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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by goodnuff

  1. goodnuff

    Learning how to eat slowly!

    Another app, Eat Slower. I set it for 2 minutes and chew between 20-30 seconds, take a new bite when the timer goes off. I found tasting spoons and forks on Amazon. Don't overload them and you'll do much better. My doctors instructions were to eat 2 oz at a time, just saw my Nut yesterday and she said, "Your pouch knows volume not weight. Use a 1/4 cup to measure all foods." Makes sense. Yikes, the amount for some foods is much less. I have not had any pouch pain so I was worried that I'd stretched it, she assured me I didn't in the short amount of time I was "over-eating" Good luck!
  2. goodnuff

    Walking nauseates me

    Not hot yet. 70's the other day and cloudy and cool today. My Nut had a good theory that walking pulls blood away from your core to your extremities and that healing requires extra blood flow and nausea is my body's way of saying, "slow down". I hate when my body and mind don't agree!
  3. Mine did, stating the concern was dehydration in the beginning until I could routinely get in 64 ounces of fluids a day. I'm almost 3 weeks posy op and still not getting in that much everyday, I've noticed minimal swelling but my BP was great, guess I'll monitor it closely.
  4. So glad to see this post. I'm just starting soft foods today but so far everything has been staying down super well. Knock on wood that continues, believe me I'm not complaining, but it was worrying me a bit. Not so much after reading the responses.
  5. Congrats! It's an awesome feeling!!!
  6. Congratulations! I also had surgery on the 17th and was thrilled at my post-op appointment today to see I'm down 22 pounds since surgery. Even better, I can stop my blood pressure medication. Here's to many more victories for us!!
  7. The last time I had surgery which was much less invasive and did not require a hospital stay I didn't feel "normal" for more than 12 weeks. Surgery/anesthesia is tough on our bodies. Be patient, listen to your body and give it what it's asking for.
  8. goodnuff

    How Active

    I don't know about goals or limits but I'm 2 weeks out and told my surgeon at my appointment today that I'm walking 1/2 mile in the morning and 1 mile at night and he seemed quite pleased. I think it's about listening to your body and being active without hurting yourself. My help left today so that means I'll be adding at least one more 1/2 mile walk a day to take my pup out. Each outing is 3 flights of stairs up and down also. I imagine a lot of your tolerance will depend on your pre-op activity level as well. Have a great day.
  9. goodnuff

    Any Nurses out there?

    I had the RNY and will have 6 weeks off. My job requires me to lift 50 pounds and carry it 6 feet so the surgeon said I need to be off for that long. My discharge instructions were not to lift more than 20 pounds for 2 weeks. I went to days after 17 years of nights just in anticipation of surgery and no longer wanting to try to figure out when to eat or eating to stay awake. I told everyone. I'm a big mouth like that. 2 others have had WLS recently and I asked not to be compared to them. We are all different and will lose differently. I just knew that once I started losing people would ask how I'm doing it and it'd come out anyway. Good luck through the final stages.
  10. goodnuff

    hernia repair

    I had similar issues after surgery this last week. Once I was getting Pepcid and Protonix it went away. Good luck.
  11. goodnuff

    Mar 18th surgery

    March 17. Finally got to come home today due to complications. Trying full liquids today and if all goes well I have the green light to ease into pureed. Totally skipped the three protein shakes a day phase by staying in the hospital. I'd rather have drank the protein shakes.
  12. 6 days post-op and still in the hospital. No longer vomitting blood so there is light at the end of the tunnel. After my rave of feeling better due to a bowel movement my bowels decided to take a break. I've been throwing up nearly everything I take in, no matter how slowly I take it in. Had a CT scan yesterday that showed a partial bowel obstruction. Today I will have a follow through study, I think I have to drink barium and then have a series of x-rays to show where and how large the obstruction is. I'm hoping it is nothing more than swelling at the Y and only needs time to resolve on its own. I hit the wall last night when the nurse aid put my TED hose back on with a bunch of wrinkles behind my knees. Kind of defeats the purpose of the stockings if wrinkles are cutting off your circulation. I tried to fix it myself but couldn't so waited until the nurse came in and asked her to fix it. She was more concerned with how dirty they were and tried to pull them up past my knees. I bit her head off. Mostly because it took her two hours to get back to me about an order for Protonix (the resident MD's are in house so there was no reason it took 2 hours) and partially because no crap they are dirty and stretched out I've had them for 6 days without being washed, I've walked and walked and walked in them...Anyway, Here's to hoping I can go home today.
  13. 3 days post op. I can't keep anything down Everytime I puke it's pure blood. The docs, residents and nurses agree that it is the staple line and it will heal on its own. My blood counts indicate that I'm doing ok so I tend to believe them. Planning 2 or 3 more days in the hospital. Hope this means very little to my post post op recovery. Feeling bummed.
  14. goodnuff

    No Complications

    The Tribe has Spoken....It's time for me to go. Damnit all anyway. Ileus and vomiting blood for the first five days after surgery. I think I might get to go home today. Can I have a do over and come back when I'm complication free?
  15. goodnuff

    Last Supper

    Chug a lug. It was bad but not nearly as bad as Go Lightly.
  16. Thanks y'all. It must have helped because I'm feeling better. Last blood emesis was 9 hours ago. I've kept 40 cc down so far, working on the next 15. Doc is going to treat me for a bleeding disorder if I vomit blood anymore. Pain is minimal, nausea is better. @@foodfighter78, once my ileus resolved (i.e., once I pooed) i started feeling better. Sending positive, feel good vibes your way.
  17. goodnuff

    Last Supper

    As planned my "Last Supper" was a garden salad, zucchini stix, ribeye and a loaded baked potato. Dessert was Berry Chantilly cake from Whole Foods. I drank a cup of Smooth Move tea before going to bed. I had a normal BM in the morning, pushed clear liquids all day. Drank 10 oz of Magnesium Citrate at 5 pm, at 7 pm I had a huge emesis. No bowel results until 3 am the next morning. It was so nerve racking. Had I known I wouldn't poo anything I ate I would have made better choices. if anybody has a one day pre-op diet and is supposed to drink Mag Citrate I'd ask if you can start taking it earlier in the day to make sure it works.
  18. I think a surgery day (or week) buddy would be awesome. I was keeping my nerves under control until today. So many worries and even more hopes for a positive process. Would love to have a few people who are in the same wave of this transformation as me to share triumphs and struggles with.
  19. Two days later and nothing is staying down and I'm puking up blood. Hoping sips of water stay down today.
  20. goodnuff

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Hope all went well for you today. Mine is tomorrow at 7:30, about 30 minutes away. My only pre-op was clear liquids today and whole bottle of Magnesium Citrate at 5:00 pm. I'm a little scared of that, seems like an awful lot so late in the day. Oh well.
  21. @@Shan5311 I saw some four leaf clover buttons that said Lucky on then at Target. I almost bought them. Now I'm thinking I should have. Had a nice meal then came home and drank a cup of Smooth Move tea to give my steak and cake a little nudge. I'm not looking forward to drinking a bottle of Mag Citrate tomorrow night. Good luck today. Please keep in touch.
  22. @@Shan5311 I hear you. My clear liquids start tomorrow. My daughter flew in last night to be with me. This morning she broke down because she's worried that I'll die during surgery. Breaks my heart to put her through this. And being a nurse I won't promise her that won't happen and I have to admit it's a risk, even if it's very unlikely. Wish I could just say it'll all be ok. On a lighter (heavier) note we have a last meal and last dessert planned. I told her the slice of cake I want to buy is quite large. She suggested we share it. I laughed then giving her the stink eye said, "I'm not sharing my last dessert" Wow...last dessert. I'm going to enjoy it but have never been more ready for this. I hope you are tolerating your liquid day and getting excited for tomorrow. @@hoping I doubt that messed anything up. I honestly don't know how I'd feel about having to do 3 days to 2 weeks of liquids. Living 1000 miles from my daughter meant I wasn't going to see her until a few days before surgery and I wanted to have my last unhealthy meal with her, just realizing how terrible that sounds. Anyway it would have been a bummer not to be able to do that. I'm in Colorado. I was a travel nurse in Norfolk in 2013. Enjoyed my time there but way way too humid for me. Wishing you all speedy recoveries!
  23. goodnuff


    From the album: goodnuff

  24. goodnuff


    From the album: goodnuff

  25. Just a one day liquid pre-op and bowel prep that night for me. Trying to do high protein low carb until then but do have brunch and supper planned for Sunday that are not either of those.

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