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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Thanks Lana, I am hoping and praying I get sooner. At least I know it won't be later than that!!

    BTW, I used to live in Sacramento and my daughter just moved here from there last week. She lived in Citrus Heights, I lived in the Natomas Park area. Where are you having your surgery? UCD???

    That's cool, I live in the Antelope area, I am having my surgery in South Sac at Methodist Hospital

  2. The insurance policy states " the individual has either ONE of the following- A body mass index BMI greater than or equal to 40 OR BMI between 35-40 in conjunction w/ one or more comorbidities.

    it also states has documentation of failed history of medical weight loss.

    That's the part I'm worried about I never saved receipts from diet's or gyms. the medical records i have show my weight went up and down from 120 lbs to 220 lbs the highest being just recently.

    Did you have alot of records? or do they ask for alot of records?

    ok, so you are on the road... I needed proof I had tried other things as well. You doctors office should be able to tell you what they have been able to submit in the past. All they wanted from me was a list of things I had tried over the years... I had 2 pages of diet programs exercise programs etc... and that was all I had to do. So call your surgeon and ask them what they need to get you approved...

    Good luck LANA:thumbup:

  3. Noboby is perfect. Quit beating yourself up over nothing. You are trying the best you can. Remember to chew, chew, chew. I too would take another bite once the horrible pain was over. Good Luck!

    I totally agree with NewImage,

    There is a reason why we are all here, mostly we can't control the volume of what we eat... eyes always bigger than stomache... Don't worry so much. This is the time when you are learning about your band (the do's and don'ts). It will take a few meals before your brain makes the connection between pain and eating too fast or gulping. Don't worry.


  4. I've known two women who have had hysterectomies because of fibroids. These growths were benign and the surgeons could have taken the slow route and opted excise the masses instead of a full-out removal of their container. Both women afterwards mourned the loss of their wombs claiming that the quality of their sexual pleasure was severely impaired.

    As for myself, for many years when I was young I was intent on getting a hysterectomy. This was because I had always had bad problems with my period - cramps - and because I had no desire to have children. Why suffer the downside of being able to reproduce when I had no intention of do so? I thought. My doc at the time talked me out of this by telling me that my orgasms would be affected by the removal of my uterus. You see, during arousal it assists the area in becoming engorged and thus hyper-sensitive to orgasms.

    Now, I am aware that this is a dissenting opinion but I thought that you might be interested in the information. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.

    Green makes a very good point, sometimes it is hard to have an orgasm... just means more trying, more poking, more proding and if all else fails break out the big guns...(always works for me) LMAO

    note: sometimes harder but never impossible! Good luck with the sexin'

  5. thank you for your help. I did contact my insurance company and found the policy guidlines online. my problem is I hate to go to the Dr when I'm fat. I have some medical records from 2001- 2008 but my weight went up and down the hole time is was'nt a BMI of 40 the hole time.

    Does your insurance require you to have a history of a BMI of 40 or above?

  6. Thanks, Lana24. Everyone I know who's ever had one says it's the best thing they could do. Both my mom and my grandmother have had them, but of course they didn't have them vaginally, which is what I'm looking to do. I don't want to be cut open ever again LOL!

    When you say you were in one full day, you mean you had surgery in the am and were released the next am, right?

    No pain, no discomfort, no bleeding -- that's what I'm aiming for! Why did you have to be off a minimum of 3 weeks to recover? I own my own business so I really have to be able to work, but it can be as simple as a computer and a phone, which I expect I could do easily. Catheters don't bother me one iota.

    And then there's something I didn't think of until you mentioned a 3-8 week recovery time: when were you able to resume sexual relations? The toughest thing about childbirth for me was waiting the prescribed 6 weeks afterwards! That's something they never told me about.

    You can resume work and sexual relations when you feel up to it. My doc said I really only needed 3 weeks to recover and resume work but I was told to wait 6 weeks for sex (which I did). But I felt fine just 2 days into it all. I had an overnight stay in the hospital... you need to walk, pee and poop... they won't let you go until they know everything is working correctly.

    Good luck

  7. Good day Wayoflife!

    Congrats on your surgery date! It must be nerve racking for you right now... that is pretty normal...you were so excited before that you did not give yourself a chance to even be nervous. So now that it's down to the last few days, hours, minutes you feel it... its normal. There would be something really wrong with you if there was no nervousness. But let me tell you, I have had laproscopic surgery before and its a breeze. Go to sleep and wake up that is the the amount of your actual responsibility at the time of surgery !!! And then your new life starts ! Good luck


  8. Hi GadgetLady,

    I had one about 2.5 years ago I had a lot of problems of course that lead to that decision. But it honestly was the best thing I could do for myself.

    If you have is done through your stomache there is pain and soreness and of course a longer healing time. On the other hand having it done vaginally ( which I had)... I had no pain, no discomfort, no bleeding at all. It was very uneventful for me, thankfully.

    I was in the hospital 1 full day and was off work for 8 weeks... depending on your job responsibilities you could go back in half that time. My doc said I could go back after 3 weeks but since I hated that job I took the whole 8 weeks !

    Woke up with a catherer, not nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be... was not even uncomfortable....

    Good luck and I hope this helps

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