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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in spicy foods?   
    I have been eating spicy foods since I started soft foods. I tried one bite, waited 5 minutes to see what happened, nothing happened and I went all in. The only thing I will say is if you accidentally eat too fast or overeat, you might get heartburn. Idid once, it has not repeated.
  2. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to padremama in spicy foods?   
    I have always eaten super hot foods and this has not stopped me. I even had wasabi. So just try a little and see how it goes. I really thought I would have a problem with it after weeks of Protein shakes. Oops just saw the 3 weeks post op. I didn't try any til at least a week after solids. Wait a couple of more weeks.
  3. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to joatsaint in spicy foods?   
    At 4 weeks I was released to full foods. I was eating a mixture of taco seasoning, turkey hamburger meat, refried Beans and salsa. I could tolerate almost any level of hotness and brands.... except Taco Bell Taco Sauce. For some unknown reason, Frankensleeve just does not like that stuff. All the other brands, he's okay with. You think maybe it's because Taco Bell Taco Sauce is made in New York City? (Frankensleeve is from the South) :-P
  4. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to avRose in spicy foods?   
    I had some pretty spicy homemade tortilla Soup broth yesterday (post op day 4) and I was completely okay! I don't know if the liquid vs real food thing makes a difference though
  5. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to MrsGreen84 in Shellfish!?!?!?!   
    I've always loved seafood but used to only eat it ocassionally. I'm 5 weeks post op now and at least 1/3 of my diet is seafood. I started eating fish when I was on soft foods and chewed good. Now, I make boiled shrimp all the time and dip in cocktail sauce. I've also had lobster, crab, and the fish include salmon, tilapia, mahi mahi, white fish, catfish. I haven't had any issues but I also don't have anything breaded or fried. Spicy, cajun, blackened all do just fine, I haven't had any issues with spicy foods.
  6. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to JamieLogical in Shellfish!?!?!?!   
    I had strained cream of shrimp Soup a LOT during my full liquids phase and lobster bisque a time or two. Once I was allowed soft foods, I had crab salad. And since I was allowed solids, I've probably had shrimp once or twice a week at least. No issues at all for me.
  7. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from T-Sky in 8 day liquid diet! -my experience so far!   
    So I am posting this because I thought it would be helpful to some people and I know there are a million post like this but its read at least 20 to make myself feel better on day 1 and even more on day 2!!!
    The liquid diet---- Protein Shakes and broth and water!!
    Day one I drank so much freaking broth and Water I thought I would explode!!! That night I woke up ever hour to pee it was awful and in my MIND I was still starving! I say in my mind because I know I wasn't hungry my stomach wasn't growling and it was so bloated from all the liquids there was NO room for anything else.
    Day 2 was worse... The awful headache started and I felt so weak and tired all day ( that lasted until day 4. headache/weakness and exhausted) I still drank broth and water like it was going out of style and was still really bloated. I was tempted by everything my children ate! It all looked amazing and smelled even better!! I did cheat and I own that and its done and there is no going back. I had 1 chicken nugget which my daughter yelled at me for since it was hers and she knows mommy can only have the stuff in her cups!!! SMH
    Day 3..... I couldn't bring myself to do a shake so I spoke to my doctor and they recommended adding more Protein mix to the water to make it a pudding consistency and let it sit in the fridge for about an hour maybe two. This was a big help it gave the illusion of something new and I ate that no problem and added some sugar free coffee Syrup to make it hazelnut flavored. It was a life savor and I was still getting enough fluids with the water and some broth to keep me hydrated. I was still tempted but I did not cheat!!!
    Day 4... Is honestly a blur I know what I got all my water in for the day and protein no problem but my head hurt so bad I slept a lot!!! I am very lucky I was able to stay in bed and sleep to get rid of it. I didn't cheat because I my head was banging so bad I just stayed in bed for most of the day. (Thank you to my husband! )
    Day 5!!!!!!! AMAZING!!! I no longer had a headache and no longer even thought about other food. I would make my "meals" and then make my children there meals and I wasn't tempted of even interested in anything!
    For me and I think for other also its the first few days. The first few days your body is in shock and freaking out since you are no longer eating the "bad" things. Not to mention that you go to a full liquid diet in some cases! (I have heard that others are allowed 2 ounces of protein a day or veggies. I think it all depends on the doctor you have)
    So that is my little piece of information I am currently on day 5, down 14 pounds since I started it and I am feeling amazing and the day is almost over for me 6:00pm EST! So I wish everyone luck you can do it!!!
  8. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    First of all I want to say thank you to everyone on here! I was having a MASSIVE pity party yesterday and a meltdown moment all day and I OWN that! But today after reading all this I feel so much better and I feel more determined then ever to get to MY goal weight and be the healthier happier me!
    I did not ask him anymore questions, as I said I was in such shock I was silent for the rest of the appointment but I will be calling today to get somethings figured out.
    I need to stay focused and on track and go one day to another. Some one asked what my weight was before.
    My highest weight ever was 304, in the end of june 293 and the day of surgery it was 279 today a week after surgery I weight 266.2.
    One other thing happened at my doctors appointment yesterday if anyone wants to weigh in on that... I have been told from day one protein protein protein. I was suppose to start protein yesterday but at my appointment they told me not to until i start "soft foods" in 4 weeks?
    Thank you everyone again. I really needed your words of support and I feel so much better. I will get to MY goal!!!!
  9. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    First of all I want to say thank you to everyone on here! I was having a MASSIVE pity party yesterday and a meltdown moment all day and I OWN that! But today after reading all this I feel so much better and I feel more determined then ever to get to MY goal weight and be the healthier happier me!
    I did not ask him anymore questions, as I said I was in such shock I was silent for the rest of the appointment but I will be calling today to get somethings figured out.
    I need to stay focused and on track and go one day to another. Some one asked what my weight was before.
    My highest weight ever was 304, in the end of june 293 and the day of surgery it was 279 today a week after surgery I weight 266.2.
    One other thing happened at my doctors appointment yesterday if anyone wants to weigh in on that... I have been told from day one protein protein protein. I was suppose to start protein yesterday but at my appointment they told me not to until i start "soft foods" in 4 weeks?
    Thank you everyone again. I really needed your words of support and I feel so much better. I will get to MY goal!!!!
  10. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    First of all I want to say thank you to everyone on here! I was having a MASSIVE pity party yesterday and a meltdown moment all day and I OWN that! But today after reading all this I feel so much better and I feel more determined then ever to get to MY goal weight and be the healthier happier me!
    I did not ask him anymore questions, as I said I was in such shock I was silent for the rest of the appointment but I will be calling today to get somethings figured out.
    I need to stay focused and on track and go one day to another. Some one asked what my weight was before.
    My highest weight ever was 304, in the end of june 293 and the day of surgery it was 279 today a week after surgery I weight 266.2.
    One other thing happened at my doctors appointment yesterday if anyone wants to weigh in on that... I have been told from day one protein protein protein. I was suppose to start protein yesterday but at my appointment they told me not to until i start "soft foods" in 4 weeks?
    Thank you everyone again. I really needed your words of support and I feel so much better. I will get to MY goal!!!!
  11. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to atontor in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    Don't let that discourage you. Doctors don't always know what you can accomplish. My doctor told me I would lose 75lbs in 6 months post op. To her surprise I lost 72 lbs in 2 months. You can reach your desired goal in time with hard work and discipline. Make sure you get your Protein in
  12. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to Miss_Kim in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    I don't know your starting weight but perhaps the goal he suggested is a starting point. Like others said, your goal is YOUR goal. Why are you putting so much energy and emotion into a number the doctor mentioned? Are you going to quit when you get to that number? No. Chin up. Strive toward your goal. And show your MD that you and your body are a weight loss machine.
  13. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to snowkitten in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    My surgeon gave me a goal weight too and I wish he would have kept his mouth shut. I constantly feel like a failure because I won't make that weight by 1 year. How dumb is that? This surgery is a tool. Your not going to stop right at 210 just because your surgeon said so. Just work your hardest and ignore his goal.
  14. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to ShrinkingPeach in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    My surgeon also never set a goal weight and when I asked him what could I expect he said it was up to me. He said to take advantage of the honeymoon work the plan and exercise. It truly is up to me to achieve success. I have to want to do it not because he sets a goal in front of me.
  15. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to ladycook9713 in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    My doctor never set a goal for me. The only appt where goal weight was discussed I was asked what I wanted to weigh. I chose 150 and plan to work towards that!
  16. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    I am three month's out bs haven't even discussed a goal weight.
    What was the context? Did he say that he considered the surgery successful if you reached that goal?
    I can't imagine that he would be I any way discouraging you from setting a different goal. Maybe it is just a place to start?
    Did you ask him?
    Rather than quietly fuming I would have talked to him and asked questions. It's not an adversarial relationship, it should be a partnership.
  17. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to lmm300missouri in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    Worry about today and each day's weight loss, his opinion can change greatly in your favor as you prove him wrong. You can do it, I believe.
  18. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to LipstickLady in REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight   
    Your goal is YOUR goal. Do NOT worry about your doctor's goal for you. You can do anything you want to do. You control what YOU do, he/she does not. Work your plan, plan your work and utilize your tool to the best of your ability.

    You can get to your goal, it's totally doable.
  19. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from coyoteugly5 in Stomach Gargling and Pain! HELP   
    What the heck is wrong with my stomach!!! It is making these awful noises and then these awful pains follow.... Please tell me this is normal and will stop. I am only 4 days post op and I know that everything is transitioning but it is awful and I need some advice or reinsurance.... all the gargling and pain also reminds me of hunger pains and I am TERRIFIED that is what this is! I was told the constant hunger would stop. I know if has mentally because most foods make me gag when I look at them or smell them.. Please help me!!
  20. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to naturegirl in Fluids fluids fluids   
    For the liquid preop diet I can have SF Jello and pudding, light yogurt, stage 1 baby food, and strained Soups. Plus Protein Drinks.
  21. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to Emily9654 in Stomach Gargling and Pain! HELP   
    It's definitely gas...I had it real bad. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and doing just fine now,
    my Doctor prescribed Gas-x strips and To take 2-3 every few hours. And then started Pepcid AC 2x a day after first week. My doctor pre-surgery told me they have to pump my stomach and insides full of gas to help them navigate the laroscopic instruments to do the surgery. So, be prepared for loads of gas. I had both gastric sleeve and hiatal hernia repair.
  22. Like
    AWD12368 reacted to coyoteugly5 in Stomach Gargling and Pain! HELP   
    I am 3 weeks out.......I know what you are meaning.....sounds like gas pains....or you are drinking to much Water maybe....but for me walking or rocking in a rocking chair helped.....hope this helps....good luck. It will get better. Just hang in there. And look ahead and know it's worth it.....God Bless!
  23. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from coyoteugly5 in Stomach Gargling and Pain! HELP   
    What the heck is wrong with my stomach!!! It is making these awful noises and then these awful pains follow.... Please tell me this is normal and will stop. I am only 4 days post op and I know that everything is transitioning but it is awful and I need some advice or reinsurance.... all the gargling and pain also reminds me of hunger pains and I am TERRIFIED that is what this is! I was told the constant hunger would stop. I know if has mentally because most foods make me gag when I look at them or smell them.. Please help me!!
  24. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from T-Sky in 8 day liquid diet! -my experience so far!   
    So I am posting this because I thought it would be helpful to some people and I know there are a million post like this but its read at least 20 to make myself feel better on day 1 and even more on day 2!!!
    The liquid diet---- Protein Shakes and broth and water!!
    Day one I drank so much freaking broth and Water I thought I would explode!!! That night I woke up ever hour to pee it was awful and in my MIND I was still starving! I say in my mind because I know I wasn't hungry my stomach wasn't growling and it was so bloated from all the liquids there was NO room for anything else.
    Day 2 was worse... The awful headache started and I felt so weak and tired all day ( that lasted until day 4. headache/weakness and exhausted) I still drank broth and water like it was going out of style and was still really bloated. I was tempted by everything my children ate! It all looked amazing and smelled even better!! I did cheat and I own that and its done and there is no going back. I had 1 chicken nugget which my daughter yelled at me for since it was hers and she knows mommy can only have the stuff in her cups!!! SMH
    Day 3..... I couldn't bring myself to do a shake so I spoke to my doctor and they recommended adding more Protein mix to the water to make it a pudding consistency and let it sit in the fridge for about an hour maybe two. This was a big help it gave the illusion of something new and I ate that no problem and added some sugar free coffee Syrup to make it hazelnut flavored. It was a life savor and I was still getting enough fluids with the water and some broth to keep me hydrated. I was still tempted but I did not cheat!!!
    Day 4... Is honestly a blur I know what I got all my water in for the day and protein no problem but my head hurt so bad I slept a lot!!! I am very lucky I was able to stay in bed and sleep to get rid of it. I didn't cheat because I my head was banging so bad I just stayed in bed for most of the day. (Thank you to my husband! )
    Day 5!!!!!!! AMAZING!!! I no longer had a headache and no longer even thought about other food. I would make my "meals" and then make my children there meals and I wasn't tempted of even interested in anything!
    For me and I think for other also its the first few days. The first few days your body is in shock and freaking out since you are no longer eating the "bad" things. Not to mention that you go to a full liquid diet in some cases! (I have heard that others are allowed 2 ounces of protein a day or veggies. I think it all depends on the doctor you have)
    So that is my little piece of information I am currently on day 5, down 14 pounds since I started it and I am feeling amazing and the day is almost over for me 6:00pm EST! So I wish everyone luck you can do it!!!
  25. Like
    AWD12368 got a reaction from T-Sky in 8 day liquid diet! -my experience so far!   
    So I am posting this because I thought it would be helpful to some people and I know there are a million post like this but its read at least 20 to make myself feel better on day 1 and even more on day 2!!!
    The liquid diet---- Protein Shakes and broth and water!!
    Day one I drank so much freaking broth and Water I thought I would explode!!! That night I woke up ever hour to pee it was awful and in my MIND I was still starving! I say in my mind because I know I wasn't hungry my stomach wasn't growling and it was so bloated from all the liquids there was NO room for anything else.
    Day 2 was worse... The awful headache started and I felt so weak and tired all day ( that lasted until day 4. headache/weakness and exhausted) I still drank broth and water like it was going out of style and was still really bloated. I was tempted by everything my children ate! It all looked amazing and smelled even better!! I did cheat and I own that and its done and there is no going back. I had 1 chicken nugget which my daughter yelled at me for since it was hers and she knows mommy can only have the stuff in her cups!!! SMH
    Day 3..... I couldn't bring myself to do a shake so I spoke to my doctor and they recommended adding more Protein mix to the water to make it a pudding consistency and let it sit in the fridge for about an hour maybe two. This was a big help it gave the illusion of something new and I ate that no problem and added some sugar free coffee Syrup to make it hazelnut flavored. It was a life savor and I was still getting enough fluids with the water and some broth to keep me hydrated. I was still tempted but I did not cheat!!!
    Day 4... Is honestly a blur I know what I got all my water in for the day and protein no problem but my head hurt so bad I slept a lot!!! I am very lucky I was able to stay in bed and sleep to get rid of it. I didn't cheat because I my head was banging so bad I just stayed in bed for most of the day. (Thank you to my husband! )
    Day 5!!!!!!! AMAZING!!! I no longer had a headache and no longer even thought about other food. I would make my "meals" and then make my children there meals and I wasn't tempted of even interested in anything!
    For me and I think for other also its the first few days. The first few days your body is in shock and freaking out since you are no longer eating the "bad" things. Not to mention that you go to a full liquid diet in some cases! (I have heard that others are allowed 2 ounces of protein a day or veggies. I think it all depends on the doctor you have)
    So that is my little piece of information I am currently on day 5, down 14 pounds since I started it and I am feeling amazing and the day is almost over for me 6:00pm EST! So I wish everyone luck you can do it!!!

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