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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Thanks DAC,

    I found the problem, the docs office submitted the claim but there was vital info missing, that is why I was denied...when I last saw them my bmi was 40 and I have HBP... and to top it all off the doctors office straight up lied to me and said they have not received an answer...the insurance answered the request within 2 days... I am really frustrated at this point.

  2. Hi all,I'm from Sac and having a hell of a time finding a doc with no program fee..or a fee that is more manageable than 5750, 3780 and 2500... if I wanted to pay that much I might as well become a cash pay! Anyone else having this problem? Anyone been to San Fran for surgery?

  3. well, there have been many weight loss "products" and there was a vibrating machine back in the 20's and what we have learned from that is that nothing, no products will help you just loss weight by standing there. All jokes aside, keep your money and take a walk or ride a bike...the human body needs activity to loss weight...diet and exercise...there is no simple cure or pill or powder and no amount of vibration will burn a signifigant amount of calories. Since we are talking about vibrating...remember sexual activity will burn 20-100 calories and that is it, so if you just lay there what do you think will happen?

    My guess is not much will happen...

  4. great post..

    1. enjoy an adventure on the beach

    2. Bahamas

    3. Get bendy with my baby and make him beg for more

    4. change in a dressing room without crying

    5. feel good in my own skin

    6. feel girly

    7. wear a dress ( haven't done this in almost 20 years)

    8. become athletic

    9. high heels (oh how I miss them)

    10. slap the sh*t out of every chick that ever called me a fat bitch

  5. Hi LosingIT08,

    I am sorry for the loss of your cousin. But I also know the personal hell of denial by insurance. I was denied twice last month, my doc basically said I was not fat enough....lol I had the choice to loss 90 pounds on my own or gain 13 to have the surgery. Well unknown to me I had high blood pressure so I too am waiting, and waiting some more. I believe we all get our chance... and you will too.

  6. I don't live in a small town, I don't think I could because the people in large towns seem to speak their mind to fat people i.e. me. What business is it of an almost complete stranger to make comment on or critize someone else. None the less make rumor or suggest some sort of impropriety. I was ok being me, its the general public that made me hate myself, made me hate my own reflection because I was in some way not normal, imperfect, to be treated like I was some sort of objection by GOD. I don't understand what the hell gives people the right to comment so negatively as if their own life is perfect. Do people think by putting this negativety into the world makes it better??? My personal saving grace is to say F*ck em, if you have a fat ass and your happy more power to you, if you are bound and determined to fix what is in your control, do and then say f*ck em !

    Aubrie, that girl is a keeper...

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