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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. I eat salad regularly. In fact my fist meal of 'real' food after surgery (week 5, after 2 weeks of liquid and 2 weeks of mushies) was chicken and ceasar salad.< p>I'm now a year past surgery, have had multi-fills (am at 3.25cc in a 4cc band) and eat salad 3 or 4 times a week.

    Just another example on how everyone is different regardless of restriction. My advice would be to try it, slowly, and see if it works....if it does, great, if not, scratch it off your list :)



    306/205/175 I think

    You guys rock, I was really scared...I like salad

  2. Lana,

    If that's the only money you will spend out of pocket, it's not nearly as much as we paid in co-pay two years ago to the out-of-network facility for my DH. Two years ago there weren't so many options and we were less informed than now. But it was money well spent for the health, peace of mind, and new life my DH has.

    Absolutely stick with where you know you are going to get the best!!! I think that half the battle is trusting our doctor. We all have been through the doctors who offer us no real solutions but rag on our weight.

    Surgery $$$$

    Pre op visits $$$$

    Peace of mind and healthy life.... priceless!


    You are so right, after yesterdays post I was slightly in doubt but I am ok now...my heart knows where it needs to be.

    thank you

  3. I just went for my first post op visit today. I was told to avoid for 6 months the following foods:

    Celery, brocoli, peas, corn green Beans, kidney Beans, waxed beans, spinach lettuce and carrots. No coffee - not even Decaf because it is acidic as well.

    The reason I was told to avoid these is because these items are Fiber rich and they make the tummy work extra hard at a time when I need it to rest and get adjusted to the band and my fills.

    But I forgot to ask this - does anyone know if hi-fiber breads and cereals are okay?

    damn, all the stuff I like......ok new list.....

  4. If it was a doc I never met I admit I would be very suspicious...but she has already done surgery on me. I not only trust her skill I trust her life experience (she had gastric bypass)...so it it worth 2800 just to be near some sort of compassion. She is the only doc I met in my adult life who said there was "hope" and gave a reasonable solution. All the others just say "your obese try to lose some weight"... I struggle just to stay at this weight. I have a family history of severly obese people and I know if I let my guard down I will gain another 100 pounds. Thank you for your support and letting me vent..

  5. The program fee was $300. It includes the cost of the office submitting required paperwork to the insurance company and one appeal, if necessary, with an attorney. I've heard most places are charging program fees now. It is a little reassuring that there's someone to make sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed before it goes in. I was denied a few years ago, and really never knew exactly why. Right at the time I couldn't deal with an appeal because one of my parents had just be diagnosed with a terminal illness. At least I feel like this time, at the very least I'll have some answers.

    I also had to have a psych eval, which insurance might cover. Then there's the suppliments for the 10 day diet and the cost of the dietician.

    It's the 12th! Your day is coming quickly!

    hey my doc said her program fee is 2800...am I missing something...

  6. Lana - Welcome aboard. I've got surgery on the 12th. How far are you in the process.

    Morningoasis811 - I figure that's what will happen with me too. It will be interesting to see if they grow with the knowledge we hope they learn.

    Hi Vicki!

    I have my first appt Dec 11th only 11 days away, I am starting to get a little nervous and excited. I have already been to the seminar and I know my insurance does cover the procedure...so hopeully 3 months after my first visit (per my doctor) I will have it done!

    Do you honestly worry about getting too skinny, because that thought just really freaks me out...

  7. I could not agree with you more. I know it has me, no matter how hard I try to get out of it I just can't seem to. Diet and exercise seem like a joke when the mountain in 100 miles ( or a 100 pounds) high. This thing this disease, plays tricks on your mind and makes a horrible joke of the body. I need an out before the "out" (death) gets me...

    Thank you for the kind words of support (teary) I needed them

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