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Everything posted by kcadoret

  1. kcadoret

    Work Out Advice!

    @@berkeleycurves Congrats on working out and adding resistance training (it's my favourite part!) If you're going to the gym they should have an 'ambassador' type person who can show you how to use a machine if you're confused, as for how much weight to put on start low and build up, the number of reps and sets (i.e. 2 sets of 10 repetitions) carries between individuals and their goals 2 sets of 10 could be a good place to start if you find you're able. You want atlas the last 2-3 reps of each set to be really hard, so you're not sure you can do it (you can do it!) For what exercises to do that's the fun part! It's important to have variety and change the exercises you do every once and a while so your muscles don't get too use to what you're doing. For legs I'm a big fan of squats, lunges and deadlifts (all can be done without a machine and eventually with free weights). Upper body is a great opportunity to combine machines (rower, chest extensions, bench press etc) and free weight exercises (which you can often even do with household weights!). Honestly I like to brows websites or apps with exercises and if I see something that looks interesting give it a try, if it's hard to do and you feel those muscles the next day it can be a great addition. Enjoy the experimentation and fun that can be resistance training!
  2. I've read multiple studies and found it to be true as well: that 80% of weight loss is done in the kitchen, 20% in the gym. This isn't to downplay the importance of exercise and physical fitness but to suggest that you can healthily and safely lose weight without a particularly active lifestyle. I also agree with the above commenters that sitting/chair exercises are a good addition to the weight loss journey. You can do this!!
  3. kcadoret

    Very beginning stage

    Congrats @@melissajane!!! I met with Dr Yelle, he's also head of trauma surgery so I'm sure you were in great hands! How's the 'farting competition' going?! Hahaha ;p
  4. kcadoret

    Very beginning stage

    Hi Ottawa people! I'm also from Ottawa, met the surgeon January 20th and am not patiently waiting for my surgery date.
  5. I'm in the same boat! I'm also planning on a last meal before the liver reduction diet, I don't think that's a bad thing.... Any experiences or advice would be much appreciated.
  6. kcadoret

    Your pre-op diet?

    My program told us it was mainly to shrink the liver (the shorter periods seems to just be for ensuring there's no food in your stomach or intestines)....
  7. I know the excitement of which you speak! Mine started at my first information session and it's only been increasing! Now about 2 months out from surgery and it's been the excitement that's been pushing me to make changes and plans. Enjoy the journey!!
  8. I use to have dreams like that as a teenager when doing fasting blood tests. It'd often be something like chewing a red pepper and freak out because some of the liquid may have been absorbed already. The liquid pre-op diet is the stage I'm most fearful of. I hope it's not difficult in my dreams as well!
  9. kcadoret

    Mar 3 surgery date!

    Congratulations on the surgery dates!! @@highdesertblue Great gift ideas!! I just bought myself a little espresso cup to make those first few days post op drinking 1 oz at a time a bit more special haha @@jcmo I'm also in Ottawa! saw the surgeon last week and am waiting on the edge of my seat for them to call me already! I'm hoping for mid to the end of March
  10. I found it hard to stop my vices cold turkey, I'm kinda odd so made myself a plan for decreasing my quantity of caffeine, alcohol, processed sugary foods etc. I also gradually increased the decaf content in my coffee to the point that I drink a decaf coffee a week or so. I switched from pop and alcohol to carbonated Water with a dash of juice, to kombutcha tea, then to fun herbal teas cooled and over ice. I started changing my behaviours as soon as I went to the first information session but got serious about 10 months before surgery (my first intake appointment). I also struggled with the waiting for things to move on the hospital end, but hoped that if they saw the deliberate effort I was making maybe it would speed things up (it hasn't in my case). I think the awareness and effort on your part is the biggest factor, no matter how small the changes may seem.
  11. kcadoret

    Your pre-op diet?

    I didn't start changing my diet specifically for post-op until I met with the NUT and learned what my goals should be (the usual, increase Protein and Water, eat slower, journal regularly etc). Since then, I as many others have been focusing on making those changes at a steady pace. That being said it's been in the forefront of my mind that this will be the last period in my life when I can eat with abandon, so I've made and am following the NUT outlined diet but am also enjoying my possible last slice of cheesecake ever... With mixed emotions Three more weeks or so until my pre-op liquid diet! eeeep
  12. I just read through every post in this thread over the past few days and it's made me laugh and tear up. Congratulations to all on their NSV, and for noticing and appreciating them! Your posts have reinforced to me what a good decision this procedure and lifestyle change is. I've started a list of NSV goals inspired by all of yours!

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