YOU want and stand by that decision. Follow your docs orders and enjoy the ride.
    Wishing you success, good luck with your decision!
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    AWD12368 reacted to Lawrence Baxter in First class and totally shocked   
    My niece and a colleague at work have not had problems with acid reflux. Have you talked with your MD? Each person is different and you are going to hear a variety of stories...those are the ones that have a had challenges, might not have followed the dietary guidelines. My niece has 3 children and has had to learn how to cook and prepare meals that are for her family and can be part of her guidelines. For example, she said that whenever they get a pizza, she will eat the toppings that she can eat but forgoes the dough and cheese. Or, if she eats off the diet she gets back on track with a Protein shake...which is what I do. My colleague has gained back some of her weight but she said it was because she likes maragaritas and not because of the band.
    I have read lots of stories on this site that are frightening and wondered what was wrong with me because my surgery was great, my post-op was great and my current weight loss is great. My only fear that I had to contend with was that I might not have lost enough weight during pre-op and that they wouldn't do the surgery. Useless fear.
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    AWD12368 reacted to funky_monkey800 in First class and totally shocked   
    I have the lap band and have had no problems.....I am sure if we all look hard enough we can find negative or horror stories on everything...lol
    As far as my decision I chose the band because the surgery time was shorter and nothing was removed...but there is a foreign object in my body. Everything I found said slower weight loss but it continued over a longer period of time. I found a lot of statistics as far as healing time and complications that pointed me into the direction of the band.....I know people who have had great success with the sleeve and the band...
    You just have to do your own research and decide if it is right for you...maybe try a seminar on the sleeve or bypass and see how you feel after that?
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    AWD12368 reacted to Lawrence Baxter in First class and totally shocked   
    I can only speak for myself and for the 3 people I know that's had this done. I have not had any problems 7 weeks now with a band. In fact, I have STOPPED taking my acid reflux medicine because it's no longer needed. The band is only a tool. Just like any other tool, if you don't follow the game plan, the tool doesn't help. Ask yourself if you are able and willing to eat in smaller portions, give up rice, bread, Pasta, etc. and make wise choices when you eat at restaurants and other places where you aren't the cook. In the 7 weeks, I've already lost 37 lbs. My fills have been moderate: 2 CC's at surgery; 2 CC's at 3 weeks and 1 CC at six weeks. I have the large band which can go up to 14CCs.
    I may be an anomoly, but it's working for me and one of the best decisions I've ever made. I wish I had done it sooner.
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    AWD12368 got a reaction from amponder in First class and totally shocked   
    So I have been researching the lap Band surgery for months. I finally enrolled in the classes and setup and appointment with a surgeon. After my first class I was shocked to hear so many negative things about the lap band. The instructor said that there are so many being removed every year because it's not effective and people don't do well with it. The acid reflux with it is unbearable and this list goes on and on. Did anyone else have this issue with people saying its not worth the time or energy doing it? I choose this because I am looking for something that will work with my lifestyle that wont involve removing my stomach. I am just feeling extremely confused and over whelmed.
    Thank you for any advice
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    AWD12368 reacted to CherieRyde in Pain after surgery?   
    My recovery from Lap Band surgery was easier than my recovery from my gallbladder removal.
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    AWD12368 reacted to Lawrence Baxter in Pain after surgery?   
    I think it depends on if they've had a hiatal hernia repair or not. I didn't and didn't have any pain except for a slight discomfort on the 2nd day of surgery; there was no significant shoulder pain from the gas. I stayed active after surgery and didn't lie down until 8 PM [after a 8:30 AM surgery]. I even did dishes that afternoon and took a small walk to visit my neighbor. My discomfort the 2nd day was due to the abdominal gas after all of the GASX I took. Talk about relief [and be prepared for an extended period of gas !!]

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