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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Thank you as well this forum works the best when people co operate and show each other some human kindness!

    I know the frustrating part of this is just when the loss is sooo slow... it took me 8 months to lose 18 pounds but I did it and I am keeping it off. Now that I have enough fill it should be smoother now. I wish you the very best and I recommend searching this site. There is a thread for every question ever asked about the band! Best wishes Lana

  2. I had my first fill last friday, so it has been 2 days.

    My concern is I have NO restriction. I can take normal bites and I am not having any problems with getting stuck, or pb or anything. I would think that I would feel something different, but no. :blush: Well maybe I do feel full quicker, a little.

    Please help me understand.

    Don't worry it does take a while, but it usually comes...

    Good luck Lana

  3. Hi Hopeful,

    The answer is yes I did have a slow start, but technically your band does not "work" yet. Although you were eating less in the beginning, the return of hunger and being able to eat more are a sign of healing. The band is affixed losely at first...then as you heal you get "fills" or adjustments to help with the weight loss.

    I was frustrated the first 5-7 months as to why, why am I not lossing like other people. WEll the answer is some people do not need as many adjustments...sometimes a person can be fitted with the band and that's it. But many other like myself need a few fills to get to the right spot. Don't worry you'll do just fine....take a deep breath and remind yourself tat you need to heal and then get adjusted....

    Best Wishes Lana

  4. Hi workingsahm,

    Welcome to lapband talk, this is a wonderful forum. I came here back in 07 when I was thinking about having the surgery, reading and talking to other people just made me more determined to have it done. I wish you nothing but the very best in your care, decision and the future. You can send me a private message anytime you like and I will be more than happy to answer your questions.

  5. I posted a while back but since my surgery something has become very clear to me.

    No more excuses, I am fat because I eat too much.

    I am fat because I make myself fat... using food as a comfort for being alone, using food as fuel when I am sick, using food because sometimes its the only "extra" I can afford. I can undo what I have done and I will...

    I used to blame an unhappy childhood, feeling completely unloved.

    Now I realize my parents are idiots and life can be good.

  6. i know about being the clown and feeling protected by ones fat. I dont think there is enough emphasis on the reasons (besides what we put in our mouths) around the psycological and addictive nature of obesity. Aa deals with these problems but because the disease is so visable the internal nature is not addressed

    here, here i second that thought...

  7. Ditto- get a copy (online usually-call your co.) and follow their guidelines. Every BCBS is different (even within the state of PA there are different BCBS policies). When they say "comorbidity" they usually just give a few examples and this is the vague part. I found out that usually that means you need at least one (some BCBS require more) of the "biggies" which are heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and sleep apnea (all the other ones don't really count except to boost your case...ie. arthritis, asthma, GERD, etc.). Also these "biggies" need to have a Doctors diagnosis and treatment (ie. for high blood pressure you need to be on medication). Good luck!:)

    Well said...


  8. Why were you denied 5 times? Were they all paper work problems? I just found out today I was declined and I will find out tomorrow why but the lady from the insurance said my BMI was 39.4 and I didn't have enough medical problems. Have you ever had any problems like that? And can I appeal as many times as I need to? I can not give up on this.

    Hi Theresa,

    I was denied because I was neither fat enough nor sick enough. I was told to either get sick or gain 13 pounds so I could have the surgery! LOL So in my attempt to meet my insurance companies guideline < bmi of 40 or bmi of less than 40 with one co-morbidity> my blood pressure became unmanageable and thats how I was approved.

    But yes it took 5 times, keep at it. Read your insurance companies guidlines and go from there. I hope this helps.


  9. I filed with my insurace bcbs nc last monday and was denied on wednesday. When my surgeon got the denial letter it stated my denial was b/c my phsycologist letter was not detailed enough and that was the only reason for the denial. My surgeon said that they will now resubmit the info with a new letter does this now mean that I will be approved b/c I have made the needed changes or can they come up with a new reason for denial even though there were no other reasons listed??

    Hi Dillon1205,

    If it makes you feel any better I was denied 5 times before I finally got approved...it just means they will try again...make the necessary changes and simply try again. Don't "read" anything into it...if they deny you again...Find out why and re-appy!:cursing:

    Best of luck, Lana

  10. Hey, Im sorry to bring it up, but im a big girl, 243 and havent had lp yet, just got my approval letter from doctore...but i have to wonder and I am very curious:blushing:, if all of this weight comes off with my vagina/labia get smaller? how do those models have smaller ones? is it because they are thin? I know-terrible subject but I am sure we all want to look good naked and thats one thing that I am so self concious of.

    All points are valid...I am out almost 6 months give or take a few days. About 2 months ago my Dh reached over to grab me...nothing left to grab in that area. No sagging or anything its just tighter skin that I can no longer grab a hold of. So to answer your question, Yes your vagina can shrink with weight loss. Good luck on your journey! And sex "feels" different, I mean the good kinda different!



    ****:lol: ************:tt1:************:tt2: ***********:smile2:**********:w00t:***********:lol:

    aJoneen............223............213............213...........10..... ......0

    Barb12590..........228............207............213...........21..... ......6

    Crzytchr...........281............265............265...........16..... ......0

    HeatherA...........210.5..........199.4..........200.........11.1..... ......1

    Jodi_620...........196............174............177...........22..... ......3

    Long2bthin.........248............227............230...........21..... ......3

    Mamanmidwife.......299............276............280...........23..... ......4

    Renee74............214............198.5..........199...........16..... ......1

    Sunshine2..........177............167............167...........10..... ......0

    thatDEgirl.........211............191.6..........195.........19.4..... ......4

    ****NAME***********START WEIGHT*****CURRENT WEIGHT*******GOAL********LBS. LOST

    ****:lol: ************:tt1:************:tt2: ***********:tt1:**********:w00t:






















    lindar172 .........274.2..........258............256.........16.2






























  12. Help, waiting on final paper work on bcbs. At 37 bmi don't have major health issue. like sugar or heart issue no sleep disorders. I am obese

    can I get approved? restlessleg sydrome and bad knees. Told my parents and do not agree.Lose it by diet I live the oprah diet up and down. The yo yo diet tried everything. I am stressing out :smile2: Please what morecan I do. Anyway thanks mona

    Hi Mona,

    Been there...have you checked your insurances website for lapband criteria? That is where I started I went by their rules ans sought approveal. I hope this helps, good luck


  13. Hi there liteweighttrina,

    I have the same problem, and I have heard that this is shared by many others. I read a few fitness articles that say you cannot spot train with weight loss. It will come off where ever it wants to it has a biological order...just keep up the work and the scale will start to move again. Good luck and best wishes!

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