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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Sure do. I was just telling a couple of people this story the other day.

    I was working at a hospital on midnights and we had a patient that was at least 800#. We didn't have a scale big enough to weigh her. She was in ICU, in a coma, and we had two hospital beds chained together to hold her.

    She needed to be turned every two hours. It was a tiny hospital and a small staff on midnights. We simply didn't have enough people to turn her every two hours, we weren't strong enough so we had to call the fire dept every two hours and have them come and help us.

    At one point she needed a procedure where a cath would be threaded through her groin artery. We couldn't even do that without the help of the fire dept. Called them again and they came out. One guy was on his knees pushing up on her gut fat and the other fire fighter was on the other side trying to hold her gut fat back so we could get to her groin. The guy on his knees was pushing up with everything he had, he was shaking and sweating trying to hold the fat up. Each time the fire dept is called the police come out with them. Two police officers were watching in horror, gagging and becoming ill at the scene they were watching.

    I realized that really big lady started out at my weight at some point, I mean.. she wasn't born weighing 800#. That was my moment, that's when I realized that she never likely thought she would be laying in a bed at 800#+ while a fire department was holding her fat up and out of the way.

    I knew GB wasn't for me but within a month of discovering the Lap Band, I had surgery.


    I just wanna cry...OMG

  2. Hey faithmd,

    This another one of my points...I don't mind paying a "program fee" that is reasonable but $2850...that seems like a lot of "program"...and if or when I move out of the area then what? Money down the damn drain.

    I can also understand administrative costs as well, maybe $1000 (per patient) above and beyond, but I wonder where this number came from.

    And I have still yet to speak to one of her patients that have PAID this fee or even know about it. I just want to be sure that this is not just some unscrupulous employee trying to get "gas money" out of Dr Machado's patients... (seen it happen)

  3. I decided to get the band about 4 or 5 weeks ago, I am currently waiting but in this process of waiting, my denial is melting and I am realizing that I really need to lose about 80 or 90 pounds. I bought my son a weight (100lbs)set for Christmas that mind you I can't even MOVE... so my brain is making that connection to where I want to be, why I am not there and why the hell I have been in so much F***ing PAIN. It just saddens me terribly. Can YOU lift 100lbs????

  4. OMG, my daughter just called me. They brought my trash can back.. Can you believe that?? She said a truck parked on the street and left it by the curb. Too funny. I guess it was the Cookies.< /div>

    yep the cookies, they knew they were found out! You did it...you did a brave thing and got your damn can back! LMAO good for you !!!

  5. that is exactly why i did this thread, I think its BS also...not one other person I talked too paid a program fee or even knew about the fee (either of them lol)...After the program fee of 2850/my deductible 250/my portion of the surgery itself 1500 (est) and what about the anestesia there is another fee/by the time I am done it is equal to a cash pay in Mexico with out the vacation!

  6. I am also short 4'11 and weigh 190. I am going Jan 15th to seminar. I am scared but need to make a change in my life. I pray this is right for me. I have tried it all. I want to live long for my grandchildren. Something people write scare me. Help me have confidence.

    I know Jayne I am scared too, but honestly once you get enough information you will feel better. At first I was kind of depressed ...wow I am so fat that only medical intervention will cure me. Then I joined this forum, did a lot of reading and research on the "disease" of obesity. I did not think it was a disease...but now I know better I know that no matter how hard I try I "can" lose weight but the odds of keeping it off are very very small. I stopped dieting because every time I went on a diet I gained more weight. Again depressing. So here I am 5'2.5 and 202 pounds and this is where I will stay unless I decide there is a better way...and I did decide I want to live! As long as I am this weight my chances of a heart attack increase tremendously, as well as diabetes, and other sorts of nasty stuff. I want to see my grandkids, to be able to walk or hike, ride a bike with little or no pain. I want to take an aerobics class again. I decided I want to live a long healthy life as opposed to this sedintary, gluotenous life I already have.

    Just remember anything new can be frightening so educate yourself...and best wishes Lana

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