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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. I Wanna,

    I am in the Auth process right now, the seminar is very informative. I admit I did not want to go at first but after I went I wanted the surgery that much more. This journey is a process, it needs to take a few weeks... gives you time to get prepared with new gadgets and gizmos...you need time to relearn things. Good luck

  2. I can totally relate to that, the doc I wanted charged a program fee of 2850... if I had gone with her I would have ended up paying about 7-8,000 total. So I found a new doc, his program fee is $500 but it goes toward my balance after my insurance pays. I think it is unethical for the docs to charge so much in addition to what insurance will pay...you can also look under "program fees" and see what other people have posted. Good luck.

  3. Hey Amanda,

    My name is Lana and I am on my way to being banded, just waiting for auth. This board is a great forum for your questions, insecurities etc. I guess there is no 100 percent guarantee with anything, but as you read there has been a lot of success with the band and from what I understand it absolutly will not work if you don't work it. As long as you don't try to sabotage yourself then it will work. As far as getting into debt I would make sure it's a payment you can live with or now may just not be the time. Stress is a huge cause of weight gain... If the main person who is supposed to support you becomes resentful because your now in debt, then it really won't be worth it...I wish you so much love and luck.

    Always Lana

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