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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. How many pounds did you guys lose before you saw a noticable difference in yourself? I am 5'4 233 currently. I started at 252. My surgery was on 3/28/12.

    I saw it slowly, so so slowly. If not for the photographs I won't not have believed I was loosing weight. First off I know I'm a slow loser, us it took me 16 fills to get some restriction. So I can honestly say as of late that I love my band and I love my results.

    If I had one bit of advice it would be that everyone loses at a different pace depending upon life style and the desire to lose. So don't compare to much- because your journey is unique!

    Best wishes!!!

  2. Wow,

    So sorry to read about your struggles. The band isn't for everyone. The two women I spoke with the most at the beginning of our collective journies have since had their bands removed and switched to the sleeve.

    Personally my journey was so incredidily slow I wondered for three years why I did it. May 21, 2012 will be my four year baniversery and now I'm happy.


  3. I am adding in my two cents. I love my band. Although it took three years to get some restriction- its working for me. Two of the other women I was banded with have already had theirs removed.

    It really is a commitment. I dedicated myself to my fills, it took 16 for me. Pre banding I never heard of anyone having so many fills. If I had I might have re considered but now I'm glad, I must admit that the first three years were frustrating and I had to constantly remind myself why I wanted it.

    It's just a tool. If you don't use it properly you won't get the results you do desire.

    Good luck!!!


  4. My two cents: Weight loss is difficult, as the past poster said, you have to be diligent this is not a MAGIC band. Neither GB or RNY or the band will make the weight go away there are things one HAS to do inorder to facilitate that loss.

    I for one had to change my whole life inorder for this to work...its working albeit slowly but I am thankful for every inch and every pound loss.

    I had to stop smoking, I had to change my sedintary life style and start moving and I had to stop the late night eating and junk food snacking. Was it easy? Hell no.. but its almost two years and I am so much better as a human being, so much healthier and happier. If its just about weight then re-think your options becaue these are life long changes that neeed t be made in order to have any success. If you don't move, you won't loss.

  5. Yes, I believe that is possible. This is why I get my fills under fluoroscopy. By doing it under fluoro the doctor and you can see the change in barium flow as saline is injected.

    From my experience its really not possible, given strange things do happen at times but the fills are pretty straight forward and whoever does it should always check the Fluid before hand..if for no other reason then to check for a leak or evaporation of the Fluid.< /p>

  6. Ok so Im about 2 weeks post op and have to say I feel better than expected. I've lost about 17 pounds since surgery and about 30 since I began this process and even though my Wii Fit syas Im obese who cares I lost 30 pounds!!!!!!! I've started softer foods and had a nasty encounter with a saltine cracker I've been able to eat Chili and cottage cheese and yogurt some baked tater tots and croutons. True that I have to chew the hell out of it but it's well worth it. Scramble eggs go down well if not to dry and if you put some salsa on them they are excellent. If you have any pointer and or recipes please let me know MERRY CHRISTMASS!!!!!!!!!!

    This is just the beginning! Good luck with your band, it will be with you a long time...

    Congrats on your choice and decision to change your life...I find this to be a wonderful journey and am glad I did it.

  7. Hi, I just met with my doctor today and I am hoping to have my surgery in Jan. I was a little worried when he said for the rest of my life I have to eat 4 oz at each meal and drink 2 hours later.... I totally know that this will change my life (my dad had gastric bypass 7 yrs ago)... but he isn't restricted to 4 oz, he can eat a little more then that.

    I guess I am just getting a little anxious by thinking, "Am I doing the right thing" ... etc. etc. I am sure you all have felt like that at one time. I just want to be able to go out to eat once in awhile and feel somewhat normal around people when eating. Do you feel like this now? What do you eat?

    Are there any good books out there about LAP-BAND®? Are you glad you had this done? I have been overweight for the last 12 years and just want to get back to being healthy.

    Thanks for letting me vent ,



    Hi there and welcome,

    I was sure from the beginning that this is what I wanted for myself. I wasn't "afraid" nervous a little but that is it.

    Yes I am very glad I had it done. I still eat with my family and I go out to eat. The only difference is I usually take some home with me now. I order whatever I want and eat until I don't want anymore.

    This is a complete journey for me, its not a miracle and weight will not "fall off" like magic. I was disappointed the first year, while I was only looking at actual pounds I missed most of the point. For me personally I had to stay off the scale and get moving and start having some fun, this is when the journey began to become interesting and less of a struggle. THis was like a make over from the inside out for me...

    Good luck on your journey and congrats on a new way of life.

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