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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Make33,

    Thank you for those words, although I may not have been the intended reciptient the message was recieved loud and clear. I have been flip flopping all morning (just saw the surgeon) asking myself why am I doing this, why can't I just live normally...again tearing into myself and feeling worthless because if I just had more self control I could avoid this whole damn thing...but those thoughts do not bear any real weight on the severity of the situation at hand. I need this, I want this and I will do this for myself because I want to be around for 30 or 40 more years...

  2. Just a thought, but this process (sometimes) should take a while. Surgery is a huge step in the right direction to getting better, but hurrying things along is not necessarily for the best...I suggest taking a deep breath, focusing on what you want and then take it one step at a time until you get there...best wishes

  3. My grandma had alzheimers, the meds they gave her basically put her to sleep for a decade. A chip may have been a better device, also depends on the severity of the disease. Some of these people just take off screaming down the street then what do you do? Give um meds and make them sleep until they die I guess. There is no easy answer...

  4. Hi Everyone,

    Believe it or not this one one of the first questions I asked someone when I came to the forum, because I have been 60,70,80 now 90 pounds overweight I know how this feels. Its sick and painful but very familiar, I know what to expect I get the same complements from everyone "you have such a pretty face" blah, blah, blah... But on this journey I don't know what is waiting, I don't know how other people will react and I do not know how I will react. Yes being thin scares me, because I know even though I am the same, the rest of the world WILL treat me differently. But in the end I have to remember this is about my journey, this is about me, about my health. I can't control other people but I can look good while I stare (lol)


  5. Hi Tina,

    My name is Lana and I am also at the beginning of my journey. If you already did your preop workup the only thing you can do is wait...there is a lot of raeding to be done here on the forum I suggest you start at the beginning and continue reading until all your questions are answered. There is some really good stuff on here, there is also a lot of experience. Best wishes


  6. Hi, I'm having my banding on 1-18-08 and trying to gather as much info as possible. I'm 62 and notice that I am on the older side of most banders. Do you have any advise for me. Thanks

    Hi againuni,

    There is no one set of rules, this is a journey. A journey toward something that could be wonderful or horrifying (from what I have read). This is a journey of self, of recovery and a destination to live life to its fullest. I wish only the best for you, educate yourself this forum is just FULL of great and valuable information. Share your story because it will be as unique as your journey...


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