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Everything posted by PhotoEgor

  1. Years ago (late 70's) I had a Vespa 50cc scooter. Loved it. Took time off to have kids, move etc andIt's been gone for years now. 2 years ago I needed a new vehicle, I started thinking about a bike. I thought it might be fun and put Dw on back. She wasn't sure about. I offered to get a bike with a trike conversion. She was ok with that until we looked at the prices. At that time a Goldwing was about $24000 dressed out for the road. The Trike conversion was about another $10-13000. Possibly $35000 for the vehicle I wanted. Long story short, I have an 06 Scion XB that gets great MPG, less than $17 base price, and I'm inside and the DW will get in it with me. (sigh) Maybe in a few years when I retire from my day job. gk :thumbup:
  2. PhotoEgor

    Need some funny names for my husbands car.

    Vipers are fast, how about Zoomer? Mongoose ties in with snakes, Midgard serpent from Norse mythology toothless - aged snake or when you reach goal - Eat your hearts out boys! gk
  3. PhotoEgor

    I need a pin up name!! Help me!

    One of my cousins maiden name is Candy Cain. In college her best friend was named Candy Apple and no one believed them when they went out. Makes for some interesting stories. gk
  4. Nope, not me, that's for sure. Looks like some fiendish torture device to me.
  5. PhotoEgor

    I need a pin up name!! Help me!

    Its already taken, but how about 'Slim Good Body'. :biggrin2: If you need suggestions, you might want to look at Porn Star or My Little Pony? | The Brunching Shuttlecocks At least you'll know what names to avoid. gk
  6. PhotoEgor

    Papaya and Enzymes Tablets?

    Papaya enzyme tablets contain an extract of papaya(which is high in papain, an enzyme). Papain is important for digesting Protein. When I used to market them for GNC some 23 years ago, they were sold as a digestive aid. If you overeat, you take some of these and they help you digest the overload in your stomach. Having the extra papain keeps your stomach from overproducing acid and causeing heartburn. I don't know that they would be much help for things that are 'stuck'. I'd suggest hot tea to help melt the tablet. P.S. chew, chew, chew if it's food that's giveing you a problem. An once of prevention is better than a pound of cure. gk
  7. But I thought this would be so appropriate when I got it from a friend today. gk Never Never Never Never Never Never Fart when wearing a wet suit!
  8. PhotoEgor

    DFW "meet up"

    DW & I would be interested for a Friday evening or lunch/dinner on a Saturday. Plano, Mckinney, Frisco & parts north but west of I-35 & north of LBJ gk
  9. PhotoEgor

    Ladies? (waxing question)

    My wife has been out of town and I needed the laughs! :thumbup: gk
  10. PhotoEgor

    Murphy can take his damn law and shove it

    This may not be quite appropriate, but I thought it might help. I got this message last week from a friend that understands how I feel about my job sometimes. Maybe it will brighten your day. When you have a "I Hate My Job" day, try this: On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson Be very sure you get this brand. When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed. Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken. Now the fun part begins. Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement: "Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested and then sanitized". Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,” I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson & Johnson." HAVE A NICE DAY AND REMEMBER, THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE WITH A JOB THAT IS MORE OF A PAIN IN THE BUTT THAN YOURS!
  11. PhotoEgor

    Wal-Mart opening up doctors offices in store.

    If you think that nationalized medicine or managed healthcare are not up to the quality we expect in the US, then wait till you see the cost effectiviness measures at Wal-Mart. I seriously doubt that Wal-Mart will be able to provide quality health-care while keeping costs low. Knowing Wal-Mart, it's mainly to give their employees to not take time off to go to the DR. You know that Wal-Mart didn't get where it is by giving good wages or benefits to it's front line employees. gk
  12. PhotoEgor


    I too raised my kids with an occassional swat on the backside. My wife discussed discipline when we found out we were expecting our first child. We agreed on several things and have never deviated from them. 1. Kids have to be taught right from wrong. If we let nature take it's course, then our children are little better off than animals living by "survival of the fitest" type of rule. 2. discipline would begin early and be commiserate with the level of understanding of the child. That is a toddler reaching for something he shouldn't was told no, then swatted on the hand at the 2nd attempt. As the kids got older, we moved up to a swat on the backside when needed. 3. We did not discipline our children for being children. A tired or hungry infant or toddler doesn't understand that what they are doing might be misbehavior. Act on the cause of the problem, not the behavior itself. 4. We never disagreed about discipline in front of the kids. We would tell them we would discuss it in private and then implement an appropriate action. This also meant that if only 1 parent was present, the other could not alter the judgement of the other. Certainly prevented the 4 kids from trying to play us one against another. Only had 1 time when it backfired so to speak, and the daughter involved still speaks about it to her friends. 5. Creative discipline works way better than any beating. We frequently had our kids stamp their feet or spank themselves in public and I don't think I've found a more effective way to discipline. The child is embarassed at drawing attention to their wrongdoing and at least once our action drew applause from the people in the store. We have 4 children. A boy now 30, 1 girl that is 28, and twin girls that are now 25. None are involved with the law. All are living away from home and able to support themselves by and large. They may not have grown up to be exactly what we expected, but they are all good peple. The 3 girls still go to church with us as often as possible, almost every week. The reason our son doesn't got to church with us is that he lives in another state. Perfect? no, but we are very blessed to have them. I don't even begin to understand how a state can legislate childrearing anymore than it can legislate morality. gk
  13. By my own experience, I suspect that he may be suffering depression. That's what happened to me. I tried to get promoted into mangement, I compromised some of core beliefs thinking that was what I wanted. I nearly ended up trying to commit suicide. It's taken almost 10 years to get mentally healthy again. 20 years on the job is a long time to give up, but night school or a change of pace may help. I've been at my job for 22 years, when I had my breakdown I'd been there for 13, was in my 40s and had no college degree. With therapy and medication and lots of support from my wife, I've learned that management was not the place for me. I've devoted more of my time to learning something for when I retire(photography) and looking to the future. I have about 8 more years till I can retire. I venture your hubby feels: 1. he has nothing left to look forward to. 2. he feels powerless to control everything around him(what's worse is that he thinks he can) 3. He probably also feels that everyone is looking and talking about HIM. 4. He has to 'put on a mask' to go work or face the world, so that nothing will appear wrong. Medication, therapy, and support can help. But for him to get through this, HE has to decide not to be depressed and to control only that which is his to control. He cannot control his company, the stupid co-workers, or take responsibility for any of their actions. The only thing he can control is himself. The first step is the hardest, get him evaluated by a medical professional. Good Luck and ask if you have other questions gk
  14. Can wife chew and fart too? Neither of us uses tobacco. She never started and I gave up smoking to date her. But she can hold her own in any farting contest. I've learned not to compete, but merely to offer a score. "WHEW! That was a 9.5!" problem is it usually makes her laugh enough that I start laughing and then we both multi-task(laugh & fart at the same time). And George the cat runs from the room to get away, sometimes he leaves a 'present' for us as payback. Speaking of George, he's not so little, 15 pounds. A Tuxedo nutered wanker of a kittty. gk
  15. PhotoEgor

    Funny people you see in Wal-mart.

    It's a place I will go to if I'm in a strange town and don't know my way around. I can always get directions to WalMart and McDonalds. I go to either one for the same reason. I know I can get whatever it is that I'm looking for and expect close to the same price or flavor as in any other of their stores. Otherwise I stay out of both. gk
  16. PhotoEgor

    Hypertrophic scars

    Why not try a nutritional approach. Get some Vitamin E and some Vitamin A capsules. Sometimes you can them combined in the same capsule. Twice a day pierce 1 cap of each and rub it into your scars. You may have to use 1 cap on each scar, but experiment a bit. Vitamins A & E are both skin vitamins, they are oil based and will be absorbed into the skin. The result over time is usually less redness, inflamation, and swelling. It's said to work on strech marks too, but I think a high vitamin A&E lotion would be a better approach for a larger area. Check with a GOOD local health food store, preferably a mom & pop type rather than a chain. They are more likely to tell you the truth instead of trying to sell you something. good luck gk
  17. When I married into my wife's family, her brother told everyone that I would have to learn how to fart and chew tobacco. Well I never learned how to chew tobacco. My first attempt resulted in clearing up my sinus problems for a month, but I've never tried again. However after being married for 30+ years I can hold my own on the fart front. My DW can always respond in kind when I start and we often say "What on earth have you been eating?" to each other. At least now, we make sure to try and eat the same things or at least at the same place so we'll 'match'. Our cat George doesn't stand a chance. gk
  18. PhotoEgor

    What the fark is UP with my hair??

    Depends Gbug. hair problems like you describe are from one of 2 causes. Either the products you are using on it or the food you are eating. If the products you are using are causing the dry brittle problems, switch to something different for a week. If the problem continues, then it's likely that this is a nutritional issue. Nutritional/metabolic problems show up in the hair over an extended period of time due to the rate of your hair growth. I'd reccomend taking a look back at your food logs. Are you shorting your Protein intake? Which protein diet products are your using? You may be lacking in something there. Good Luck gk
  19. PhotoEgor

    LBT Las Vegas Event

    Sounds like a great idea to me. But my vacations are already set for this year. I'd really be interested in going to a convention in '09.
  20. PhotoEgor

    How often do you weigh?

    I weigh only once a week. More often and I get frustrated with the daily fluctuations.
  21. PhotoEgor

    '08 - Best of who's left!!

    well I voted for Hilary, because you didn't list John Edwards. It will truly be a race to watch this year.
  22. PhotoEgor

    Ladies? (waxing question)

    Excuse a guy for butting in, but, has no one ever considered letting DH or your SO shave you? I do for my lady, espcially since I'm the one that prefers it.:tt1: You might want to try it, promote intimacy and leads to other interesting things. Ask Egorsgirl if you don't believe me. gk
  23. PhotoEgor

    exercise where do i start

    Start walking to school with the kids. It's low cost, all you need are some shoes and maybe a pedometer. Don't stop walking when the kids get to school. Continue on and meet the neighborhood. The key to weightloss with exercise is aerobic exercise. The gym is great for building power and strength, but aerobic exercise(walking, swimming, biking) burn calories and that's what we are after. The longer you go, the more burned and the longer the effects last. The gym can be very intimidating to those of us looking at those trim, hardbodies, lifting huge amounts of weight etc. So wait till you lose some and feel better able to face those SBs. Find a buddy that is about the same level and then go, study about weight lifting first too and decide on an idea of regimen. Then you won't appear clueless. I can promise that most people at the gym will be willing to talk and help if you don't appear to be totally clueless. Good Luck and keep on keepin' on. gk

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
