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Posts posted by FinallyFit50s

  1. Lol, I have the mean face too...it's not like I am trying to be that way. It's usually I'm in thought. There is Tinder, an app that you can try. It's known as a hookup site, but I've met some really nice guys off of it. It links to your Facebook page, so I would suggest you make a new one just for dating, also get a new email and a google number...again, just for dating. Once a guy is deemed "worthy" you can give him your real number.

    I've had to take myself off of discovery as I was chatting with too many guys. Aww, heck,,,it has been an absolute BLAST!!! I actually told my mother that I'm dating. This morning I realized that I have had more dates in the last 3 1/2 months than in my entire teenage years...

    Try it, you both have to swipe right to be connected. Can't hurt...I also put in my little profile (not that guys really read them...No marrieds, separated, open relationships and NO Hookups!)

    Good luck...enjoy the you that you've always wanted to be!

  2. Awhile back, OKCPirate wrote something that made a lot of sense for me. It's a numbers game. Go out have fun and date...date...date. Enjoy all that dating has to offer. Meet new people, have new adventures. You'll find out quickly enough what you like, don't like, and your must-haves. I'm a whole heck of a lot older than you, but I feel like I've started anew. This dating thing is FUN!!! (All the safety hints are true...) Addtionally, I take a pic of the guy and send it to my friends. We also agree that after X amount of time, I or they will call just to check in. (My daughter loves doing the check in...lmao)

  3. I'm still doing the Tinder thing. Had two first dates last week. Both guys I had spoken to at least a few weeks prior but grad school got in the way. One was VERY supportive and would check in to see how I'm doing. He lives down on the shore in CT about an hour an a half away. He's a chef...and man makes GREAT ribs. I'm NOT open about my surgery but something I said clued him in and he asked, so I told him. Nice guy, we shall see where it goes. He's definitely looking at finding someone for a solid relationship. The second guy I texted out of the blue since I was on vacation. We went for a drink and talked. He's been divorced for about six months...WARNING BELLS*** He lives in the next town and he will be good for doing motorcycle trips and just hanging out as friends.

    There are a bunch more on Tinder that are interesting...I'm just having fun at this point. Anyone tickles my fancy enough....I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

  4. After the plastic surgeon explained what it was, I had thought each boil was a new place but come to find out it was a sweat gland and mostly the same ones were getting infected. Lovely blockage that happened for no reason. I wash them gently let them air dry then put on a dressing to keep them from rubbing and sticking. I try...try not to pop them unless they get too huge.

    Good luck with them @samaraousse , I'm really hoping to get them removed. I have them under my arms also, but right now they haven't been bothering me. I've looked at post-surgery scars of the armpits and I really don't like them.

  5. I had TWO dates today: #1 Went to Breakfast with Tattoo Guy. Ended up going to movies after. He is really easy to be around. The plan is for us to still go out Friday night. #2 dinner with the super fit, eat to live and not the other way around 5k guy who is in CT until September. He's from Seattle. He was a straight up TRIP and states exactly what's on his mind. We ended up sitting and talking for 2 1/2 hours at the Thai restaurant.

    It was a GREAT day! I have dated more in the last month than I have in the new millennium! I even wore a racer back style sleeveless top. I've been working on not being so self-conscious about my flabby arms.

    @ I should've said that there is something GREAT going on with the men in MA/CT. Or maybe I have figured something about dating out. I have one more week to have fun, then I'm deleting all my profiles as grad school activities begin on June 2nd. What a ride I've had....loving my sleeve!

    @@OKCPirate Thank you.

  6. There is something definitely going on with the dating pool in the MA/CT area! I have a date Thursday with a guy who wanted to know if I would like to do a 5k with him this weekend. Ummm that would be a NO! I'll do the color run 5k trotting and walking because you end up a mess, and the Rugged Maniac 5k obstacle course because it was crazy fun with a large group...we redid some of the more fun obstacles. This dude is totally into fitness. I told him that my body was built for Comfort, not Speed! So dinner and drinks and conversation it is.

    On Friday, I'm going out with Tattoo Guy to dinner and to see a friends band. (So far he's the one I'm most interested in) Then somehow/somewhere over the next week I'm trying to work in the three other guys that want to meet up. Have no idea what the heck is up...but you know what...I am going for it! I think that it's my willingness to just go out on the limb and have fun.

    As I told my girlfriend who started me on this latest Quest...you aren't courting, you don't have to be intimate (I'm so old skool that I don't kiss on a first or second date...haven't kissed ANY of them), you don't have to marry them...just go out, have fun, be yourself.

    I'm definitely learning more about myself!

    As for the recovering alcoholic, a previous date, I decided that I can't do it. He was nice enough, but I just can't, and the attraction wasn't there for me.

  7. @ You should check it out now. It's an app that uses your Facebook. It doesn't comment or anything, but that's where you get your pictures from. From what I've gathered over the past couple weeks, some folks make new Facebook profiles so that the app doesn't have much to grab from. (Dang married men, for one) Try it out, you have nothing to lose as to chat with someone, you BOTH have to swipe right. If you pick a person and then they pick you, you'll get a new match icon. The odds are much better of getting a response this way than other dating sites. Plus you choose the distance.

    I've gone on a couple of dates and am lining up more for this week. It's been so much fun. No high expectations, just dating...think last weeks date, "race guy" will end up being a really good friend.

    @ You should check it out now. It's an app that uses your Facebook. It doesn't comment or anything, but that's where you get your pictures from. From what I've gathered over the past couple weeks, some folks make new Facebook profiles so that the app doesn't have much to grab from. (Dang married men, for one) Try it out, you have nothing to lose as to chat with someone, you BOTH have to swipe right. If you pick a person and then they pick you, you'll get a new match icon. The odds are much better of getting a response this way than other dating sites. Plus you choose the distance.

    I've gone on a couple of dates and am lining up more for this week. It's been so much fun. No high expectations, just dating...think last weeks date, "race guy" will end up being a really good friend.

  8. @@TammyL323 I have twins too!!! Plus one more 15 months younger.

    Dating is HARD at our age, I'm 51. I LOVE dating this time around. I never had a great body, but right now, I have a great attitude about my body. Yes, I worry about being intimate...but having worked with mostly men, I'll know that by that time, if they are into me, that it'll be about connecting...not how many stretch marks I have.

    After WLS, we have new bodies with old emotional/physical wounds that even though we may have taken care of them, sometimes leave old impressions that can crop up. As @@OKCPirate has stated in other threads, it is a NUMBERS game. Date, date, date...take the time to find out more about you. What are your likes in a date, what it appears he likes in you? Take a chance and go out with the guy that has a nice smile, but isn't your "type". It's just a date...You never know what you might find!

    The one guy that I am actually smitten by is short, stocky and TATTOOED to the hilt. It absolutely boggles my mind as he is definitely NOT my "type". But there is something about him, he's sweet, kind, intelligent, witty And a gentleman. We've only been out twice over the last month, his life is hectic and mine is getting there with grad school starting. So we talk-text most days...but I have NOT stopped dating.

    I believe that through this journey, I'm learning more about ME than anything else. And I'm freaking awesome! (and very REAL according to Thurday nights date)

  9. I've had 3 dates over the last week. One was an old boyfriend, haven't seen him in probably two years, so pre-surgery. He kept complimenting me...felt fabulous!!!! Never going backwards on that one. He's a good guy and we can hang out and go ride the motorcycles.

    The next 2 were from Tinder. I've heard Tinder is a hook-up site, and I made it very clear in my little profile blurb that I am NOT doing hook-ups. First one was lunch last Friday. Nice enough guy, no sparks...we still chat every other day. He's definitely a guy I could hang out with as friends. Second guy was tonight. We went to Carrabas for dinner. Nice enough, recovering alcoholic, he was upfront about it when we were looking at the dessert menu. Ended up splitting the mini cannoli. Not sure how I feel about the alcohol. But I'm willing to give it another shot.

    What I did get was the nicest of all compliments from him. He told me I am the real-est person he's ever met off a dating site. We talked about our dating adventure and mis-adventures.

    I'm remembering that it's a numbers game. I don't get heavily invested, I wasn't the least bit nervous...I went out with realistic expectations and just had fun. Have a lunch date Sunday with a guy whom already on the phone is a character. Definitely don't see that going anywhere. I'm using the date as an additional barometer. (Dude is arrogant as f*ck...although me laughing at his antics calmed his butt down...lmao)

    All in all, this is so much FUN!!!!

  10. First, this morning got a text from tonight date that he has a nasty cold and to "postpone" our date. It's a numbers game. I'm cool with it.

    My last night date looked like he pic he sent me. Truly NOT my type, but my bestie commented that I don't really have a type. He is covered in tattoos, none on face neck or hands, but full back, arms and legs. Showed me the art work in pictures. HOLY COW...they are intense!

    He treated me like a lady, helped me take off my coat, helped with my chair etc. We ate a really deliecious New Orleans southern-inspired meal while listening to a blues band (Breakfast and lunch from the leftovers). The conversation was easy and I was really comfortable. He paid for it all (was nice after the last "real" date begged me to go out and then pulled the split the bill at the end), walks me to my car and gave me a nice hug.

    Then he asked me if there was an attraction, I told him the truth...I don't get giddy vibes on a fist date. (Nor do I kiss on the first date. Yep, weird old-fashioned.) He asked me to text him when I got home to make sure I was safe. I did and this morning we talked again. There is just something really intriguing about him. He's family oriented, well traveled and spoken, intelligent, witty, sarcastic and has a very warped sense of humor like I do. I also told him that the tattoos scare the bee jeeps out of me; since I have NEVER dated a guy with any tattoos, nevermind covered in them.

    We are making plans to go out again Monday to the casino since I'm leaving for Tennesee Wednesday wee hours. He wanted to take me to 6 Flags, but it's not open during the week yet. I haven't been since my kids were teens...I'm up for new experiences!

    Meanwhile, still have a couple guys that are trying to make plans with me. We shall see. I'm going with the flow. Dating is FUN, with the right attitude.

  11. Love reading the experiences, I feel for the bad ones and cheer for the happy outcomes. A friend helped me set up a Tinder profile a few weeks back and I promised myself that I would give it a fair shot. The first guy that I was supposed to meet with canceled around 3p in the afternoon the day we were supposed to go out. Claimed his 90yo mother has been in the hospital with pneumonia...blah blah blah. I was about to start a 2+ hour Zumba-thon, so It truly didn't faze me. Instead, that night I went out with gfs and had another Tinder guy meet me there. He was nice looking, had an awesome body (Iron worker) but the brains/attraction wasn't there. I'm the type that'll take the brainiac smart azz over the beautiful body builder any day.

    So, tonight I have my first real date in about 4 years. He's from Tinder too. Italian, IT guy who loves vintage cars and has traveled the world. He's definitely a smart azz and the phone conversation we had the other night was great. Looks-wise...eh. He's only a bit taller than me and is loaded with tattoos...never dated a guy with tattoos. We shall see how it goes. I'm reall looking forward to get back on the horse (@@CowgirlJane, that's in the works too!)

    I also have another date planned for tomorrow night for drinks. I'm totally treating this as a numbers game (@@OKCPirate, I paid attention)

  12. @

    I had my first consultation a couple weeks before my 50th birthday. My insurance required a six month program. It was and still is one of the best things I've done for myself. I LOVE being fit and healthier in my fifties!

    Happy early birthday!!!!!! Congratulations on starting this journey. There is a wealth of wisdom and help on this site.

  13. I totally understand about the foreigner problem. My last serious attempt at online dating had me with a bunch of English as a second language engineers. It was fun to begin with, but as you stated, communication is very important to me.

    Try try try again...

    On my attempt to try AGAIN...I received a message from a guy I knew about 8 years ago. He dated my good friend. It was a serious relationship. I felt like, gimme a break...I'm 50+ pounds lighter from then, but WTHey??!!! My face looks the same! Back to the drawing board.

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