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Posts posted by MyNewLife28

  1. @MyNewLife28 Thats so funny, I've never met anyone else who has an adversion to sweating!! My mom teases me that I have a fear of sweat. I actually think she's right. I HATE it. Not the exercise, just the sweating. And those stares you get from people when your sweating.

    For me walking and hiking will have to be my fun activity. Thankfully summer in alaska is great for both.

    I have hyperhidrosis which is excess sweating so I'm more aware of it and always sweet more than the average person. It sucks. I've let it control so much of my life. I'm kinda hoping I'll be like a lot if the people and be chilly after surgery. I'd like to see how the other side lives ;)

  2. I'm getting the surgery on the 19th so I haven't had this issue come up but I'm scared it will. Maybe get back to your "roots" go back to the beginning and start there... Protein Shakes, etc and find something you'd like to do exercise wise. I hate to exercise because I sweat like crazy... Always have since I was an average weight kid but I do remember the things I liked to do then and that was ride a bike and roller skate, while I'm waiting until I'm in better shape yo roller skate (I know I wouldn't be able to get back up if I fell) I did buy a bike and I love to ride it. Find something you love and if you don't remember try different things. Also, food wise, maybe you can remove the temptation at home to help you. Good luck!

  3. My BMI is a 58

    you may be pre-approved because your bmi is over a certain criteria... I had to have 6 months of documented weight loss. I have bcbs. Once every month for 6 months consecutively I had to go to my primary and get weighed in. I had to lose at least 1 pound a month. You may be able to skip that part since your bmi is over 50 but every plan is different. Talk to the insurance company. They'll be able to tell you.

  4. If I could go back in time and have this surgery I would. You're still young. You have your whole life ahead of you, don't be scared. I was in your position and I let life pass by without joining in because of my weight. My surgery is scheduled for next month... I can't wait! Yes, I'll have sagging skin but I already do. To me, my being overweight is unattractive at least I'll be healthy! Doing this while you're still young is a big leap in the right direction! Good luck to you!

  5. This is day 2 for me, I want to eat everything I see but I know this is important any suggestions for success?

    I started mine thinking I was going to get my surgery sooner than I am so o am back off of it... I'll tell you the first two days I slept A LOT! lol... I took a nap when I wanted to eat!

  6. I'm a newbie, live in Michigan. Dr. Pesta is my surgeon. I had to do 6 months of supervised weight loss to be covered by insurance. It's been a VERY long and agonizing road but I finished my 6 months this month and am scheduled for surgery for next month. Been lurking on here for a little bit. Some great topics and great resource for me. I've been testing different Proteins and so far I haven't cared for any of them really. I've tried the Isopure bottled Fruit drinks, muscle milk, premier Protein and one other I can't remember but they all kinda suck! lol.

    I've struggled with weight my whole life. I was taught terrible eating habits growing up and continued those habits into my adulthood.

    Anyone around my area? Anyone scheduled May 19th?

  7. Hi there!

    My surgery is scheduled for May 18th and I start a 4 week pre op diet on April 20th. I'm just curious about how long everyone's pre op diet was. I haven't met anyone yet that had a four week pre-op diet and it has me a little curious.

    my pre op diet is complete Meal Replacement that I have to buy through my surgeon's office. Mostly shakes and other Protein drinks that are like hot chocolate or juice drinks. I'm allowed to have One Bar a day.

    To me, it sounds like your surgeon likes the extra income of the Meal Replacements that he is making you buy. I could be wrong, I just don't like the you have to buy this from me for 4 weeks or I won't do your surgery....

  8. Hi! I'm also a Michigander and having Dr. Pesta do my surgery. I have my appointment with him today after 6 months of medically supervised weigh ins per insurance. Looking forward to getting a surgery date. I'm 5 days on my pre-op diet which is slowly killing me (haha). Glad your surgery went well! Sorry about the flu! Ugh!

  9. I'm in the process of having surgery. I had to have 6 months of losing weight... At least 1 pound a month. You would think, oh, 1 pound isn't much. It will be a piece of (delicious) cake haha... BUT it has been an emotional roller coaster. It has brought out the worst binger in me! I've been an emotional and binge eater throughout my life and I've been having 6 months of on and off food funeral. It's been tough! I'm so afraid if I don't lose the one pound, then I have to start all over again. My scale and the doctors scale is never the same. I'm always trying to guess whether I've lost enough to move on. On Thursday, it's my 6th month. I'm practically eating nothing because I'm fearful I won't get down that pound. Yes, I want this surgery with all my heart! I can not wait to start my weight loss journey! So I can commiserate with you. I can empathize. I, too, am having difficulties. Does it make me less worthy to have the surgery? I don't think so. I'm a work in progress. We all have our baggage or we wouldn't be where we are... Keep your head up high. The first step is knowing what your doing and putting it out for the world to see! You will overcome!

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