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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Hello my name is Wanda. I actually started this journey 4 years ago. Became serious about surgery 6 months ago. Scheduled to be banded on 12/16/09. A little scared but I am ready.

    Hello Wanda and welcome to lapband talk. This is a wonderful site, parouse and you will see almost every question you have can be answered here. Good luck and enjoy your journey!


  2. I know the article seems harsh, but reality is much worse. What happens to young graduates that are being discrimated against in the work force because of their weight?

    I think this course is no different then clothing and makeup consultants. It is meant to open your eyes and show you another way.

    I think three hours a week is a reasonable amount of time and graduating from the class only means seriousness on the part of the student.

    Although weightloss can be difficult, its still not rocket science. A little education goes a long way.

  3. hi BASHFUL,

    I can sympathize with you. I am in the category of sugar addict as well. And really the band doesn't do much to control that part.

    I also would reach a certain weight and then start packing the pounds back on. I was sick and saddened to watch myself work so hard to lose 5 pounds just to gain back 10.

    So I started soul searching and asking myself seriously what is wrong. But I had to to stop putting myself down first of all.

    I confronted myself and realized that at a certain weight was when I last felt my thinniest but I was also the unhappiest of my whole life. My marriage was ending and I was having a lot of family problems to boot. Then I gave the problem to God and God said, just skip it. Skip the depressing part you have already lived it. There is no reason to be unhappy for another day. So I just skipped it, I skipped right over that actual number, surpassed it and rationalized that NOW I am the thinnest I have ever been in my adult life and I am finally happy. The scale started to move again with ease because NOW I am in unfamilair territory, all I know at this weight is happiness.

    I realized I was just agonizing over every little thing. So I had to put myself in check. Sometimes I crave unhealthy things, it is a fact of life. But I do the best I can to balance that out with diet and proper exercise.

    I'm not perfect but I had to realize this was about my own self image, my own thinking, I was sabotaging myself over and over because deep down at that one weight I was miserable. It was like an automatic reaction, almost like a gag reflex but an EAT reflex...lol

    So my advise, soul search, cut yourself some slack and live.

    Weigh loss is no longer rocket science to me. I no longer weigh, I judge by how my cloths fit. I also find that when I am in a healthier, happier frame of mind, that sugar stuff is no longer appealing to me. Funny how that stuff used to "rule" my universe. How could I go a day without it...

  4. why thank you so much that does not sound pleasant at all i'm a little scared now lol

    so this happen's when you eat too much or too fast?

    Yes, that time it was because the bit I took was too big.

    LOL, and at least two more times after that and of course it was a biscuit every time.

    It seems logical that drinking will help it go down, but during the experince you are very aware that "drinking" is the wrong thing to do! :thumbup:

  5. hi i havent had the LAP-BAND® yet but i am wondering what it feels like when you get food stuck , can you drink when food gets stuck?

    Well Hi there I am happy to assist with your question. But keep in mind every one is different. I will share my 1st "stuck" experience. First your question was how does it feel... well it hurts. And No you can't drink.

    About 6 months after surgery a took a bite of a biscuit, it would not go down all the way. I felt like it was stuck behind my sternum, my chest hurt, my throat hurt and at first I thought I would suffocate.

    I had to walk around trying to dislodge it, I streched on the floor and on the bed. I was on all fours praying to God to please either let it pass or hack it up. All the while, my mouth salivated and I kept spitting which is refered to as "slimming".

    It took about 15-20 minutes of walking and stretching before it finally came up.

    LOL, hope this helps...

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