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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shoeaddict

  1. i was banded on Dec. 28, 07, I am suppose to get my first fill on 2.04.08
  2. Shoeaddict

    My port hurts

    I wish I could tell you if what you are feeling is normal, I am 8 days postop and I too am feeling something strange on my right side, more when i stand to get out of a chair or just move wrong. I wondered if it could be just the healing process, hopefully someone will have the answer.
  3. Shoeaddict

    Roberta's surgery - Dec 28th

    Hi Bert, My surgery is Dec. 28th also, so here is to tomorrow! Good luck to you! We will have to keep in touch.
  4. Shoeaddict

    Having surgery in Denver

    Hiya!! Thougt I would give you a quick update! My husband and I are in Denver now....pre-op today and surgery friday @ 6 PM...ooooooooooo I have been on a clear liquid diet since yesterday and its not too bad! We came to Denver last night because of the snow, I didn't want to have to cancel because of snow!!
  5. Shoeaddict

    Having surgery in Denver

    Dolly @ Dr. Snyders office said the insurance company had 30 days to reply ( i have United Healthcare) they took the full 30 days. kp
  6. Shoeaddict

    Having surgery in Denver

    I have everything finally in place except for a test this Thursday (thallium stress test) I have insurance approval, so after Thursday all I will need is a date if of course the stress test is ok and the cartiologist didn't think there would be a problem!!!!! So hopefully I will be on my way to Denver to see Dr. Snyder very soon!!
  7. Shoeaddict

    Having surgery in Denver

    Sounds like you are definitely on your way!!! Good luck to you! KP
  8. Dr. Michael Snyder in Denver, Colorado will be doing mine.
  9. Shoeaddict

    Having surgery in Denver

    I have just received authorization from my insurance company, and I will be having Dr. Michael Snyder do my surgery in Denver. He is at the Denver Bariatric Center! www.denverbariatrics.com best wishes to you in your decision. kp

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