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Blog Comments posted by shoveltastic

  1. I absolutely think that weighing once a week is smart!! Stalls are crazy annoying and it's just better to not know and be suprised at the end of the week... You've lost a ton of weight already! Focus on how much you are down not how much you have to go <3 GOOD LUCK!!

  2. Vanilla will always taste chalky and terrible! Switch to chocolate asap, even if you're like me and like vanilla better than chocolate regularly.

    Can you eat sugar free pudding? That stuff saved me the week before surgery- It's like 65 cents a box, plus the cost of 2 cups of milk.. Whisk powder into cold milk for two minutes and you can eat the whole dang bowl for like ~ 400 calories :B Go for the chocolate fudge flavor it's def the best.. If you cannot eat pudding, I am truly, truly sorry :(

    GOOD LUCK!! <3 Remember, this stuff sucks and its gonna suck for a while but, you're gonna be a healthy skinny thang soon!

  3. I don't have too many suggestions but, I thought I would reach out and tell you that I know a lot of kids that are struggling with their weights and you and your son are not alone.

    My littlest sister was a food sneaker and a snacker (she is 11)- as was I when I was young (I am 24). I think that the difference between her and I- she is in basketball and soccer whereas, I quit tennis and basketball at around her age.

    Get your son into basketball! Soccer! Something indoor that is played thru the winters (I know they can be tough!) and involves runnning around like a madperson! Swimming? My little sister is playing both soccer and basketball right now (she lives in NJ both are indoors). In the summer she does swimming and she's thinking of joining cross country like her (underweight but, that's a whole different story) older sister.

    All that I can tell you from my own experience is that a child who is nagged or pressured unduly will start to rebel- just as I did against my mom. You are doing right by keeping the house free of junkfood! My mom tried to say "these snacks are only for your sister"- NOT GOOD. Good luck!!!

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