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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Your still in what is refered to as Bandster hell. You will be fine. It took me 14 months to lose 26 pounds. If I only concerned myself with the scale then I would have given up, some weeks you may lose pounds other inches and then others nothing at all may happen. The important part is developing healthy habits.

    Its all right that your hungry, its normal. Just eat...try to make good choices but this is not about starvation or even deprevation its about learning how and why we got here in the first place and then fixing the behavior that caused the gain.

    Take me for example, the scale says I have lost 26 pounds, but I know I gained muscle and I look amazing. I look like I have lost about 80 or 90 pounds because I exercise.

    This is not all about one thing, its about many things.

    rememeber this is a journey, and it will only be as hard as you make it. Good luck! Lana

  2. Hi all,

    This is a great thread, I have had a lot of non-scale victories over the past 14 months. I guess the biggest and most profound are the mental changes I have gone through.

    I have realized that this journey will only be as hard as I make it.

    I realize that my self esteem does not reflect the numbers on the scale.< /p>

    And I totally realize that my weight loss is 100% cause and effect. I used to think wishing and hoping were part of it, but sadly NO.

    And I realize that this is NOT rocket science, I was making the whole process very hard for myself.

    The band has done more for my head then for my stomach.

  3. I am going to get my first fill Tuesday and I have really been paying attention this week to my eating to see if I need one. I am not full with a cup of food. I try to stop but could eat more. I am getting hungry about 2 hours after I eat, however when I eat I keep getting that stuck feeling in my chest and this foamy stuff comes up in my throat. Is this sliming? The food hasn't come back up and it passes after a few minutes. So do I need a fill or not? I havn't lost any weight in a couple of weeks. I want a fill so I am not eating as much and feel full but I don't want to start throwing up and have problems either. Am I just eating too fast and not chewing well enough? Has anyone else experienced this?

    Don't worry you will get there. I had to have a lot of fills, but I am finally there. So I am sure it will happen. And yes it does sound like you need a fill. :smile2: Good luck!


  4. You're right, Lana, this is what we should be focusing on -- our health and well being. Thanks for the reminder. I know I need it from time to time when I get too caught up in the numbers game! :thumbup:

    Realization: :smile2: Another wonderful aspect of the band. This journey really has blown my mind.

  5. Thanks Lana. I truly appreciate the feedback.

    I know I always have the surgeon to turn to, but within these blogs there is a wealth of knowledge that bandsters share.

    At this point I'm really dissappointed with the band. I keep thinking I should have had the bypass instead.

    Congratulations on your weight loss. I too started with a BMI of 41.

    Thanks again


    :thumbup: I wish I could make this all better for you. Just know I have felt your frustration, disappointment and furiousness at having had the surgery and not having much happen.

    This is how I see it, Pre-band I was a total mess. I had horrible eating habits. Although I was not well-adjusted at the time the band did remind me that I needed to make healthier choices. End result, the band was the ideal tool for this realization.

    Pre-band I was really confused about the weight loss process. I thought there was some formula, a secret formula for that matter. The band helped me to realize that to get the true results I wanted, its simply NOT rocket science...eat less and move more. Another powerful lesson from a device that I had previously cursed.

    Pre-band I was all about the scale, if the scale did not reflect the numbers I wanted to see, then I must be some kind of failure. I have since learned to see success in my behavior. Today my weight loss is a cause and effect ideal. If I eat veggies my body will do what I want it to if I don't then I will not have the results I want. The band helped me to uncomplicate my whole life believe it or not.

    Funny, six months ago I wanted to kick my doctor in the nuts! Today I would thank him for simply helping to put the struggle back into perspective for me. I don't feel "out of control" anymore...so the band must be working, granted not in the way I thought it would. Funny the band works more on my head then on my stomache...lol :smile2:

    Good luck, remember this is a journey not a quick and easy weight loss trick.

  6. I wanted to join the weight loss challange at work and the ONE person I told at work said that would be cheating if I joined.

    Um, I still have to DO the work, eat well, exercise, etc.

    Do any of you think it's cheating if I join the weight loss challange?

    Grrrr, heck no its not cheating. If you don't exercise you won't lose any weight. Small minded people!

  7. I love this thread, i think about creation all the time. Is God real? Well from an Enlightened point of view it all depends on your definition of real. We are living a dream within a dream. So what is real? Thanks PattyGreen for starting this!

  8. From what I have learned this journey is more than about those silly numbers on the scale. First of all its about Well-being and second dealing with the actual problems that got us all there in the first place. If you only focus on those numebrs your going to miss out on a much larger portion of the journey and that is seriously a journey into Well-being. Learning a new way to take care of yourself that only serves your highest good.

    Granted you can have the surgery and not partipate much but I gurantee not much will happen.

    I only lost 21 pounds my first year, I was so frustrated I wanted to give up but then I opened my eyes and realized..I am off my BP meds, I feel better, I am not being strangled by my Ginormous tits! My clothing size is smaller, sex is better, I can run and exercise regulary. This is happiness. What more can I ask for? My body is going to do whatever its going to do in response to what I put into it. Weight loss is a a cause and effect business period.

  9. I was banded on 6/22 and I've had two fills since then. I feel very little restriction! I've lost a total of 7 pounds. I'm going in next week for another fill. I'm just so frusterated with my lack of progress. I'm doing boot camp 3-4 days a week and trying to eat less. Sometimes I feel my body is full but my head is hungry. Does everyone feel like this at the beginning?

    I'm thinking why did I spend $15,000 on this and it's seems to be all will power!!

    Hi Nina,

    Trust me I know that frustration! I was under the impression that when I had surgery I would have a certain amount of restriction and the doc and I would work to get to the sweet spot. I had surgery 05/21/08 at my one year I had only lost 21 pounds I was so disappointed I could not even be glad for the progress that I had made. Then I got real with myself, I had honesly changed from a couch potato into a gym rat. I was eating garden fresh food and eliminated 99 percent of the fast food from my diet. The reality is, it simply takes time to lose weight, not just Water weight but actual pounds. I face the fact that I may not get to goal for another full year and I am ok with that because I have healthy habits, no longer skip meals and generally want to be successful at this. So again it takes time.

    I really thought by the 5th or 6th fill I "should" be there...did not happen until 11th fill :biggrin:. I was one appt away from ditching my doc and running off to Mexico to get a "proper" fill. After all I had spent so much money, time and energy all for what??? :lol: I know for what now, so I could lose pounds and inches slowly under a doctors supervision. Remember the band is only a tool, you still need to eat right and exercise that's it. Continue to see your doctor and communicate well. I am sure you will find success, congrats on your band and your new way of life.


  10. I was banded July 7, 09. My first and only fill so far was Aug 4. That day I felt restriction and by the next day had lost 2 pounds. But that same day I also lost the feeling of restriction. I was hungry in between meals and felt like I could eat more than I should. A couple of times I did eat more than I should have.

    Now I'm experiencing an awful sensation when I eat. At times it seems that what I am eating is getting suck in my esophagus. This doen't happen all the time, but it is happening frequestly enough.

    How can it be that

    1. I feel hungry in between meals,

    2. can eat large portions

    3. Yet have food struck in the esophagus

    I thought and checked about the lapband for 5 years before I decided to get it done. Now I feel like I didn't explore the subject well enough.

    Your advise and wisdom is required.



    Hi Mari,

    I had similar problems as well, it takes a few days to a few weeks for your band to adjust along with your new fill. My food got stuck sometimes as well very early on. After my 11th or 10th...lol I felt much better, my portions are smaller and I feel full for longer periods of time.

    After a fill there was a period of time that I felt NOTHING, I thought something was seriously wrong but it just so happened to coinside with my weight loss. I always lose around the stomache area first. Then I can't feel my band anymore, so I got another adjustment and now it feels good.


  11. On Tuesday I had my 3rd fill (I was 3mos post-op). Until Tuesday, I was all but cursing the LapBand, wondering why I spent so much money when I was just using willpower anyway. I had only lost 4 lbs since surgery, and was VERY discouraged. But since my fill on Tuesday, I FINALLY feel relieved! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED! I now have a stopping point, no willpower needed! I'm not hungry! This is great!

    So those of you that are still on your first or second fills, hang in there, sooner or later, you'll get here! This all IS worth it!

    Wow you are so lucky, I am almost there I can feel it. Going in for my 11th fill next Friday. Three is an unreal number to me.

  12. Lana,

    You look great! I'm not sure how much you lost, as you still have that same t-shirt on, so it's hiding a lot of space! :tt1: Space is good. I am wearing some of the same t-shirts now that I was wearing when I started, they still fit, but they are much longer now!

    I agree that looking at the scale and focusing on that is what gets me down too, but I'm happy with how I've done so far. I'm starting finally to lose again after a seven month plateau. Don't know why, but my body is finally letting me lose again, and I've lost about 10 more pounds in the last month or so. Thank heavens.

    Just keep on with your healthy eating and exercise at a level you can and it will eventually come off.

    I was talking to my Mother the other day and I asked her what her Mother had died from, as I knew that she was never really well, but I didn't know what from. Apparently she had a bad thyroid and your thyroid affects so many things. That was interesting from a health history point of view.

    Keep happy!


    Thanks Mary I really needed some feedback. I think I am doing ok...I am scheduled for another fill next Friday. I think I am almost there, just frustrating that this is my 11th fill. That is something I did not count on, so many fills!

    I never thought about the shirt being longer, I really just noticed that my belly was going away. Its flatter now then in that picture. Thanks for pointing that out. :scared2: Good looking out!

    Looking at the pictures is undeniable, but again that scale can be misleading. If that is all I focused on I would have given up the first 6 months when I was working out like crazy.

    I don't want to workout like a crazy person nor do I want to live on lettuce alone. So here I am waiting, hoping the next fill will do it.

    Thanks again Mary!

  13. I am a slow loser: I have no regrets because the only time I feel like a failure is when I weigh in. But all the facts make me very happy. I am cooking and eating very well. food has never tasted so good, not in an over indulgent kind of way. But in a healthy well planned meal sort of way. I "look" like I have lost about 80 pounds according to my sister. I feel great and am off my blood pressure meds. I exercise and am stronger than ever but I have a lot more that I would like to do.

    Honestly if I don't focus on the scale, life is perfect. I actually have a life is what I meant to say...lol

    How much do I look like I have lost?


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