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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by red37

  1. I have told one person because he asked he over for a home cooked dinner. However, I moved and took a new job so people here didn't know me before. I decided if it was necessary I would tell.
  2. The gas from surgery has to be absorbed into your body, diff from the other kind of gas. That being said, I bought some gas x strips and find them useful now, 3+ months out.
  3. Day two in the hospital they started giving me Tylenol, never gave me a rx for any pain medicine of any kind!
  4. I originally wanted sleeve but my surgeon said with my family history of diabetes that rny would be better. I am a little over three months post and I am amazed with my progress, how great I feel and my relief in knowing I am taking back control of my health. The more you know about it, the better you will feel with your decision, keep researching! Good luck!
  5. red37

    Going back to work?

    That would have been way too soon for me. I truly felt out of commission for three weeks, luckily I am in education so I didn't have to go back right away as it was at the beginning of the summer. You could always plan for longer and go back early if you think you feel up to it.
  6. Sorry you are feeling this way, it is scary going through major surgery. I am making new memories without food as a central theme, in the long run I think it is healthier for me. Of course I still love food, but not letting it control everything I do has been freeing and eye opening. I would like to think that your friends and family will gladly choose a healthy long life for you over the unhealthy foodie you. You can still cook for family and friends, that won't go away, perhaps you will be the one to go to for fabulous healthy recipes?!
  7. red37


    Thank you krisrpaz, I will increase a little over the next week before I see my new pcp on Friday. I will also ask about nutritionist. I have a feeling my new insurance is going to be hard to work with with. Hoping pcp will refer to nutritionist, esp given that they don't do wls. Ready to be over the dizziness.
  8. red37


    Thank you for the replies! I use my fitness pal religiously and my calories are mostly between 500-675. Should I increase this? I do take multi vitamin, b12 and calcium citrate, the multi does contain thiamin. The blood test I had two weeks ago showed ferritin was fine, I think that is a marker for iron? So strange, last night I had a hard boiled egg, just plain and shortly after got real dizzy again. This is the first time I noticed a worsening after eating. No nausea-just dizzy. Ugh.
  9. My life saver is a really hot electric heating pad!
  10. I was in recovery for about four hours because I was waiting for a room to open. I didn't wake up officially until just before they took me to the room. I do remember waking up earlier, being in pain and telling them so like a just out of surgery loopy person! I think they gave me a good dose of pain needs and it knocked me out!
  11. Mix miralax in a glass of crystal light! Works for me. Worst case scenario-milk of magnesia-ugh almost makes me throw up but it REALLY works!
  12. Did you have dizziness? I have been super dizzy for the last two weeks and started wondering if it could be my eyes. I had blood work last week but it is not back yet. I think I will make an eye appt too!
  13. red37

    4 Weeks Post-Op

    Miralax mixed with crystal light every few days works well for me!
  14. red37

    Any regrets?

    No regrets. No complications. Three months out. Happy and adjusting well, it's takes some getting used to but I feel better than I ever have in my life. So worth it!
  15. red37

    Gas pain

    I got an electric heating pad from walgreens and it was the best thing for the gas pain! I basically slept with it for several days when I got home!
  16. red37

    Good fats?

    A bit of fat has been fine for me. However I had been eating peanut butter on occasion and have been ok-yesterday had some (just peanut butter by itself) and got very sick a half hour later. Won't be eating it again for long time!!
  17. red37

    Feeling Tired all The Time

    I felt exhausted till about two weeks ago and now am three post post. Take care of yourself, walk, rest and drink lots of water! It will pass-you are not alone!
  18. red37


    At that point I was allowed oatmeal, grits, yogurt and cream of wheat. Oatmeal never went over too well but the rest were great!
  19. My surgeon said no getting pregnant for a minimum of 18 months after surgery. Might be something to take into consideration.
  20. Early on I had experience with fish and turkey not going down. But I think that had to do with not chewing enough. Certain foods are a bit uncomfortable-I occasionally eat peanuts and chew them really well, but I sometimes having a tickle in my throat afterwards for awhile. I haven't been too adventurous with many meats yet, so I can't say if chicken is a problem like it is for many people.
  21. red37

    Need advice please!

    You just had major surgery so your body is still recovering and will be for awhile. You will lose weight! Relax and follow your Drs plan! You will see results!
  22. red37

    Week 3 of post op

    Hope you start to feel better soon! Everyday will improve!
  23. I have a recliner, I tried it out when I first got home-couldn't move well enough to even make it recline-too much pain and not enough strength, then I had to have help getting out of it. So, lots of pillows on my bed-the one thing I was glad I bought was a body pillow-that was very helpful! Slept in my bed every night, glad I did!
  24. Yes you can do it, and you will, the surgery will help "teach" you to do it. Don't be so hard on yourself! I am still learning at 3 months out and thought similar to what you are thinking now. But being on the other side-I know all things are possible now!!!

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