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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. EVERYONE LOOKS WONDERFUL! I have seen hundreds of pictures over the past two years and I thank all those who have and will post. I find it an important part of the process, especially significant when there are no personal victories to account for. Thank you all for the stories and inspiration as I journey on. I am not near my ultimate goal but I am a work in progress.


  2. Thanks Lana. I'm still deciding though!

    Wow no weight loss for the first year? Were you completely frustrating and wondering if you did the right thing or did you have confidence that it would work itself out?

    Also, you mentioned that you gained some healthy habits...do you mean like eating smaller portion sizes?

    I was extremely frustrated! But I know better, so I came back to this site and I would start reading and looking at pictures. I saw others had the same problem as well basically it is just an adjustment period literally. After a fill I would fill a tiny bit of restriction but experienced no loss as far as pounds. Now I realize weight loss is so much more than that, than pounds I mean. Regardless of the number I was very uncomfortable pre-band. Within 6 months I felt better, looked better and was off medication. So I had a lot of victories in the first year but I never achieved a serious weight loss at first.

    I now have restriction, but it took 9 fills and about 11 months to get here. Which is actually perfect now, I don't eat "diet" food, and I try to stay away from prepackaged items as much as possible. I eat fresh fruit and veggies every day, I garden and I see a personal trainer. When healthy habits meet the band only success is the result!

  3. It makes my chest hurt, then I start burping, I can feel the air trying to pass the food, then I slim. Sometimes the food comes back up other times it goes down but takes a few minutes.

    -Manuevers, I have to stand up, sit down, walk, bend over the toilet whatever it takes. It is unpleasant and sometimes a litle painful but for me it is still a worthwild reminder to chew and eat slowly!

  4. Hi,

    I have a comment as well, I am only 1 year and 1 month out. To date I have not lost very much weight I seriously thought I was doing something wrong. My eating was better than ever and I had been exercising but I was drinking so called "lo cal" drinks ie DIET anything. Once I cut that out of my diet, for whatever reason I am now losing weight and have found a balance with the band. Don't be afraid to try again, no one here will point and laugh we all have our own horror stories. Just take it one meal at a time, make better choices and get in some exercise. And remember those NSV are a huge part of weight loss. I still "weigh" heavy but I love the way I look, so go figure...

    Best of luck!

  5. Hi Maria,

    Welcome to lap band talk this is the best place for information and meeting new friends. This site and the people here have helped me through thick and thin and I have come out on the other side a very happy banster. Please read, read and read some more no question goes unanswered. I wish you the very best along your journey. Lana

  6. Hello all, I say don't worry so much. I know it is so hard in the beginning I have been there. I still hate to weigh so I have to rely on the "facts" of the situation. Am I eating right? Am I exercising? Am I following doctors orders. All that and I still "weigh" heavy but I seriously look like I have lost about 50 pounds. So I say don't rely on the scale, we all know it lies anyway!

  7. Hi Melody,

    I know what you mean. I am not near goal but I wull be very, very soon...But since the very beginning of this journey I wondered, "What happens next?"

    I asked myself this question for at least the first six months and now I have answers. I plan to keep on living, keep on smiling, Keep on loving... this journey will be as easy or as difficult as I make it. No one else gets to decide but me.

    My advice: Find something you love (other than food) and enjoy and then... keep on!

  8. Hi, when everybody talks about half cup or 1 cup of food, how much is that? Are we talking about putting the solid food into a cup sized cup? Thanks.

    Yes, I do that because if I don't I'll eat too much, get uncomfortable and then I hate eating! So I use a small 1 cup size containers to carry my lunch and it works for me. After 7 fills it is just enough to satify without making me feel sick. Meal planning is a big part of success.

  9. After reading all this I know that there is hope for me after all.

    I was just banded on 3/13/09. As of now the swelling has mostly gone and I'm not feeling anything BUT HUNGRY! I feel like I could eat a moose. I'm doing my best to keep my portions down to no more than 1 cup total (or as close as I can get it). But I find that in between meal times I get so darn hungry that it isn't funny! I'm thinking already, and I did this to myself for what?

    I go in on 4/13 for my first fill. I hope how quickly that date gets here. The sooner the better for me. I don't know what size band I have, I know that my hubby has a 14 cc and already has a 2 cc fill last Monday. HE's doing so much better than me. I guess he has more will-power than I do.

    I know this works from looking at all of the other people that have done this. I'm so jealous of how well everyone has done. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to inspire someone the way you all have me.

    It gets better, it took me 7 fills before I felt ANY restriction...I am almost at my sweet spot! So don't worry everyone reacts differently to the band.

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