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Everything posted by chunkyloverlovesyou

  1. chunkyloverlovesyou

    How many calories are you getting?

    3 weeks out I was getting about a 1000 calories and now at 6 mo out I am between 1000-1500 tops. I have been on a diet I can maintain for the rest of my life..I haven't had any vitamin deficiencies and my hair has not fallen out at all. I like your nutritionist advice, it should keep you out of starvation mode.
  2. chunkyloverlovesyou

    What does full feel like?

    Full for me is when you take just one more bite you know you shouldn't of had and you either get to deal with the discomfort of it for a while, or if you are lucky- a merciful, light on the acid-puke! Or maybe that's just being stuffed not full. Either way, it's a fine line.
  3. chunkyloverlovesyou

    February Gastric Sleeves

    I am down 42lbs! Just had my labs done and they look great as well. I just need to start adding excercise into the mix, feeling a bit weak.
  4. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Ladies Only: Decreased sex drive?

    Yes I have that, I think it's a hormonal thing. In my case -it's also a depression issue too. I realized being thinner wasn't going to solve the majority of my problems....
  5. chunkyloverlovesyou

    How do I hoist these girls up!?

    Thanks for all the advice, I need to suck it up and get myself measured
  6. Beer will not be fun though
  7. chunkyloverlovesyou

    UT - Salt Lake City

    I am looking for a woorkout buddy in lehi, any takers?
  8. @JamieLogical. Walking us just so borrrring
  9. chunkyloverlovesyou

    How do I hoist these girls up!?

    where you get one and about how much?
  10. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Ok. WTF am I doing wrong?

    Your body has to re-teach itself that it is not actually starving to death, you will lose again, just stay off the scale for a while
  11. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Stay away from the scale!

    The scale, aka 'the lying bastard'
  12. My favorite meal, how much could one finish post sleeve..in n out burger with fries and shake http://www.grubgrade.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/In-N-Out-Combo.jpg My fear was I would never be able to enjoy this again. I went and got the meal, had to take all the good veg off my burger for space, able to eat about 3/4 of it and was completely disgusted. Fries were just ok, only able to eat a couple. Chocolate shake was put in the freezer and forgotten about. No feel-goods from it anymore, it was just meh to eat. I don't miss it like I thought I would.
  13. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Gifts for Office/Doctor?

    Brag about them online, write a yelp/Google review. Good docs deserve good business
  14. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Any Regrets?

    Going to Germany this year and definitely regretting the fact I won't be able to drink a stein or two of delicious local beer
  15. Sportin the summer saggy ass pants look

    1. jeanniereenie


      yes me too! my husband said i could probably wear an adult diaper now if i wanted to :)

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Me too...Goodwill can be our friend or we can start a new trend! :)


    3. Djmohr


      I have several pairs like that. It's a new fashion statement!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. my sleeve likes spaghettios

  17. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Will we have to low carb for ever?

    I am 4-5 months out and almost at goal. I eat everything I did before, but less of it. A lot less of it. I don't advocate what I do, but it works for me. I don't want to teach my body that it can't ever have a bagel or Cheetos. I especially don't want to teach my body that 1000 cal is the new norm. 1200-1400 and even 1600 a day is reasonable, and is what a traditional diet amount should be. One thing that I think has made a big difference though is that I cut out the amount of meat and processed sugar.
  18. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Post surgery depression

    Don't worry, when your stomach heals- you realize you can medicate your body with food once again, but hopefully you have developed better habits where you won't want to anymore...
  19. chunkyloverlovesyou

    The dumbest diet you tried?

    @@Babbs It was awful! All freeze dried. I thought it was going to be more like lean cuisine, it wasn't. Soldium galore too.. there is absolutely no way anyone that could afford a nutritionist and a personal chef- was eating that crap
  20. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Will we have to low carb for ever?

    I eat carbs like they are going out of style
  21. chunkyloverlovesyou

    What was your past slob memory

    I was at a very important meeting at work and had mint chocolate cookie ice cream smeared all over my lips... Jerks at my table never told me, I found out later when I checked the mirror on my way home because I thought people were looking at me funny...it was everywhere
  22. chunkyloverlovesyou

    The dumbest diet you tried?

    Nutrisystem was dumb and pricey. I stayed on it for 2 days, and threw the rest of my freeze-dried food away. Makes me angry when I see the commercials, they (a few spokespeople) didn't lose weight on nutrisystwm, they lost weight because they were on 'dancing with the Stars' and working out with personal trainers,
  23. I saw an ad for Botox, was interested but was looking further into cheap Botox in Mexico and stumbled across this weird sleeve trend. I figured why the hell not?!
  24. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Post-op wedding dress issues- need advice!

    Problem with massive amounts of weight loss, is that you never know what might go first. You might have no ass, or boob, by the time your wedding dress shows up, fit is going to be tricky. Why not do an in-store try a couple weeks before?
  25. chunkyloverlovesyou

    Getting scared

    Hate to be the D in this, but if you were eating healthy thin person sizes, you wouldn't need WLS to begin with. You will lose weight and you will realize fast just how small your meals become and how much you ate before. On the plus side, if you are eating healthy, good for you! Better habits to start your journey

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