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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Hi Sls,

    Just go for it... its all a journey. Decide for yourself if its the right thing for you...this is a great site with plenty of info...read until your heart is content and you will be able to decide. Check out the before and after pictures section, a real eye opener! Good luck and best wishes


  2. Guys I hear you all, and I feel for you and know exactly whay you have/are going through. the root cause is yeast - candida albican, which is just bacterial rot, that causes all sorts including cancer. it breeds on sugar and toxins. I took all the toxins and sugar out my diet for about a year and it really helped the pain. low carb diet helped kill the candida for a while (approx 3 months), but during ketosis the body stays in 'acid' mode and after a while the candida started to grow again as an 'acid' environment can cause cancer and the rot to start again. the band and diet help because you are not eating so much, therefore less toxins and sugar, but people with a perfect BMI and get Fibro as their diet is full of sugar and toxins. toxins and sugar are in everything we eat nowadays, i find eating 'pure' food helps me, like organic eggs, orgainc fruit, organic nuts etc where as a ready meal is full of E numbers and additives etc etc - all toxins. I will stop yapping on; hope this helps. - take care x

    Hey Hopeful,

    I agree with you... it is the food. When I said that 10 years ago people around me thought I was TOTALLY off my rocker!

  3. Hi Lana!

    It took me forever to get a diagnosis and even longer to get a doctor who took me seriously and who would help me. I praise my doctor to all who want to know SHE is great!!!!! I think a lot of times, it takes a woman Dr. to take a woman seriously:thumbs_up:!!! I've been treated like a hypocondriach (not sure if that is spelled correctly or not..hehe) by several male doctors:thumbs_down:.

    Question: You mentioned Protein shakes, are you on those for pre-op weight loss or another reason?

    Personally, I have found a high protein/low carb diet helps my fibro fog and minimally affects my pain levels. I think the crap :thumbup: that is put into processed food is partially the cause of fibro. I'm not aware of any test that could identify any aspect of fibro or the causes.

    Hey Ducky,

    Yes, Yes, Yes all I saw were male docs and yes they treated me like I was crazy! And yes, it was as woman doc who finally came close to a diagnosis...she sent me to a male doc and it took him another 5 years! What crap I have spent hundred of thousands of dollars on docs and simply to no avail I still feel like crap!

    I started on the Protein Shakes because I was watching a health show and someone said they thought fibro was a Protein deficency so I started myself on a protein regime.. I felt much better, for some reason I just feel better when I stay away from "FOOD"... I think the processed food, fast food and beef seem to get my symptoms started. Good luck

  4. hey everyone,

    You guys are a wealth of information. I know that when I am not on as much "food" and stick mostly to Protein Shakes I am 100% symptom free. So I wonder if this is very much like a food allergy...with the end result being symptoms of pain. Have any of you had any lab work come up weird? Like liver function, or RA test? Neg for everything? It took me 15 years and 7 docs to find the problem, did anyone else have a similar experience?

    Thanks Lana

  5. Hi Yolanda,

    I don't have al the answers but I can tell you this is a great place to start, I have been posting on this site since Dec 07 when I first started to think about the lap band as a solution. By Feb I had all the testing done and was pretty much ready but I changed docs after the 1st consult because some docs charge outragous fees associated with this type of surgery. I did find another doc where the fees were not quite so high and I am scheduled for surgery May 12th. I wish you the best of luck and just start reading, read the pre & post op stuff people go through and decide for yourself if this is something you would really like to do. When you are informed you are better able to make an informed decision.


  6. Hey bling,

    No need to panic, I am having surgery in about 3 weeks. I am scared too but more afraid of living my life as it is. I know that I will have to change inorder for this to work but I just think about how I could best live my life, I focus on the loves of my life and then I leave the worry with GOD because there is nothing I can do except try to move forward. I wish you the best, I can't tell you NOT to worry but I will tell you there is a place for that worry...

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