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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. BOURGA,

    it really depends on the type of ins plan you have. Do you know if you have a deductable? Do you know if you are responsible for a percentage of the procedure? For me this will be very costly my doc charges a program fee of 2800, my portion of the surgery is 1500 my ins deductable is 250 my psy eval is 200...

    I hope this helps and good luck Lana

  2. Hey CJV,

    I agree with the rest of the forum, choose a doc with more experience. Because in the end this does not JUST translate into surgical experice but experice with the band itself, ie fills and unfills and any other little thing that may happen along the way. Congrats of the beginning of your journey, I am right behind you.

  3. Hi scruffy,

    I am in that BOAT that GRAVY BOAT that is...I don't usually have a HUGE appetite but since I started on this journey I just can't seem to help myself. I KNOW I will still be able to eat the things I like and yet...I feel some sort of remorse. Oh, maybe this is a physiological response..not a good bye to the food but a good bye to this glutonous lifestyle...makes you wonder

  4. Lana 24 - I am with you. I avoided pain and my feelings at all cost, and cost it did! The weight was like the icing to seal all those feelings inside of me.

    Thank God I am in therapy too. I am slowly letting those feelings out. Peeling layer by layer of past emotion from my very being. When I finally get to the core I will be really a strong and vital me, but it really hard work getting there.


    How did that third fill go for you? Just curious.

  5. Lana 24 - I am with you. I avoided pain and my feelings at all cost, and cost it did! The weight was like the icing to seal all those feelings inside of me.

    Thank God I am in therapy too. I am slowly letting those feelings out. Peeling layer by layer of past emotion from my very being. When I finally get to the core I will be really a strong and vital me, but it really hard work getting there.

    I know that being aware is only a small part of the battle, but with my band I will be ready for WAR!

  6. I am familiar with the unconscious eating...try starting your morning differantly. Maybe start a dream journal, write first thing in the morning. It gets your mind working and re read you goal each morning it will remind you to start your day right...

    good luck so many of us have been there.

  7. wow you guys are such great support.

    jacole, I am feeling the same way. I think its what most call the last meal syndrome. I am trying to get it under control. It is all in the mind really.

    I am trying to catch that little devil voice telling me to eat this or eat that and I am nipping it in the bud...

    For me I know it is definitely the stress of awaiting for my records to be compiled and be sent to insurance. In the meantime nerves are working a mental appetite..

    I have last meal syndrom...I want coca cola all the time!!

  8. I am searching out overeaters Annon. I have heard they talk about their problems there, and talk about how they don't use food to cover their problems anymore. That's what I need.

    I have spent years in therapy, and I have two very good friends that are therapists. It's very true that we need to work on our problems now that we are feeling our feelings instead of covering them up by stuffing our faces.

    By the way, as much as I loved my mom, she always told me I needed to lose weight as she was bringing me huge plates of food.< /p>

    Hi Denise,

    Yes OA does give you an opportunity to talk about your problems, but then what? I have been there, I walked, I talked, I joined, I ate salad and still no magic... Knowing does not "fix" the problem, knowing and talking help but in the end you are still responsible for the work...good luck

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